

After being thoroughly embarrassed by some geckos, Sunny and I headed back towards the saloon.

"So, What do you do for fun around here Sunny?" I ask, offhanded.

"Not much, listen to the jukebox with Cheyenne and walk around the outskirts of town patrolling." She says.

"Wow, I love Dean Martin and all, but damn how do you listen to the same songs over and over again?"

"It isn't so bad, unless you count the mind numbing boredom after a hard day in the wastes." She deadpanned.

After that we fell into a companionable silence as we made our way past all the water purifiers and went up the hill towards Goodsprings. The trip took us about an hour and a half but felt like an eternity in the moment. As we got onto the porch Sunny turned and said, "So... what is with the whole machete out of nowhere deal?"

Ah, shit. "Umm, no idea what you are talking about ha ha ha..." I say with cold sweat going down my back.

"Bull shit, what happened wasn't some magic trick what did you do to make it appear from nowhere?" She said skeptically.

Well what are my options here? Tell her and hope she doesn't blab to anyone? Shut the conversation down and lose some of the trust I barely had? Or make up a lie? None of these are ideal but beggars can't be choosers. "Sunny..."


"I am a Psyker." I say with a poker face.

"What the hell is a psyker?" She confusedly asked.

"Well you know how mutants got really strong after being exposed to the FEV virus? Like that but i was exposed to a form of radiation that made it to where i can store items up to a certain weight in a different place. all of my belongings are there right now. I am telling you this in hopes of you being hush-hush about, capiche? So no telling this to anyone, not even your little dog." I say in the most serious voice I can muster.

There was silence for a long time between the two of us and after a while the floor creaks and Easy Pete walks by with his signature "Howdy" before heading inside for a drink. We look at each other and she gives me a look that says "What in the Sam Hell are you" and walks inside to the bar with me not to far behind. Trudy sees our awkward atmosphere and asks me, "What did you do, kid? I have never seen Sunny look so... conflicted. you better have not done anything to the little girl." She says with the most piercing stare I have ever suffered under.

"No, Ma'am I haven't done a thing except be honest I guess. But on another note you got anything i can do to help around this little town here?" Need to find someway for them to tell me about Ringo so I can leave this town with a little money in my pocket.

"You ain't getting out of this so easily, kid. But yeah go ask Chet at the General Store for work and maybe I'll consider sending you some work." She said with the stink eye.

"Ok, Thanks," I say, already out the door. As I walk over I think about how different everyone is compared to the game. Trudy is like a mother hen and her chicks are the people of the town. so let's help Chet and get the hell outta Dodge. Heading through the old General Store, I see the man himself crouched over a shelf picking up some random junk. "Hey there."

He jumped at my call and flung himself around to meet my eyes. "Jesus, can't you let a man know if you sneak up behind him? Anyways you must be the man doc was fixin' up, Name's Chet, I run the general store. You need anything?"

"Nope, But Trudy sent me over to ask if you needed any help."

"Well, how are you at organization? Need some help cleaning up the shop and the stockroom, I'll give you some caps for the help." He said politely

"Sure, how about I will help you with the entire store for 150 Caps?"

"WHAT? FOR CLEANING YOU WANT 150 CAPS? What rock have you been living under? I'll Give you 50 caps and some surplus stock." He shouted.

Huh, well that was a weird reaction. Might as well do it. As i was cleaning the store I grabbed some of the junk I knew he wouldn't miss like an old 357 revolver under one of the pre-war freezers and some boxes of surplus ammo i found under some Sarsaparilla crates, mostly 9 mm plinkings that you would for target practice. So like that I ended my first job in this new old world. 50 caps richer and some food and water. Not good but not bad. Let's head back into the Saloon.

First thing I hear as I walk in is a man shouting at someone. I waltz my way around the corner, "If you don't give us Ringo by noon tomorrow this little town will be all but ashes, you hear me?" Joe Cobb Shouted menacingly.

"I don't know where Ringo is Cobb so mosey your way outta my bar you ain't welcome anymore," says Trudy with a more terrifying tone than the 6 foot even muscular black man.

"Tch..." He turns around and looks at me. "And you, if I see you outside of this little town, let's say the geckos will have a good meal."

"Cobb you got about 10 minutes to get out before I turn you into a stain on the pavement" I growled angrily.


Intimidation check passed

"F-fuck you man. I-I'll be back for you." He stutters as he ran out the front door.

Intimidation check? Let's check the Pipboy logs...

STR requirement for intimidation checks depend on level, SPECIAL score, and environment.

STR needed to Intimidate Joe Cobb was 6/6.

Check passed.

Well ain't this something. I don't even need Unnerving Presence to intimidate. So I guess that's where the Fallout 4 stuff comes in huh. Well let's talk to Trudy to figure out the situation.