
Jay Halstead x Cop!Reader

You glanced out the window, you were currently stuck in a building with limited bullets and Jay. Not to mention your flesh wound. You had no way of contacting Voight or the rest of intelligence. Your shoulder throbbed slightly as your wound caught on its bindings. You glanced over at Jay, his shirt ripped slightly at the bottom, as he had torn it to bind your flesh wound. "You alright?" Jay asked as he moved over to check on you. "Yeah, small amount of blood loss. Throbbing pain, otherwise all good." Jay rolled his eyes at you before heading back to his window. "We have around five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?" You told Jay as you spotted the men heading towards the building. "Actually, it's more like fifteen." Jay corrected. "Oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!" Jay huffed a laugh and pulled out his phone. "No signal." You sighed, "We're both going to be fine." Jay attempted to comfort you despite the panicked look on his face, "You know when you're trying to comfort someone might not want to have such a panicked look on your face." You waved your free hand in the vague direction of his face. Jay laughed lightly, a smile lighting up his face. "So, how do we get out of this mess?" You asked Jay who shrugged. "I have no idea, ask me in a few minutes." He glanced out the window at the approaching men. "How do we get out of this mess?" Jay smiled at you, before looking outside again. "Ready, Y/N?"

"Yes, captain." He huffed a laugh. You adjusted yourself, so you were facing the door. He adjusted his position, so he was beside you. You turned and with a slightly jovial tone, but with a lingering tone of fear. "It was an honour working with you, and an honour to die by your side." Jay's eyebrows rose, and he turned his head, so you couldn't see his soft smile. He turned back to you, before muttering, "You need help." You laughed lightly and at the sound of footsteps, you raised your gun as did Jay. "Chicago PD!" was yelled before the door was kicked open. You and Jay both yelled out that you were there before standing and holstering your weapons. "You two okay?" Voight's raspy voice echoed in the small room. "Yes sir." You both answered. Voight nodded and turned away. "What happened to the men after us?" Jay asked. Dawson answered, "We got 'em don't worry." You nodded, "Noted." The team made your way back to the district, while you and Jay headed to Med to get checked out.

At the end of the day, you and the team had headed to Molly's for a round of drinks. You were waiting at the bar for a round of shots for the team but a couple of beers for Al and Voight. Jay joined you as Gabby poured the shots. "Hey." You smiled at him, he gave his usual unsurpassable smile back at you. "About today..." He turned to face the bar, "I...uh..." He paused. "Thank you, Jay." He looked back at you. "For saving my life, I don't know how to repay you." He grinned at you. "You could but me a new shirt considering I did tear mine to bind your wounds." You giggled. "Or you could go to dinner with me?" You smiled widely at him, Gabby had deliberately slowed down getting the beers, so she could eavesdrop on your conversation. "Say yes." Gabby coughed, you smiled at the bar at your friend's intervention while Jay looked down as well but gave you a side eye to see your reaction. "I would love too." Jay grinned at you and dipped his head slightly to kiss you lightly on the lips.