
G. Callen x Little Sister!Reader

Sam watched as Callen was loaded into the van, Nate looked over at Sam who was watching apprehensively, you were currently twisted on the ground unconscious. Nate noticed Callen's eyes flick to you then to Sam. Sam knew the hidden meaning behind the eye flick. Callen was telling him to take care of you. Nate was trying to keep his cover as well as giving Callen a reason to talk. "We should take her too." The woman with Nate scoffed. "The unconscious chick? Why she'll be no use?"

Nate rolled his eyes and picked you up gently despite the rough way he appeared to roughly toss you into his arms. He placed you into the van, and got in while the woman got in the front, Nate held a gun on Sam. She drove off the door slamming shut as she drove off. Callen watched your sleeping figure, the rise and fall of your chest. Worry and panic clouded his vision and blurred the edges of the mission. Nate could see you being placed above the mission in Callen's eyes but also knew that Callen would do anything he could to complete the mission even if it meant shooting Nate.

You woke to a pounding headache and being tied to a chair, "Welcome back little sister to the land of the living." You groaned. "What the hell?" Callen's face showed a sardonic smile, "We've been captured."

"Thanks for the observation was it Anderson or Donovan who helped you out?" Callen smirked, "I understood that reference." You rolled your eyes, Nate entered the room with the woman. They threatened the pair of you with death, which didn't work. She took Callen into a different room leaving you to hear his shouts. Nate was using his psychology skills to try and break the pair of you. Callen looked as if he wanted to shoot Nate. The pair of you were trying to hold in the tears that were welling against your will.

The hours of being held and everything began to wind down, Nate had decided to keep the pair of you alive convincing the woman whose name you kept forgetting. Loaded the pair of you into a car, and you noticed Callen slip a tacker on Nate. You didn't comment. The pair of you dived out the car, Nate was still inside and had deactivate his tracker, so you were on the same side. Kensi checked on you as Deeks kept an eye on the tracker. Sam checked his partner.

NCIS and the SWAT team moved after finding Nate's location, the agents moved and arrested those involved. Nate sighed, after his debriefing, he moved through the building that housed the headquarters. Nate talked to everyone giving them an apology. He couldn't find you, he finished talking to Hetty when he collided with Callen. Nate flinched at the fire in the agent's blue eyes. "You hurt my sister. You should talk to her." Nate nodded dazed. "She went home. Watch out for Charlie he bites."

Nate knocked on your door, all words leaving him when he saw you lean against the door. Nate began to apologise. "Y/N, I am really sorry for everything and I don't expect you to forgive me." He faltered not knowing what to say next. "I don't think I can at this point. I understand you were undercover and everything, but you betrayed me and my brother and the team. You hurt my brother and me, so...I don't know Nate. Nate looked down and saw a German Shepard waiting patiently at your side, his hackles raised when he saw Nate but otherwise he didn't move. Nate nodded, "I understand. I am really sorry, Y/N." Nate turned and left, you watched as he walked down the pathway. You looked the door, turned your back to the door, you moved down to a sitting position. Charlie snuffled and nosed your knee, he placed his head on your knees. He looked up at you with pleading eyes. You rubbed his head, "It's okay, Charlie. I'm okay."