
Dad!Jamison 'Jamie' Reagan x Daughter!Meghan x Mum!Edit 'Eddie' Janko Part Two

The car had been repaired, it was now kept in garage over night as a way of keeping it safe. Meghan's father kept checking them for a while afterwards, his way of keeping her safe. Soon he stopped checking as nothing had happened and her mother had convinced him that her uncle Danny had gotten the guy who had cut the brakes.

Meghan was driving to the library to study for her upcoming law exams. She stopped as the light turned red. Another car hadn't seen the red light, or her stopped until it was too late. They slammed on their brakes, but it wasn't enough. They rear ended her, shunting her into the intersection. She was flung forwards, hitting her head on the steering wheel. Meghan's hands scrambled for the handbrake and managed to pull it, so her wheels locked. Some other cars noticed this and slammed on their own brakes to avoid hitting her. One car had no such luck and hit her backseat on the opposite side of the driver's seat.

Meghan stayed in her seat as she managed to remember what little first aid, she knew. Meghan didn't move, she heard sirens screaming in the distance. There was an officer who arrived, he ripped open her door and her eyes fluttered open. It was the same officer that had helped her last time. "Oh jeez, kid. You have to stop getting in trouble like this, your father's going to kill me." He paused as he checked on the ambulance, seeing how far away it was. "Actually, I'm more afraid of your mother but don't tell her I said that." Meghan gave a groaning laugh, tears formed from the pain, "What happened? Where are my parents?" The cop made a noise in the back of his throat. "You're going to be okay, kid. Alright, you're like your mother, a strong as woman, strong fighter." Her eyes fluttered shut.

Meghan woke a small while later in a hospital bed, a cop guarding her room door. She turned her head; her parents were on the sofa. Judging by the sun she had only been asleep a couple of hours. Her father's head was back leaning on the window, sleeping with his mouth open, her mother had her head in his lap, resting on the pillow that was there. Eddie was covered in Jamie's jacket with his arm across her body. When she groaned, her mother woke with a jerk, waking Jamie as well. She raced to your side, "Oh honey, you had us scared." Jamie moved to Meghan's other side. He brushed his fingers on her cheek. "You're ok, sweetie." She smiled at both of them, they took her hands. They smiled at their daughter through tears, Meghan's mother brushed her fingers through her hair at her temple, "get some sleep sweetheart. We are not going anywhere."

At the next Sunday dinner, Meghan's grandfather gave joking smile before handing her a small wrapped box. She opened to reveal a panic button. "Press it." He told her, she did. PANIC. PANIC the alarm sounded, she laughed along with the rest of her family. "Nice joke, I'm going to get you back for it." Her grandfather chuckled, "looking forward to it."