
Wanda 'Scarlet Witch' Maximoff x Best Friend!Reader

Watching the silvery blue dash about the room, pulling pranks on Clint, Tony, Thor, and Steve was interesting. You couldn't see what he was doing till the prank was about to be triggered. Pietro flashed about the room, every so often he would look over at you, his impish grin lighting up his face, causing you to fall just that little bit harder. You smiled, before a flash of red made its way into your field of vision. You looked over at your best friend, Pietro's twin, Wanda. She jerked her head towards the door, standing you followed her without looking back. "This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you." Wanda tossed over her shoulder to her brother. If you had you would have seen Pietro stop Steve falling into cans of red, white and blue paint. He pouted, "Gee Flash you do know there are other ways of getting a woman's attention, right?" Tony snarked as Clint laughed with Thor following suit and Steve looking confused.

Wanda shut her bedroom door before spelling it, so Pietro couldn't race in. She was thankful that he could phase through the door similar to Flash. You raised your eyebrows at your best friend. "Wanda, what's going on?"

"You like my brother." That's one of the things you loved about the Maximoff's they always got straight to the point. You sighed, a weight settled in your chest before you answered. "Yeah. He doesn't like me." You sounded so dejected it hurt Wanda, she silently cursed her idiot brother for not telling how he felt sooner. She chuckled lightly, you looked hurt and tears began to well up.

"He likes you." Your head snapped up so fast that Wanda was concerned that you had broken your neck. "No, he doesn't." You shrugged one shoulder and scrunched your nose as you attempted to stop the tears. Wanda's heart ached. "All possible respect, Y/N but that's a load of crap." There was what sounded like a minor crash on the other side of her door. Wanda used her powers to move herself silently to the other of the door. She flung it open, Tony, Clint and Pietro fall sprawling at her feet. She fixed Clint and Tony with such a glare that they withered under it. "Run." The pair didn't need to be telling twice, they bolted as if Ultron was after them. Wanda then shoved her brother towards you. "Tell her." He turned and with his own accented voice, "You know I'm twelve minutes older than you." She scoffed, "I'm smarter." The door slammed before he could give a pithy retort.

You stood, sniffing and using the floppy sleeves of your sweatshirt to dry them. Pietro's heart thudded heavily when he saw the condition you were in. "Y/N..." He paused, "Tell her, you incompetent moron!" Pietro glared at that door which shielded his sister. "Leave." He told her. He turned back to you. "She's right, as always. I do like you." He inhaled, moving closer and took your face in his hands, wiping away the tears the fell with the pads of his thumbs. "I like you, Y/N. I've never stumbled over my words or my feet like I do when I'm with you." You gave him a watery smile and hugged him. He kissed the top of your head. "I really like you, Y/N." You pulled away slightly and he dipped his head to yours despite you being almost as tall as him. His lips quivered showcasing his nervousness. Then his lips gently, softly pressed against yours, you pressed backs. You both pulled away slightly before kissing once more. You found out that Pietro moved fast but started out kissing slow and it was up to you to speed it up.