
Chapter 2

"Astrid!, Astrid!, Astrid! where are you!" Heather searched everywhere for her best friend. At last, she found her and Hiccup down at the beach, Zaya was there too, so at least she wouldn't be interrupting. She stopped beside them, blocking the sun, the only hint Zaya sensed.

"Guys I need to tell you something, something huge," Heather said as she joined them. Astrid looked up at her and followed her with both eyes as she sat down, crossing her legs.

"You guys remember the Mistletoe right, well Fishlegs and I." The girl's eyes widened, when the realization hit them, Hiccup still looked confused.

The three girls, screamed oh so whiney and hugged each other, congratulating her time and time again. Even Hiccup was getting to the point, he smiled at her, to congratulate her, Heather thanked them with a big smile, so her perfectly white teeth could be seen. All three of them begged for a description of what led to it. Heather sighed but started, she raised both hands and changed her seating stand, moving in front of them

"Well he accidentally bumped into me on my way out of the Great Hal, he helped me up, I lost my balance, he caught me. I looked up and saw the mistletoe, he took my hands, lifted my chin and kissed me. It was magic." Heather said. The three of them just stared at her, it had been a long time since Astrid had seen her this happy, maybe once, when reunited with her non-biological parents or that time when she almost killed Dagur, but this was a different kind of happiness, so pure and innocent, her eyes were literally glowing with excitement. Zaya was still so new that she didn't know much about their past or their innocent flirting back and forth over the last couple of years and had to ask to be sure:

"So, are you into him or what?" Zaya asked. Heather didn't know what to say for a second, of course, she was, everyone could see it, she just wouldn't admit it to herself and especially Fishlegs couldn't know. A Fireworm light was lit above Zaya's golden curl's. She smiled smirked at Heather and Astrid, who both laughed at her mindreading idea. They all turned to the absent Hiccup and smiled at him. He looked up with a raised eyebrow at their facial expression and tumbled a little backward.

"Hiccup maybe you could talk to him?" Zaya suggested. He hesitated standing up and taking a step back. He and Fishlegs had never talked about that kind of stuff, but the girls convinced and he strolled off, rolling his hand through each of their hairstyles.

Before getting out of hearing he heard Zaya say to Astrid:

"Your boyfriend is a dumbass."

"Maybe, but he is your brother, what does that make you," Astrid said. Then they all broke into laughter. Hiccup found Fishlegs at the docks, the got a good man-talk about feelings and stuff. Hiccup encouraged him to go for it, before he turns around on the heel, marching off where he came from. He didn't wanna get teased by the girls on the beach, so he just walked straight home. He hummed his parent's song, passing the blacksmith on the way, it was empty, he entered, thinking he could get a head start on the ring in peace. But Gobber heard the machines running and interrupted him. He greeted him, but his voice disappeared between the noises from the machine. He pricked Hiccup on the shoulders, who jumped slightly and turned off the machines, forgetting he still had the ring in his hand. Gobber saw the ring and smiled big, showing off his golden tooth.

"Oh, making a ring for Astrid I see," Gobber said with a sneaky look in his eyes. Hiccup just nodded, then turned his focus back to his project.

Hiccup kept working on the ring, getting unhelpful ideas from Gobber in the meantime about, how stupid it had been of him, to wait for so long. Hiccup didn't really pay attention, he was busy looking out in case Astrid decided to stop by, keeping Gobber occupied, and assuming he didn't lose a finger in one of the machines. One second Hiccup lost focus from the door and Valka entered, scaring the living crap out of him. She smiled big and clapped her hands together when she saw the ring. Hiccup got an even bigger surprise and almost dropped the ring in shock.

"Would people stop doing that," Hiccup exclaimed laughing lightly. She gestured him to show her, ignoring his request. He unfolded his hand, revealing the golden ring.

Hiccup laid the work aside and followed her mother outside, and all the way down to the Town Square. She stopped in the center, the village behind them and the ocean in front of them, she turned him half around so he had half his body turned to the sea and half turned to the village.

