
Adam Ross x Messer!Lawyer!Reader

Adam was waiting at the bar for the rest of the team who had gotten caught in various commitments, but they had all assured Adam that they were on their way. Adam noticed a woman enter the bar and stand under the light for a few moments. The streetlights and the low lights of the bar highlighted the voluptuous figure, the soft curves and the confident way she held herself. She walked towards the bar with a delicate stride. She asked for a wine with a soft voice. She noticed Adam staring at her. "Can I help you?" Adam started stuttering, "I...um...sorry. I haven't met anyone as pretty as you." You smiled softly at the flustered man. You paid and grabbed your wine, moving to stand beside him. "I'm Y/N."

"Adam." You smiled at him. Adam seemed to be searching for his next words, you took a sip of wine. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. You smiled at him and raised your wineglass. "Right, sorry."

"Its no problem." You smiled at him, "Would you like a drink?" Adam blushed and accepted your offer. You bought him a beer. Adam grew in confidence and the pair of you began to flirt more. Adam checked his phone apologising telling you he was meeting his co-workers. You waved your hand mentioning you were meeting your brother's co-workers. "What do you do?" Adam asked, "I'm an ADA. You?"

"I work at the New York Crime Lab as an analyst." You smiled, "You might know my brother then." Adam checked his phone, "Who is your brother?" He took a deep draught of his beer. "Danny Messer." Adam snorted spraying his beer down his front. You looked shocked and grabbed a couple of paper napkins. "You okay?"

"Danny's your brother?" He quizzed ignoring your question, he took the paper napkins that you had offered and wiped his mouth and shirt. "Yes. Why?" Your name was called, and you turned seeing your brother walking to you. His co-workers were standing by him. "Adam, what are you doing talking to my sister?" That snapped you out of the daze of staring between your brother and his co-worker who you were being to notice you had a crush on. "Why can't he talk to me?" Your brother spluttered for an explanation. You raised your eyebrows, "You trust him, yeah?"

"Yeah." You drew yourself up slightly. "Well, then you have nothing to complain about. You trust him, clearly. Adam's a good person, judging by the way you talk about him when we're at home. So, if we want to date or talk or anything, we can." Your brother nodded, moved towards the bar, he clapped Adam on the back, "Alright then." He grinned at both of you.