
Love Family

This family had all he was a man of love for his family, can do anything to keep his family together and happy everyone admired his family neighbors,friends all were amazed ,they had the greatest ,celebrations that everyone in the neighborhood will come and attend they were the first in the neighborhood to buy a tv and have a deki so they were admired by their own neighbours some came to watch by the windows sometime towards inside people wear are very happy though it together of birthday parties have Christmas parties ever New Year's Eve was being held at the house this family was a talk of the all neighbourhood everyone will wants to be in that family wish to be in a family but one day everything just went down , where there was love became hurt where was Joy it became pain where there was peace and quiet it became is scattered disaster family, to top it off no help came from no one not the people they danced with not the people they eat with not the family or received the gifts and all that that the wife has to endure the tournament the torture of how they husband was so loving kind-hearted was very much what very good husband and good father to his children would turn up the Beast so evil the wife wondered what was really going on what was happening with my husband she cried day and night for a children for our sake and because you have that man to love the husband so much but how it's changed she does not understand he has no idea of where this came from how did this happen so one day day decided to visit for help from the people around not knowing that the people around and at the same people that are eager to take a marriage away from her we have been sending their daughters their neighbours moving around just in order to get him he changed there he started beating up his wife the Beating that you can think of at the Beaten that even when you think of it it's terrifying it's scary it's devilish and evil kind of beating that that the air was sticking out of her eye is changed into a dark circles and freeze was more like something that is is a punching bag but don't buy the man she still wanted to know what is happening her and her children wear chest and custard out everytime the husband will come out your throat and them and I will kill you and kill your children to learn out with our children in her hands four of them and she was pregnant with the fifth one she would go go to every neighbour knocking on the doors for Shelter but now they turned a back she couldn't believe it but none of them opens the door for none of them wanted to help and daughter she was devastated that you just have to sleep outside of the house and wait for the husband to go for work and then come back in in preparing a nice music comes back from work until one day he decided to file for a divorce and leave forever she was so shattered she was so scared she didn't know what to do didn't know where to go see that I had no idea what am I going to raise 5 children on my own 5 Children god how am I going to do this she looked for help no one wanted to Cup someone did Justin use that in Dumbo