
Family Bonding

TheLeaderShire · Others
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5 Chs

Prologue: Oops

During the year 2013 we see a young family of 5 starting to wake up and start their day. It starts off with the middle child Brie waking up to her alarm clock at 3 am in the morning. Grumbling she got up and turned off the alarm it seems this is unusual behavior for her. Even with that info pretrained to this event she got up and took a shower and got dressed. It was now 5 am in the morning.

Brie lit the stove got a pot out and started to throw thing into the pot. She kept doing this until 8 am in the morning. That was when Ally got up and was coming upstairs from the basement to go the bathroom. Just as she was doing that CJ woke up smelling something awful as Brie drifted in and out of sleep still watching the pot. As CJ and Ally crossed paths with each other they saw Brie caring a strange item half asleep away from the pot. They both yelled to Brie startling her throwing the item into the pot with a yelp. Just as the thing landed into the pot the parents came running in to see what is going on. Then all of a sudden the pot exploded and everyone blacked out.