

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Urban
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Third person's POV :

Jessica is waiting outside the Club and just surfing her mobile so that she couldn't get bored of waiting for her friend, Alina.

Alina entered and searched for her friend and when she found her, she called Jessica by her name while waving at her but she didn't respond as she was busy surfing her mobile.

Alina approached Jessica and tapped her forehead with her index finger to get her attention. Jessica came back to the world and raised her head to see the person who dared to hit her head and when she saw her best friend who was looking at her amusedly, a smile formed on her face but it was instantly replaced with a pout as she started rubbing her forehead. "What was that for?" Jessica asked Alina.

"To wake up your brain," Alina answered. "But it doesn't seem like you have one," Alina said with a smirk and Jessica frowned.

"Whatever, just tell me how it went?" Jessica asked Alina.

"What?" Alina questioned her.

"What do you mean, what? Obviously, I'm talking about your date." Jessica asked.

Alina sighed before she spoke, "Awful...." She crossed her arms over her chest and said "....and it's all because of you."

"But, what did I do?" Jessica asked. "I am not even there with you at that time." She complained.

"Yeah, but who forced me to go on a date with him?" Alina asked.

"Of course, it's m-...." Jessica stopped in mid sentence, "....Wait wait, what does it have to do with me? I just thought he was good. That's why I forced you to go on a date." Jessica answered back.

Alina sighed, "yeah, he is a good guy but you know, I'm still not ready."

"You are always busy with work and you are missing all the fun, Alina. I just want you to let go of your insecurities and live happily," Jessica said full of concern in her Voice. "That's why I forced you to go."

"I know that you are worried about me, Jess. But I don't want a relationship right now. And I'm having fun with my work. I love it." Alina answered back.

"You are not a high school girl, Alina. You are already 24, why don't you want a relationship?" Jessica asked.

"I do want it, but not now. I don't want to go to random dates. I just want to focus on my work now. When I really think I'm ready for a relationship then I'll do it okay." Alina concluded. "Besides, I'm just 24, not 60, idiot. You don't have to sound like I'm too old."

Jessica chuckled and said, "Okay fine, it's your life. All I want is the best for you."

"I know Jess, you are my best friend and I know that you are worried about me. I'll try my best, okay." Alina said with a warm smile.

Jessica also smiled and hugged Alina "Okay let's go, let's have some fun."

"Yeah, I badly need a drink after this awful day." Alina sighed.

Jessica laughed at her comment and they both entered the club. The music is loud and everyone inside are enjoying their drinks and dancing like there is no tomorrow. Everyone would wait for the weekend so that they can relax and have fun with their family and friends after a long tiring week.

Jessica and Alina directly went to the bar and waved at the bartender to get his attention to order the drinks.

"Good Evening beautiful ladies, what can I get for you?" Tony, the bartender greeted them and asked.

"Hey, good evening." they both greeted him back.

"I want tequila shots and what about you Alina?" Jessica asked Alina while ordering herself a drink.

"Vodka", Alina answered.

"Okay ladies, just a few minutes I'll get your drinks." Tony, the bartender said with a smile.

After a few minutes, the bartender placed their drinks on the counter. "There you go. Enjoy the night." he winked before he left. Alina and Jessica took their respective glasses and chuckled.

Jessica is drinking her shots while Alina is having only one drink.

Alina is saying something but Jessica seemed to be lost in her own thoughts while drinking her shots nonstop and didn't listen at all.

Alina noticed her and said, " Slow down Jess."

Jessica didn't answer. So, Alina tapped her shoulder to get her attention and it worked. Jess came back to the world from her trance of thoughts.

"Okay, spill it now. What are you hiding from me?" Alina asked while crossing her arms over her chest.

"W-what? I'm not hiding anything." Jessica stuttered.

Alina stared at her and asked again, "Then, Why are you zoning out?"

"It's nothing", Jessica answered.

Alina sighed and asked, "What happened Jess? Why do you look so sad? Please tell me, it worries me to see you like this. Is it because of your boyfriend?"

Jessica sighed and thought that she was already caught so she answered, "Yes, it's about him...." She took a shot again and said "....we broke up today."

It's obvious on Alina's face that she was shocked after hearing that. But she restrained herself and asked, "Why so sudden?"

