
Vault 111

The first thing that I notice is that I'm cold freezing cold, more so than I have ever been in my life. The next thing I notice is the loud siren blaring in my ear and a hissing sound like gas being let out of tire.

I open my eyes and see a diamond shaped window covered in frost. Looking around I'm in some kind of small chamber. Slowly I reach out with my shaking blue had to wipe the frost off the window.

In front of me I can see a plain cement wall with some kind of insulated pipes and wires running along it. This situation is oddly familiar to me but, my freezing body is stopping me from thinking straight.

Suddenly, the hissing sound sound stopped and the chamber begins to make loud clanking sounds as the door in front of me opens up.

I fall to the ground shivering too cold to even examine the room properly. I laid there crouched in the fetal position for a good half an hour before I was warm enough to move.

After forcing myself to my feet I almost crash to the ground again as the rest of my body's sensations catch up to me. I'm hungry, thirsty, and never had to take a crap so bad in my life. I needed to find a bathroom now!

Luckily I didn't have look far, I could see a toilet in the room right next to the one I was in. And after taking a moment to, ahem . . . relieve myself. I was ready to figure out what the hell was happening.

And the first step to doing that was to figure out where I was so, I took my first real look at my surroundings and . . . shit!

I knew exactly where I was the Cryopod, the dilapidated furniture, and the smoking gun itself the Pipboy sitting on a desk in the corner.

I was in Fallout 4.

I sat down on the rotting bed and fought to keep myself from hyperventilating.

Calm, keep calm.

I forced myself to relax panicking wouldn't help me. The first thing I needed to do was confirm if I really was Fallout or if this was just some deranged prank.

My eyes wandered over to the Pipboy. If this really was fallout then that thing could do some really crazy stuff.

I gently picked it up and was surprised by its weight. I expected it to be around seven or eight pounds considering how clunky computers were in this world but, no it was Supernaturally light.

I latched it onto my left arm and fumbled around for the on switch before wiping away the dust on the screen.(I couldn't help myself from copying the animation from the game)

It flashed to life with the infamous Pipboy giving me a thumbs up.

The menus were almost exactly identical to the game except. There was Status, Inventory, Data, Map, and Radio. Curious I selected the Status menu and scrolled over to the Special sub menu, and that's when I confirmed that all this wasn't just an elaborate prank.

As soon as I selected Special a bright green panel appeared in front of me.

It had a black space for me to input my name as well as all of the Special stats laid out vertically.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name: ____________

Strength: -4+

Perception: -4+

Endurance: -4+

Charisma: -4+

Intelligence: -4+

Agility: -4+

Luck: -4+

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sat back down on the bed to think. If I really was in the Fallout world and I had the abilities from the game it would be a huge advantage. But, I would need to carefully think about every decision I make.

Like would my Special actually affect me mentally and physically? If I gave myself 1 Intelligence would I become an idiot? Or if I maxed out Charisma would it make me have a better personality?

The more I thought about it the more I realized I needed to plan this out. Aside from how my Special would effect me they also had a huge impact on the Perks I could pick.

There were extremely powerful perk available right off the bat. But, you would need to raise a stat to 10 to get them and that would mean sacrificing stats in other areas. And that was completely unacceptable to me I didn't want to cripple myself.

So no Min-Maxing for me.

In the end I decided to do what I normally do when I play Fallout 4 and go for a stealthy sniper build.

I didn't even think of using a melee built because I knew what kind of monsters existed in this world and I'd rather stay as far away from them as possible.

So with that in mind I finally distributed my Special.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name: Devin

Strength: -3+

Perception: -5+

Endurance: -3+

Charisma: -3+

Intelligence: -6+

Agility: -7+

Luck: -2+

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I set my name to Devin the same as in my previous life no need to change anything thing there.

Strength and Endurance were set to 3 being a sniper build I wouldn't need them as much. It would suck being so weak but, I could raise them up later with Intensive Training. Or it might even be possible to raise the with real intensive training without the perk.

