
Nightmares Into Dreams (Oneshot)


I bolted up, my body covered in sweat and my heart racing as I hyperventilated. The wind blew cold against my body, and made me shiver. I glanced at my bedside table, the clock read two, twenty-five in the morning. Even though I moved houses and was no longer in that nightmare ridden room, she will always haunt me.

I grabbed my bomber jacket and threw it on, opening my window and jumping out of it. I ran at top speed, running up walls and bounding buildings.

My lungs burned and tears streamed freely, drying just as quickly as they fell. I just had to see her, make sure she was okay. Something didn't feel right.

As for those nightmares, you'd think I'd be used to them by now. Every damn night it's the same thing, sometimes Jason is there, sometimes Billy or Zack, but all center around Kimberly.

All because she's consumed every thought I ever had, instead of existing within my little world, she's become it. She's every day dream and nightmare, every rainbow after rain, every glistening star and damned love song. It's funny, I used to read her poems to try to explain how I felt about her(without explicitly saying they were about her); but none described her well enough, because Kimberly was poetry all on her own. She had this essence that just couldn't be captured in a drawing or photograph, she gave you feelings that words or melodies just couldn't quite express. She had this smile that put every twinkling star and even the Sun himself to shame, making their shine seem like a dim glow compared to her.

I entered the forest territory, trees and dirt being my only surroundings now, no city lights or buzz, no concrete. Just the earth in her purest form, making me feel at home. My nerves were wracked and I still continued to run faster, needing to get to her. It smelled strongly of pine and that certain scent water gave off that you just couldn't put a name to.

I was so close but it felt so damn far. She's just on the other side, why can't I be any faster? And once again, I am reminded; we are humans with only enhanced abilities, but not so enhanced that we aren't human anymore. I cursed and pushed myself harder, but it felt like the ground was attaching itself to my ankles, trying to keep me from her. Every limb became heavy, and movement became so hard. To give up now, would be so easy. Just forget that her and let myself fall. But, I refuse to give in because it feels hard. My anxiety won't stop me this time, I am going to her.