Jessica ordered one more drink and said, "because he.. he cheated on me", a tear escaped from her eyes. "I caught him today when I went to his house, he cheated on me with his so-called best friend." She sighed, "I don't know why but I never liked her from the start but he always says that she is just a friend. And today when I caught him, he still said that's not what it looks like. Do I like a stupid?" another drop of tear escaped her eyes. "So I broke up with him."

Alina's face is filled with anger and just wanted to punch him in the face and kick him in his family jewels for hurting her best friend. "Don't tell me that you just broke up with him and came here," Alina asked gritting her teeth.

"Do you think that I'll let him get away with that easily?" Jessica asked. "He got what he deserved."

"What did you do?" Alina asked furrowing her eyebrows.

Jessica smirked, "A few punches in the face to make him remember whenever he saw his face in the mirror and a kick in his precious place just like you thought in your brain right now. Am I right?"

Alina nodded and laughed, "that's my girl."

"He just want to play with my feelings so he got what he deserved. No one dared to play with our feelings and gets away without a lesson." Jessica said with a shrug.

Alina placed her hand on Jessica in a comforting way and asked "Are you okay, Jess?"

Jessica smiled warmly at her and said, "yeah I'm okay, actually now I know why I never got comfortable with him because he was just faking his personality."

Alina nodded, "I'm glad that you got to know his true colours."

"Maybe all the guys are like that", Jessica said with full of sadness on her face.

"Don't think like that Jess, not all the men are same. Some of them are nice too, you have to wait for the right person." Alina said.

"Omg, did I hear right? I heard that for the first time from your mouth." Jessica asked with a shocking face.

"Okay okay, stop it. I just stated the truth. You know, Lorenzo is a great guy and you know it too so I said not all the men are same." Alina answered back. " Oh wait, why don't you date Lorenzo?"

"Eh, not my type. I know he is a great guy but he will be always my good friend." Jessica said and a thought came to her mind. "why don't you date him, you two look good together and perfect for each other."

"Hey stop right there, you are already drunk and talking nonsense. You know that we are best friends and I treat him like a brother." Alina stated.

"Okay okay, I know... hik... I know. Looks- hik..like I'm really dru- hik – nk....hik ...." Jessica answered in between hiccups.

"Okay girl, stop drinking now and let's go, You are pretty much drunk." Alina took Jessica's glass and gave her some water.

"But I want to dance now", Jessica pouted.

"This girl", Alina muttered. "Only 5 minutes, okay?"

"Wohoo, thank you, Lina. I love you." Jessica kissed Alina on her cheek and started running towards the dance floor.

"Oh no, stop running Jess or you'll fall on the floor," Alina shouted. "Uff, this girl will be the death of me."

Alina followed Jessica towards the dance floor and both of them started dancing, freeing up their minds with joyful and loud music.


Shane and his right-hand man Nate who is also his best friend entered the club and directly went to his office. His men are already in the office waiting for him.

"Good evening boss." All the men who are waiting for Shane greeted him in unison. Even though they treat each other as brothers, Shane is still their boss so whenever they are at work they'll call him Boss.

"Evening guys" Shane greeted back. "I see that this new club is going great too. Rudy and You guys did a great job again as always. Good job guys." He complimented them. "By the way where is Rudy?" Shane asked them while sitting on his office table.

"He went to the underground fighting club to make sure there are no problems in his absence. He'll be back in an hour." Seth replied.

"Okay, how about the shipment, is that delivered?" Shane asked.

"No boss, but it will be delivered by tonight," Tyler replied.

"Is there any problem with the Shipment?" Shane asked them.

"No, everything is going well," Nate answered.

"Good. Then let's go to the bar, I have to talk to Tony and while we wait for Rudy we can have a drink too." Shane said and walked to the door and the others also followed him towards the bar.

"Good evening boss", Tony greeted Shane.

"Good Evening Tony", Shane greeted back. "How's the security team selections going on?" Shane asked Tony.

"We have interviewed 4 persons but only 2 got selected, tomorrow We'll arrange more security, Boss," Tony answered.

"Make sure they are good enough to fill in the spots and verify their backgrounds thoroughly", Shane said.

