
Fallout system in the multiverse

Will be cross posting to scribble hub under loskro as well for pc users. Alastair Williams was an avid gamer at the age of 20 having played all manner of video games by this point. one stormy day alastair had finally finished fallout three with one hundred percent completion and went to grab another game from his collection called dragon quest 11 when a bolt of struck him out of nowhere killing him instantly. this is the story of how he was reborn in the world of dragon quest 11 with a system remarkably similar to in fallout. This story will follow the story of dragon quest eleven before reaching into various other worlds such as one piece , bleach , marvel , dc , and maybe others. i only own my ocs and all credit for everything else goes to its respective owners.

loskro · Video Games
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123 Chs

D.C dilemma

After alastair was done with messing with the locals in the land of steam the group relaxed at the mineral hotsprings for the rest of the day. the next day the group left the land of steam and headed back to the ship since none of them were really interested in the other villages. alastair couldn't really blame them either since the rest of the villages were kinda rundown and poor with the exception of kumo that had idiots in charge. the hidden leaf ninjas could only watch them sail away with gritted teeth in the end.

Once alastair lost the few stubborn ninjas who chased after the ship he open another random portal and sailed through it. the portal opened in the middle of another sea drawing the attention of two very distinct groups. a scowling man in a black bat theme suit looked over the alert that had just shown up of a massive energy spike over the atlantic and messaged one of his comrades. alastair looked at the system to figure out where they were and the group watched his eyes widen in realization. *D.C EARTH PRIME YEAR:2006A.D*

Alastair looked at all of his people and spoke serious "under no circumstances should anyone antagonize the locals." he said firmly. "why? where are we?" marina asked curiously. alastair sighed "this place is practically crawling with god level and beyond beings who could swat us to death like bugs." he said honestly and watched everyone grow pale. "whats worse is that many of them have this bad habit of pretending to be normal people until provoked." he warned seriously. as if to prove this point a man in a red and blue body suit floats down onto the deck and alastair sighs seeing who it is.

"I get the distinct impression you know me , care to explain?" the black haired strong man asked in a not so asking tone. "to be fair you kind of famous where i came from." alastairs more than a little nervous at being interrogated by superman. the man of steel simply raises an eyebrow "and where is that exactly?" he asked not any friendlier. "earth , well a version of it anyway. we don't have superheroes like this earth but we did have an extensive knowledge of the various earths that did." alastair didn't lie since with superman's senses that was nearly impossible but he did leave out some stuff.

Superman wasn't stupid and asked a hard question " and how did you arrive here then?" it was clear leaving out bits of the story wasn't going to fly. "would you prefer to talk about this on the watchtower with bruce present?" alastair asked causing superman's eyes widen in surprise. " i knows the names of all of the justice league , even yours clark." alastair says before superman could speak again. "i need to inform batman about this first wait here for a moment." superman says seriously before flying to what he assumes to be earshot.

"Does he not realize we can still hear him?" jade asked and alastair sighed " he does now." he said and superman flew out of the earths orbit immediately afterwards. "super hearing seriously?" jade asked irritated. alastair shrugged "i could explain all of his strengths and weakness's but i feel like he may prefer if i didn't in this case. though even now he is likely listening to us have this conversation." he said knowing it would bother superman to be outed so easily. he was right too as superman really didn't like how much about him alastair seemed to know.

Batman could tell from the minuscule but very important details superman managed to get from alastair that this wasn't a person they could ignore. "since he suggested speaking in the watchtower , you may as well bring him in since it gives us some advantage in this scenario." batman said before taking a zeta tube to the watchtower himself. superman flew down to the ships deck and alastair preempted him once again "i heard him , lets go." he said causing superman to give alastair a stink eye for having him waste is time gaining distance.

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