As for Perception even though it's one of the most important stats for sniping I kept it at a base 5. I did that because I could get +2 in Perception just by wearing the right hat and glasses. I would need to invest alot of Perk points into it later to get the better perks like Sniper and Penetrator but, it was more important to put those two extra stat points into other places to balance me out.

Charisma was also set to three because I wasn't planning on interacting with people too much before I got decently strong. Plus Charisma is another stat that is easy to boost with the right equipment.

Intelligence is a high 6 so that I can get all of the crafting perks right from the get go. Also I didn't want to accidentally make myself an idiot by setting it too low.

Agility is my highest stat at 7 points it gives me a higher movement speed, as well as improved my sneaking so I can avoid any danger in the first place. It also is just high enough for me to unlock the Ninja perk giving me 2.5x damage on sneak attack criticals on its first tier.

Luck on the other hand was my dump stat. I know I said I wasn't going to min any stats but, screw Bethesda they're the ones who only gave 28 Special points in Fallout 4 instead of the usual 35. It sucks but, it's the only stat that didn't seem like it would physically affect me. Though I am planning on raising it as soon as possible so I don't trip and land in a Deathclaw nest or something.

With that finally out of the way I could get out of this stupid little room.

This room wasn't actually in the vanilla game, it was part of a Mod I downloaded. I wondered if all the mods I had translated into this world because if they did things could get interesting.

But, that was a thought for later right now I needed to get out.

The Mod was simple it made you start as the son of the overseer of vault 111. He built a secret room behind his office with a Cryopod in it and tricked his son into getting in it so they wouldn't get drafted into the war.

He was planning on letting him out into the vault after everything calmed down but, he died before he got the chance.

So the Cryopod defaulted to its backup setting and kept him frozen for 200 years. When the world would supposedly be safe enough to leave.

All I had to do to leave was open up my Pipboy and read a message my 'father' left for me. I didn't even need to read it, I just scrolled to the bottom because I already knew what it said and the secret door connecting to his room slid open.

I quickly left the Overseer's bedroom because it looked like it had alread been ransacked.

The office looked just like it did in the game with papers everywhere and all the furniture knocked over.

I did my best to avoid looking at the skeleton on the floor as I went to pick up the 10mm pistol on the desk. I had never held a gun before in my life but, strangely I instinctively felt I already knew how to shoot and reload it.

Holding the gun in my hand I was suddenly curious could I store items in my Pipboy like in the game?

Without a sound the pistol disappeared from existence. I hurriedly check my Pipboy and was excited to see that it actually went into my inventory. Holding out my hand I willed it to return and it reappeared.

"Oh, yeah" I though this is going to be useful.

I took two of the Stimpak's and half the bullets in the room. I left the other pistol and the rest of the bullets in case the Sole Survivor existed in this universe they would need weapons as well.

Of course if they didn't exist I would just take everything on my way out.

Turning my head I saw something that I was definitely taking The Cryolater. It was never my favorite weapon in the game but, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to use a Freeze Ray in real life.

I felt around in my jumpsuits pockets (Yes, I'm wear a Vault Jumpsuit and yes they have pockets)and found what I was looking for a small brown key with the numbers 111 on it.

My 'Father' left it for me in case something went wrong and I needed a weapon.

I unlocked the case and held the Cryolater in my hands. It's 13 pounds of weight seemed so heavy with my 3 Strength but, I would survive. And just like with the pistol I somehow knew exactly how to operate it.

As my stomach growled I was reminded of how hungry I was. I got a drink from the faucet in the bathroom but, I still wanted real food. Luckily I knew exactly where the kitchen was.

I opened the pneumatic door to a long cylindrical hallway with a staircase at the end. This hallway led to the generator room and I could already hear the crackling of electricity as I walked towards the next door.

I readied the Cryolater as I opened the next door. On the floor in front of me I could see another skeleton, its bones rattled around as a Radroach chewed on its thigh.