He nodded firmly so she continued.

"On your right is Berk," He looked to the right following her gaze.

"This is Berk, this is your home, your village, your island. This is where you deep down belong, you need to start putting your people first just like your father did. When I was taken, sure he went looking for me, but he always came back, because he had a village to look after. And as much as it broke his heart he had to move on, so he could take care of his people."

She held a short break letting it sink in, then turned to the left.

"Now on your left is the ocean." He followed her gaze again and looked out over the sea. He re-imagined him and the Gang taking off time and time again, from those very shores, but that was a long time ago.

"Out there is freedom, out there is the adventures, so many new dragons and places that need to be found. Now I want you to look deep inside yourself and find out which side you're leaning against. You need to stop going off with Toothless, whenever it pleases you, you need to put this island first." She said, she let her hands fall, which had been placed on his chest and shoulder. She turned around and left him, he lowered his gaze and sighed deeply.

From behind him he heard quick bumps, he turned around and saw Toothless jumping towards him, he smiled happily and purred up behind him and in between his legs, landing him in the saddle, readying to take off. Hiccup reacted fast and pulled him back down.

"Sorry, Bud." He dismounted and Toothless growled confused, he sighed, then spotted Stormfly at the corner of his eye, he jumped back on his tail, turning in the move and ran to the Nadder, Stormfly flew a few meters into the air and bumped right into Toothless who was pushed back. From behind the dragons playing, Hiccup could see Astrid nervously walking out from her hiding spot just around the corner. When she had made her way to him, she took his and squeezed it.

"I overheard what your mother said, and I hate to say it, but I agree with her. Let's go." She turned around, without letting go of his hand, assuming he would follow, he didn't. He stood his ground.

"I'm not taking orders from my mother or you." She looked at him with worried eyes. But let go of his hand

"Hiccup don't you think you should…" He cut her off with an angry expression and tightened fists.

"No I don't, tell Gustav I'm taking his patrol," he whistled, Toothless jumped to his feet and jumped to them, wings half raised. Stormfly and Astrid stood behind, watching take off, she furrowed her eyebrows, before signaling to Stormfly to turn around and leave. She did as she was told, Astrid stayed another second, then turned around and followed Stormfly back to the village. She now was in command along with Valka. She followed Valka's direction and found her on the cliff right above the Square Tower. She didn't move when Astrid joined her, they knew what each other were thinking and had the exact same facial expression.

"He made a Hiccup, exclaimed a single command and took off without the chance to have anyone stop him." She sighed deeply and let out a frustrated yell.

"Why does he keep doing that, is he crazy." She exclaimed shortly after.

She punted a small stone, so it flew off the cliff, then mumbled angrily at herself, then faced Gustav's hut, meanwhile Valka went to the southern part of the island, who were having some problems with their dragons.

Hiccup returned that evening, he put his hand in his pocket and took out the ring, he stared at it for a while, until Toothless gently pushed him in the back, as Hiccup looked up, he saw Astrid coming right at him, with Stormfly by her side. Hiccup was about to apologize, but she cut him off by punching him in the chest. He stumbled backward but stayed on his feet. After steadying his balance, he ran a hand through his hair.

"I deserved that," he admitted when trying to apologize the second time, she cut him off with a hug. He looked down at her clearly confused but laid his arms around her. After that short reunion, she pushed herself from him and crossed her arms. He took his chance and laid both hands on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, from now on I promise I'll put Berk first, put this whole god damn island first, put you first." She sighed deeply and let her arms fall, he lifted her chin and removed the hair from her face, forcing them to make eye contact. She grabbed his wrists and removed them from her chin.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" She asked, her voice cracking. He nodded and hugged her again, kissing her hair.

