
Kelly Severide x Child!Niece!Reader x Katie Nolan Part Two

You and Katie had gone to the firehouse while they were on a call to make them lunch. Peter Mills had called asking Katie to cook the meal he had prepared. Unfortunately for Mills, someone else in the firehouse had noticed the food and had either thrown it out or cooked and eaten it. Katie looked stressed as she searched the fridge and the designated pantry space for this shift. She turned to you. "Stay here, watch tv, do not go into kitchen. Don't go anywhere." Since the fire, Katie had become slightly over protective when it came to you. "So, what you're saying is I can watch tv?" You asked cheekily, a wide grin splitting your face. She nodded and ruffed your hair. She left to go to the nearest supermarket, "I'll be five minutes." You sat on the couch spreading out across the whole thing. Only laying on your back and stretching your limbs, you could touch the ends of the couch. "Who are you?" A haughty tone cut through the air. You rolled to your stomach, hair spilling over your shoulders. The blonde strands dripping like candle wax down the curves of your shoulders. There was a lady, tall, who looked as if she was sucking on a lemon constantly. "Who are you?" You asked back. She sniffed. "I am Gail McLeod." You nodded, you had heard of her. You rolled off the couch and stood, holding out your hand. "I'm Y/N L/N." She looked at your hand with distain. "Pleasure." You were sure it wasn't. She stalked off down the drive without thinking you followed. "Why are you shutting down firehouses?"

"Because some of them are a financial burden." She stops halfway down the street. "But their helping people and by shutting down firehouses in areas with loads of houses means the firehouses that are open could be further away, so they will have to drive further distances to help. Which means some people could die and there will be more damage which will end up costing the city more." You stop your impassioned speech, panting slightly. She continued to stalk off so you followed trying to make a case for the firehouse.

Meanwhile, Katie had arrived at the firehouse and she couldn't find you. She saw the tv was on, but no you. Your coat was thrown haphazardly on the couch. The doors opened, and Katie shoved the bags of food onto the kitchen racing to where her brother was entering the firehouse. Kelly saw his sister, her hair flying wildly, he dropped his coat where Otis picked it up and placed it where it needed to be. "I can't find Y/N, there was no food, sorry Mills. So, I went to the supermarket thinking l would be five minutes. But she's gone and I'm a horrible person." Kelly moved to comfort her. Casey and the rest of the gang moved look around the firehouse.

You were around the corner arguing with McLeod. "You will not be able to help save your brother's firehouse."

"I will, watch me." You turned and stormed back to the firehouse. Katie looked terrified then thankful when you appeared. She flew at you sweeping you into her arms, hugging you tightly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have run off, but McLeod said she was going to close down firehouses and I couldn't let her do that." The firehouse members looked furious. "You stood up for us?" Kelly asked. You nodded, Katie huffed, "Enough with the long faces, let's make lunch." You smiled and turned to walk to the kitchen to make lunch with your family.