
okay, but

I am really hoping they don't send Lena down the darker path for many reasons.

* It's too predictable -its too expected for Lena to turn evil just like the rest of her family, too easy to do.

*she's fighting -Lena is fighting to be a better person, trying to be good. Be a hero in her own way, how can they just take that away from her? Seriously?

*potential- Lena Luthor has the potential to be a great character on Supergirl/ Lena is a very intellectual person, in high places

*back to her fighting to be good-Lena has gone through so much, and she is still trying to stay good. That should be worth something, that means something.  Lena isn't necessarily trying to be a o, but she's still a good person. Look at when she switched the isotope, every one was siding against her, and she managed to make the right choice. (Of course with the wise words of our precious Kara) it isn't fair to do that to her character.

*story-it would be so easy to just make Lena evil. But, it would be better to go through all the difficulty and keep her good. It builds her character more and creates a better and more interesting storyline

*Supercorp-of course this is one of my reasons, but lemme explain ;-;

While we have Sanvers, and a bisexual Wonderwoman, I think we should still have Bi- Kara Danvers. I think it's also important to her character build. Not that I like Mon-ugh, but if maybe they had gone a different way with a more unique story, it would've been better. But it wasn't. He wasn't right for her, he lied, he pissed her off, he never fought for her. She spent a while pointing out all the reasons in the first place why they wouldn't work, but of course they ended up together.

Plus, Lena. They had more chemistry in one scene than mon-ew and Kara had in five. There is something different in the way Lena looks at Kara or the way she makes Kara smile at the ground. The way they have a bond different than Kara does with Winn or James or Alex. The flowers, the hug, how Kara fights for her. Seriously.

But, I'm just a random 15 yr old on the internet, don't listen to me right? No, CW knows exactly what they're doing *insert sarcasm here*

I liked the show, because Supergirl was this strong female icon that women and little girls could look up to. Then Mon-el came and I sat there like... Wtf. Why? Why fuck that up.?

*hate on me idc these are my thoughts and opinions*