"I know, I'm so sorry, do you know where my mom is, I need to talk to her?" He asked. She pointed to the direction behind her, leading to the Great Hall. He walked by her, slipping her fingers and leaving her where she stood. He turned a few meters later and looked back at her, then turned to her again, hugging her from behind and kissing her neck several times. She grabbed his hands, which were placed around her belly and faced him. Without opening her eyes she kissed him blindly. When she finally opened her eyes he was gone, so was Toothless. Stormfly came up behind her, rubbing her hair with her snout.

"I know girl, he is something isn't he," She mounted Stormfly and headed for his hut. Toothless landed outside the Great Hall and sat down, watching as Hiccup went inside. In the doorway, he turned around.

"You not coming?" He looked back at the Night Fury, who shook his head, no. Hiccup shrug his shoulders and entered. Inside the Hall, Valka was standing at the end of a long table with Spitelout, Gobber and the rest of the council meeting listening patiently. He hesitated shortly then got himself together and went to them.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to borrow my mom," he excused himself after standing behind them and listening to their conversation, she dismissed them and turned to her son.

"I'm sorry mom, I just needed to clear my head, but I promise from now on I will put the village first, put this whole damn island first," he committed himself, she smiled happily and gave him a hug.

"Ok so, the problems with the dragons at the southern part of the village, since dragons are reptiles, and reptiles aren't comfortable in the sun for long at a time, maybe we need to build a bigger washing station for them, so they can prevent themselves from drying out and becoming aggressive." Valka nodded in agreement, remembering how much her Bewilderbeast loved the water. And how much he needed it.

"That's a good idea, you go and tell them to get started with the setup and I'll go and fill in on the council meeting," she was about the runoff, heading after the council meeting, but Hiccup stopped her and whistled to the sleepy Toothless.

"No mom, this is my island, I'll deal with it, I'll go and talk to the southern part of the island and you call the council meeting to the great hall, then I'll be back as fast as Toothless can fly and fill them in." His mother nodded with a smile and watched him and Toothless take off, heading in over the island and for once not out to sea. She glanced out over sea before running to the stables to get the Terrible Terrors, she wrote the messages calling them back to the Great Hall and sent them one by one. Outside the stables, Cloudjumper was standing waiting for her and watching the Terrors take off.

Meanwhile, Hiccup and Toothless had reached the southern side of the island. Toothless fired a plasma blast to the sky and the villagers lurked out from their huts, when seeing the chief they all rushed out to them, nervously looking around them, after their unpredictable dragons.

"Okay everyone, it's about time, we get these dragons under control," he had both hands on his hips and looked out over the still nervous crowd.

"So since this is the southern side of the island, the sun warms this part faster, and since dragons are reptiles, they need to get themselves cooled down, not to dry out. I talked to my mother and we agreed on building a washing station which can hold up to 3 dragons at a time, preventing them from getting aggressive on sunny days." The crowd nodded in agreement. He got them started on the project before heading back to the Hall, where they found Cloudjumper sleeping outside. Toothless happily ran to him and jumped around him purring up his wing. Cloudjumper growled angrily at him.

"Come on Alpha, maybe he needs a bath." Toothless growled back and threatened with a plasma blast. Cloudjumper constricted low and took off.

He smiled at him, before entering the Hall, this time, Toothless followed him. Inside he found part of the council meeting and his mother waiting for him. He joined them around the massive oval long table right in the middle. When the rest of the council meeting arrived, he started:

"I talked to the south and they immediately began building on the project," He started, they kept the meeting going a long while, filling each other in. Outside Astrid was standing to listen carefully, then sighing deeply, before taking off on Stormfly. She landed down at the docks and looked out over the setting sunrise.

"I should be happy about this right?" She asked Stormfly, who laid down next to her.

"I should be happy, that he takes his responsibility and puts the village first," She sighed again and puller legs to her shoulder, laying her arms around them and head on her knees. After a couple of minutes in silence, Stormfly raised her head and looked behind her. Behind her she saw Dusk landing with Zaya on his back, she glided down to the ground and let him go. She sat down next to Astrid but didn't say anything. Astrid couldn't handle the silence anymore. And grunted madly.

