
Daniel 'Danny' Williams x Callen!Williams!Gaia

Kensi wandered along the beach, Joe White had insisted that she meet the rest of Steve's team so that if needed, she could call them for help and they could call her. Steve appeared in her line of sight and he let her know that Joe was by the car and they were going to Danny's place. Steve drove calming but with a radiating a terrifying energy. Steve pulled up the driveway at a small house with fairy lights twinkling. Kensi looked over at Steve with a raised eyebrow. "Grace, Danny's kid with Rachel wanted them for Christmas. His wife, Gaia kept putting them up whenever he took them down. He stopped taking them down after a few months." Kensi nodded understandingly. "We all call her G. though." Joe told Kensi. Her brow furrowed, thankfully Steve missed it. Kensi stepped out of the car and made her way to the front door.

The opened inwards, "Uncle Steve!" A small brunette girl shrieked and jumped into the SEALS' arms. "Hey, Gracie, this is Kensi. She's a new friend." Grace stuck out her hand, "Hey." Kensi echoed the greeting. A stunningly beautiful woman made her way towards the new guests. "Hello, I'm Gaia. Gracie's step-mum and Danny's wife."

"Kensi." Kensi introduced herself and managed to get a good look at the Gaia. Her three-month pregnancy was beginning to show, her blue eyes held laughter and mirth with a mix of protectiveness towards her family, her hair was a blonde with darker highlights weaving their way through. She looked similar to Callen, Kensi noted but held her tongue wanting to know more. "G." Steve greeted her and kissed her cheek, Joe did the same.

Kensi stepped through the doors of Ops, she was earlier than normal. She hurried up the stairs, glancing at Hetty, but the operations manager didn't look at her too busy cursing at someone on the phone in a language Kensi didn't recognise. The doors slid open announcing her presence and Eric who was busy turning on the monitors jumped at the sound of her clearing her throat. "I need you to do something for me. Off the record, you don't tell G. or Hetty." Eric nodded. Kensi filled Eric in on her theory and the tech analyst had almost screamed with happiness.

It took months for Eric too look into Gaia mainly because of the cases that kept piling up but also because both Eric and Kensi had swept to the backburner. Kensi was walking past the incinerator room, when a hand wrapped around her elbow and yanked her in. She made a noise of surprise and came face to face with Eric who was grinning madly. "You were right, she's Callen's sister. But she's his twin." Kensi's mouth dropped open of its own accord. Eric continued, "She was separated and ended up in New Jersey, she met Danny Williams as kids and they became friends. He married Rachel, she was there at their wedding. After his divorce, but before he moved to Hawaii, so he could be with his daughter. She changed her name to Gaia C. Williams, so it's understandable that McGarrett didn't know her maiden name. The C. stands for Callen, she's Callen's twin sister."

"Who's my twin sister?" Both of them turned and saw the rest of the team, Hetty standing in front of the other four. "I found, your twin sister." Kensi told him, questioningly. G. looked shocked. "Surprise." Eric muttered before ducking behind Kensi.

The team flew out to Hawaii to meet with G.'s sister. Five-0 was having dinner at Danny's house, when G. knocked on the door. Gaia who had been near the door when he knocked opened with difficultly due to her now nine-month belly. G. looked at his sister's eyes, his eyes. The connection between the two was instantaneous. Gaia gasped and clutched her belly, Danny who was standing beside her now jumped into action. They raced her to the hospital G. driving while Danny calmed his panicking wife. G. explained everything with Kensi who was in the passenger seat chipping in relative points.

After hours of being in labour, you cuddled with your new born while Danny who had Grace on his lap both cooed over their new family member. G. entered by himself, the rest of the team was giving you two time. "Monkey, this is Gaia's twin brother who we just found out about but he's family okay?" Grace nodded and stuck out her hand, "I'm Grace." G. smiled at her and shook her hand seriously, "I'm G. I don't know my name it was lost in my paperwork." Grace smiled. "That's okay, you'll find it out." G. grinned at the small girl before looking over at you. "This is Grayson, your new nephew." Tears filled G.'s eyes, "You alright?" Danny questioned. "Yeah, I found a sister I didn't know I had, I have a niece and nephew and a brother-in-law. I'm happy." G. smiled at his new family, who copied his grin.