
Hope 'Wasp' Van Dyne x Girlfriend!Doctor!Reader

Hope cocks her head listening carefully, she's perched on the fire escape outside your apartment. Scott leans heavily on her, his own wounds bleeding. Hope hears you enter your living room and carefully, silently slides the window up after picking the lock. She climbed in carefully, before helping Scott through. He grunted quietly, you turned around eyes on the floor as you spun. "Yeah Karen, I'll talk to Matt and Fog tomorrow about it. But I don't know, I have a long shift then I may not get...OH MY GOD!" Your shriek made the duo flinch. "It's nothing Karen, just a big spider. Yeah no, it's huge, like Australia huge. No, you do not need to send Matt over, what's the blind idiot gonna do anyway? And Fog fears spiders. Yeah, yeah, tell you tomorrow." Hope snorts as you hang up and toss your phone onto your coffee table, you move helping Scott lay on your couch before helping Hope onto your armchair. "Stain my furniture and I'll hurt you." You tell the pair before rushing off to grab your medical bag.

You came back into the room, flicking more switches on, your long hair has been tugged back into a messy bun, you're wearing old sweats and a t-shirt of Hope's. Hope scrunches her brow at the shirt. "Deal with it." Your only comment sounds sharp; however, Hope smiles tenderly instead. "Why didn't you go your father?" Hope looks like a child with their mouth full of cookies and her hand in the jar. "Well..." You sigh, "He doesn't know." Both heroes shake their heads. You carefully remove Scott's suit, being careful of the technology and the wounds littering his torso. You begin to stitch him up. "Hope, babe. Are you hurt?" Scott sees the way your hands shake at the question, both catch the quiver in your voice, but it's mostly covered by your professional doctor voice. Hope smiles through watery eyes. "Not as bad as Scott, idiot took a stab wound for me." You look up at him, "Well that wasn't really well planned out, was it?" He gives you both an affronted look, before you whisper low only for him to hear. "Thank you." He smiles at you.

Once Scott is helped you decide to move him to your guest room. When he is comfortable you move into the hall and lean against the wall, breathing deep getting your heart rate under control before moving to help your girlfriend. "Hope." It comes as a breathy sigh, it makes her heart squeeze nonetheless. She reaches for your hand and entwines her fingers. "I'm sorry for scaring you tonight." You smile, tears making your sight blur. She brushes her free hand down your cheek before cupping your face in her hand. You shrugged, "Thanks for coming for my help, rather than bleeding in a dumpster somewhere." She chuckled watery, you begin to tug your girlfriend to your bed. "Come sleep." Hope spends the rest of the night, wrapped in your arms, her head resting on your shoulder as you brush your lips along her forehead whenever you turn your head.