"I should be happy right?" She looked over at Zaya who still didn't say anything. She just shrugs her shoulders slowly.

"It should make me happy that he thinks of the village," she continued, Zaya still didn't say anything, she just swayed rhythmically from side to side. Astrid hid her face in her arms and sighed again.

"You should be, but you aren't, because you are used to Hiccup being Hiccup, not Hiccup being Chief, you have always seen Hiccup as the explorer, the adventurous, not Hiccup who stays on Berk. Just give both him and yourself some time to get to know this new Hiccup." She nodded quickly and clapped her hands together before getting up and going back to Dusk. She mounted and gazed back to Astrid who was still sitting still.

"Come on, dinner is soon, wanna race to the hall?" She asked laughing challenging. Astrid looked up and laughed confidentially.

"As if you had a chance," Astrid said getting up and whistling to Stormfly.

Dusk raised his wings ready to take off when getting the signal, Astrid grabbed Stormfly's saddle handle and swung in the saddle in one move. Then they were gone. Gone to the sky, heading for the Great Hall.

They landed firmly at the exact same time, almost bursting into the gang, who was standing in the doorway, blocking the way.

"Hey, guys what's up?" Astrid asked casually leaning against Stormfly's saddle handle, the gang stared at each other clearly confused. Astrid took a look through the gang, but couldn't see the messy auburn hair which belonged to her boyfriend, her mood dropped.

"Where's Hiccup?" She asked them, only heard them mumbling something about him out on patrol, she looked down, disappointed he hadn't asked her to come with him so they could be alone.

She waited for him, she waited a long time, but she could feel herself drifting off on the rock she had conquered, there was no sign of him, not even a small black dot furthest out in the horizon.

She gave up on waiting and went to the Haddock Hut, she knew he would be disappointed if she at least wouldn't be there when he came home. She hesitated just before opening the door and decided to knock. It was Valka who opened, at first she looked shocked, ten pity covered her face.

"He isn't back yet isn't he?" she guessed, Astrid shook her head, no. Valka stepped aside and let her pass.

"Dear Astrid, you don't have to knock on this door, it's your home too, you spent more time here, then at your own house," Valka said for a second Astrid felt guilty for spending so much time there. Valka saw her mood change and quickly added:

"Oh don't you worry, we love having you here." She smiled big and went to the kitchen. She was about to offer Astrid some warm yak-milk, but she was already gone, she heard the sneaky footsteps walking around upstairs and followed her. At the door frame she stopped and looked in at Astrid who was sitting on the floor with an open drawer in front of her, in her hands she had one of Hiccup's long brown fur coats, which she swung around her and placed on her shoulders, underneath the coat, Valka recognized her wearing one of his old green shirts. She smiled sadly to herself before sneaking downstairs again. She took off the coat and folded it carefully, before putting it back into the drawer and standing up. Still wearing his green shirt, she laid down under the covers and looked out the window, listening to the night. It was so quiet, it was to quiet. No low growling from any dragon or loud noises from a dragons wingspan.

Eventually, she fell asleep and didn't hear him coming home later that night. He entered his room and saw her laying in his green shirt. He smiled to himself and kneeled down next to her, gently kissing her forehead, which made her move around a little, she slowly opened her eyes, not even half awake. She glimpsed and saw his emerald green eyes.

"Promise me, you'll be here tomorrow morning," she mumbled mostly to herself. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Promise me," she continued.

"I promise," he whispered, she was already asleep. Tomorrow was Snoggletog, she wanted so badly to be with him and only him on that special day.

Astrid was up bright and early the next morning, she rolled up, meeting the still sleepy Hiccup, she smiled, and sat up. She pricked him on the shoulder, no response, she tried again a little harder, same response.

"Hiccup wake up. Today is snoggletog." Astrid said with the voice of a child's. He hadn't caught the last and took her pillow still with his eyes closed and punched her, she took it from him and threw it on the ground, she grabbed both his arms and held them above his head. He opened his eyes and send her a smile.

