
The fight for love .

saw now things became tough for the family not only did they ask help but they even sit through their face they are struggling everything started falling apart but they are are the man decided to file for divorce but the wife was not willing the wife was so much and love that you didn't want to let him go until one night They husband I didn't knife on top of the fridge the third one of the family the little girl was there watching the father and mother's fight every single day she was demented she had a mental breakdown she saw a mother being stabbed by the father and when she was asked what happened she just said it was an accident she loves this man so much that she didn't want to expose him to this world she believed he can change you can become a good and change her husband as he walked hair was dragged out she became so dark and Cara because of the Beaten of the woman still stupid aground on lab but finally when the man took her to court and wanted just to get over with this and get a divorce and move on she cried in public she cried in front of the judge begging for his five children so that we could just stay and leave for his children's sake she went according to the other woman was having an affair with in to tell her that we are the family we need a husband and they need their father but I woman looked at her with bigger eyes and got into the pot and shut the door in front of her never had a heart. the side bone she loves she loves the father so much didn't believe it deliver so she went learning to say do you want to come with you but he pushed her you pushed on the ground she was so so hurt just couldn't believe that only further which looked up to and do this to her she can't believe that she can actually leave her behind so she cried on top of the lands calling his name but he drove far away without stopping without looking behind it just wait and everything in my life was Cyrus she was hurt beyond repair she looked at the mother she wanted so much to blame her she looked at our in cried and again and again and again the sister of the mother was there air-sea have to them get back on their feet after some time I'm the woman after losing the husband she lost hope she lost her listen to leave she lost her fight she couldn't fight for anything she thought it was over she locked herself everyday in the bedroom she kept crying every time she got mentally disabled she was crashed beyond repair she couldn't believe it that is really gone she wakes up every morning imagine we could hear are talking on the bedroom on myself but when we asked to say nothing drinking smoking she can eat anything should be complain she lost a lot of weight schuh she wanted to leave sometimes you go and she comes back she she left her children for months no one had an idea where she went or where should be I children wear very young they thought like she's just want to visit the friends and they had no idea what to contact her how how to talk to her by that time I'm everyone understood that she could be lost in their own thoughts that's understood his children everything started coming down is all children wear chest out of school because no one was paying the school fees there are electrician and carted of all day depression they cut it off the electricity what time was lockdown there was nothing inside the house the first bone tries to go and visit his father to ask him for help and money but when he saw him it looked him up we couldn't hear from him for over yours The Fall we are left without nothing and things started going very bad.