Without hesitation I showered it in a spray of liquid nitrogen. It froze to death in an instant and let a piercing cry as it twitched around on the floor.

After checking to make sure there were no other Roaches in the area I crouched down to examine it.

Other than being extremely huge it looked no different than an ordinary Cockroach. I thought about trying to take some of its meat but, then I realized how disgusting it was and changed my mind.

Moving on I carefully moved along the walkway staying as far from the generators as possible to avoid any stray lightning bolts.

The next room was a wider hallway that was connected to the kitchen and staff quarters. I left the security baton behind because it was useless to me and headed straight for the kitchen.

Unlike in the game the area wasn't empty there were three more Radroaches hanging around. I quickly put the down with the Cryolater and checked the fridge.

I got lucky and found a Salisbury Steak, I hesitated a bit wondering if I should go get a Radroach instead. At least they were fresh. The fridge was still working and the steak smelled fine so I took a chance and cooked it on a hotplate I found nearby since no gas was coming from the stove.

After eating the surprisingly tasty steak I moved deeper into the vault. Because I knew from memory there was nothing interesting in the staff quarters.

I made my was past the security officer after taking the Stimpak inside and finally found my way into the Cryogenics area. And again the area was almost exactly the same as in the game.

There were maybe 14 Cryopods max I was really starting to hope the whole world wasn't a 1:1 with game because that would be depressing. Of course it could also just be that Vault Tec were just assholes and built it this small on purpose. I mean seriously this whole place is barely larger that a house but, I'm getting off topic.

I came here to check if the Sole Survivor was there or not.

I remember that it was the last pod on the left at the very end of the hall. I cautiously wiped away the frost covering the window and readied myself to see another corpse.

But, that didn't happen instead I was greeted with the sight of an incredibly beautiful middle aged wife.

"Oh, it's not the husband" I spoke outloud!

Turning around I checked the pod just across and saw that it did infact contain her former husband.

"To bad I don't have that kind of fetish" I thought to myself looking back at Nora. I would prefer someone closer to my age. Maybe Cait or the girl from the Mechanist dlc but, definitely not Piper she's too annoying.

Now that, that was done it was time to leave the vault. I saw the date on my Pipboy earlier and it's only mid August so it would be another two months until Nora wakes up and the plot begins.

I intended to make full use of that time, after all getting caught unprepared in a war between The Brotherhood of Steel and The Institute didn't sound very fun.

After stopping back at the kitchen to take the Red Menace game I went back to the Overseer's office.

I unlocked the door using the PC and prepared myself for the hoard of Radroach I was 90% sure was waiting for me. And unfortunately for me I was right. In the hallway was a swarm of at least 20 Radroaches.

In my old life while playing the Fallout game I would alway laugh when I saw someone who was kill by a Radroach. Like Butch and his mom in Fallout 3. But, not anymore unless you've had a swarm of flying Chihuahua sized bugs attack you have no idea how terrifying it can be.

If I didn't have the Cryolater and instead used the 10mm pistol or the baton I definitely would have died. The Cryolater's wide AOE was perfect for taking out lots of fast and weak enemies. Even the I still almost got hit by a couple of them.

After dispatching the swarm I could finally move into the most iconic room in any vault, the entrance.

I had no words to describe the massive hunks of metal that was the Vault 111 door the games could never do this justice. I walked towards the control panel in excitement. Being careful to pay attention for any surprise attacks by Radroaches.

The games made it extremely clear how to open the door. All you had to do was put the thing in and press the big red button.

I winced a little as the alarms from earlier had started up again.

"Vault Door Cycling Sequence Initiated, Please Stand Back."

Just like in the game it took an ungodly long time for the door to be pulled out and roll to the side. After waiting for the catwalk to extend I ran into the elevator room.

I couldn't wait to see the surface! I knew it was an irradiated hell hole but, it was my favorite irradiated hell hole in all of fiction. Plus I had a system and intimate knowledge of the world and future events. I couldn't possibly fail . . . right?