"Come on Hiccup, we need to get up and get to the hall." She complained. He still didn't move. She let go of his hands and pushed him out of the bed, he landed on the ground but, was up faster than a Gronckle over granite. Astrid practically had to push Hiccup outside the door, so he wouldn't be late. They gave each other a quick kiss before he left.

Next, to her helmet which she never used, Astrid found a long half-open skirt, she immediately sensed the familiar smell of Valka. Valka had been wearing some new clothing's last night, but she never would have thought of this. It was too much. Hiccup walked to the great hall to make his speech. When the villagers arrived her started:

"Welcome to another year of snoggletog. As you know this is the first year without my dad celebrating with us. But he's watching from Valhalla. How do I know that? I have a feeling. Also, my lovely lady, Astrid told me so." Hiccup said and send Astrid a short wink. She smiled shyly back at him and ducked her head a little, blushing. Hiccup declared them to go have the best Snoggletog of their lives. The crowd split up some headed for the tables with food, while other's started dancing, everyone had a wonderful time. Especially Hiccup and Astrid, who were all by themselves on the dance floor, Astrid having her head at his shoulders and both arms around his neck and upper arm. Behind him she sensed a sudden movement, she saw Ruff and Snotlout standing at the exit, Snotlout having his lips pointed towards Ruffnut, who looked up, Astrid followed her gaze, seeing the mistletoe. Ruff pulled her arm back and threw a bulls-eye punch right between his eyes, but high enough not to break his nose. She saw Snotlout, holding his nose with one hand, the other pointed into the air, as he exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear:

"I'll find some way to kiss you even if I have to force it."

Astrid woke up the next morning, Hiccup wasn't beside her. She didn't think much about it, he was probably out handling his duties as chief and had to leave early. No big deal. She checked the Great hall, no Hiccup, the village, Gothi's hut, the stables, no Hiccup. When she arrived back at the Square Town she found the gang talking casually.

"Guys, have you seen Hiccup anywhere?" Astrid asked.

"Yeah. I did. He flew off with Toothless some time ago." Snoutlout informed her. Pointing out to the horizon

"So he just left without saying anything, after promising he would stop doing just that," Astrid said, she shook her head in annoyance. Though slightly happy he hadn't changed just like that.

"He has to come back eventually, and when he does, I will be here… waiting." Astrid said to herself. She sat down on one of the rocks and sharpened her ax, waiting for him to return.

After several hours Astrid still hadn't moved much, the rock she had used to sharpened her ax had gotten a flat surface.

"It's been 2 hours. Why isn't he back yet?" Astrid asked in frustration, that ax she had been holding in her hand 2 seconds ago, landed deep inside an old tree. She grabbed another ax and was about to throw into another tree when Ruffnut started talking.

"Maybe he hates you." Astrid was about to throw the ax into Ruffnut's face but stopped herself, she looked up and saw Hiccup from a far distance. She dropped the ax over her shoulder and whispered:

"Hiccup!" She ran to his planned landing spot. As soon as he got off Toothless, she jumped into his open arms.

"Hey, Milady." Hiccup said, happy that she wasn't mad, yet.

"Where in Thor's name have you been, I thought you promised to stop doing that," Astrid said with a strict look, pricking him on the shoulder, which turned into a punch. The strict look then went over into a smile, and she hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry I'm here now." Hiccup said. He looked at her nervously, he noticed the gang joining them and took a deep breath.

"Astrid there's a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." Hiccup said this was the moment the entire village had been waiting on for months. He was ready, and he really hoped she was too. Astrid couldn't say a word, he bent down on one knee and said the words:

"Astrid Hofferson. Will you marry me?" She covered her mouth with her hands and sobbed lightly turning around a whole round, before meeting his eyes again.

The new chapter is out. Go follow my Instagram, for more:

IG - a.winter.rose.in.the.snow

ZayaHaddockcreators' thoughts