
Matt Simmons + BAU x Friend!Reader

You walked along the pathway, texting Matt who was away on a case. Suddenly a hand descended on your mouth silencing the scream. You struggled, trying to call Matt or text him. Warn him in any way you could. You were pulled into a van and there was a small pinch on your neck, fuzzy darkness began to invade your vision. A few hours later, your phone buzzed on the pavement. A message from Matt flashed across the screen.

You hadn't replied, and the team was worried to say the least, you always showed up at Rossi's whenever he was cooking for the tea. Penelope tracked your phone and Luke found it where you had dropped in the struggle. After reconvening back at the BAU, your phone rang, blocked number flashing across the screen. Garcia started to hack your phone, while Matt answered it. "Y/N?"

"No." The raspy answer terrified the team who was listening in. "I want to know she's alive."

"Matt?" There was a stuttered answer. "Now you know she's alive, but she won't be for long." The raspy voice dictated what Matt was to do in order to save you. Matt's heart rate rose, he had known you his whole life, he had always promised to keep you safe.

The team raced to the location which Garcia had discovered you were hidden. The team stormed the place, Luke, Rossi and Reid taking the second floor, while JJ, Emily, Tara and Luke searched the lower floor. Luke found you tied to a chair, bleeding from a gunshot wound through your stomach. You were fading in and unconscious. Matt pulled you gently into his arms and your head flopped onto his shoulder. He carried you out to the car, while Emily drove faster and faster to the nearest hospital. During your surgery, Garcia panicked in the waiting room with the rest of the team.

To say to woke would be an understatement, it was more like you were dragged but into wakefulness. Matt sat in the chair beside your bed, watching the rain cover the parking lot outside. He watched as his wife and children hurried back to their car. You blinked, "Matt?"

"Hey," he spoke in a whisper as if anything louder would hurt you more. You looked around the room. Matt's children's drawings littered the walls. Some of Garcia's figures decorated the bedside table. Photos of you and the team were on the windowsill and flowers covered some of the spaces left. "Yeah, Garcia thought you need something to make you smile while you recover."

"I like the drawings." He laughed. "Me too. I'm sorry that you got shot." You shook your head, "Don't be." He smiled. "I knew that you would find me, and I knew that you would do everything to find me." He smiled at you, he kissed your forehead. "I will always keep you safe." You grinned at the worried agent. "Sounds good to me."