"Got it, boss," Tony replied. " Whiskey?"

"Yes, as usual", Shane said. Tony nodded.

"How about you guys, do you want as usual?" Tony asked Nate, Seth and Tyler.

"Just give us yours today's special drink", Seth replied.

"Coming right up", Tony prepared their drinks, gave them and left to do his work while they are drinking and talking.

A random girl who is also drinking at the bar is watching Shane and trying her best to get his attention but no luck. Nate noticed her, "Seems like someone wants to get your attention".

Shane looked at the girl's direction then eye-rolled and just started drinking again. That girl went to Shane and asked him, "Hey Handsome. Wanna dance?"

Shane saw her and again started drinking ignoring her. "I'm thirsty, will you order a drink for me?" She tried again.

Shane is still drinking without listening to her.

"It's so hot here, want to go out with me to get some fresh air", the girl is hitting on him continuously but he is not at all interested.

"Not interested", Shane just said those two words and again he just started drinking.

The girl must be pissed after the rejection, she just left the place muttering something.

Nate laughed at his reaction and started drinking. Shane is not someone who would sleep with everyone he sees. Yeah, he slept with a lot of women and almost all of them are one-night stands but he won't do it on a daily basis like his younger brother.

Alina and Jessica are still dancing and enjoying the music. After a while, "I'm going to the washroom" Alina said in a loud voice but with the loud music echoing in the club Jessica didn't hear anything. Alina shouted again.

"Okay", this time Jessica heard and replied.

Alina went to the bar and asked one of the women there for directions. After getting the directions she started walking but Shane and his men are blocking the way.

"Excuse me?", Alina said.

"I'm not interested", Shane replied not even looking at the person who is asking.

'What the hell, Did he seriously think that I'm hitting on him?' Alina thought in her mind. "Hello?", She tried again but this time in an irritated voice.

"I already told you that I'm not interested", Shane told her in irritation still not looking in her direction.

'Who does he think he is?' Alina thought in her mind.

If there is anything that matches mostly among them, it is their attitude and huge ego. "Well hello, Mr Di*ckhead." That's it, Alina is angry now. "I'm not sure what you are thinking about me. But whatever it is, just get this into your thick head that I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU" she said word by word clearly to make him understand.

Oh no, she just made our Shane angry and his huge ego is hurt now. Shane gritted his teeth and turned towards Alina but he was stunned by her beauty. He started checking her out from top to bottom. She is a beautiful woman and she knows it damn well. And he was lost in her beautiful grey eyes and her full plump heart lips.

Alina snapped her fingers at his face and then he came back to the world. "Are you done with staring? If so, just move aside, your big ass is blocking my way."

Shane looked angry and his men were shocked by her words. They thought about whether she knows who she was talking to or not. "What did you just call me?" Shane asked angrily but it doesn't affect Alina.

"What, are you deaf now?" Alina asked, furrowing her brows.

Shane is angrier than before. Nate and the boys are just looking at them with shocked faces. "You are messing with the wrong person", Shane said gritting his teeth.

But still, that doesn't affect Alina at all. "Oh, I'm scared. Please don't kill me." Alina mocked Shane and rolled her eyes. If looks could kill then she'd be already dead by now but it's Alina we are talking about, it's just nothing to her. "If you are done staring, then excuse me." Alina pushed Shane aside and made her way to the washroom.

Shane just watched her retrieving back. The boys just watched his face and then looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Shane asked them with a poisonous look and just like that, they fell silent.

But one of them is still laughing that is our one and only Nate "Seriously Shane, I have never seen a person talking to you like that, especially a woman. Wow, She is really something else. I can see the fire in her eyes", Nate smirked and said, "I guess, you noticed it too because you look like you were lost in her eyes for a while." Shane just rolled his eyes.

When Alina returns to the dance floor, a man is dancing with Jessica holding her waist close to him but she doesn't know that because of the amount of alcohol in her system. And then he tried to kiss her without her consent.

"Don't touch me", Jessica pushed him with all her strength.

But he came back again and hold her chin tightly and said "You are Beautiful, I can't wait to make you mine."

Jessica couldn't move because she is totally drunk. Alina saw that and pushed him away "Take your filthy hands off her", Alina shouted and punched him in the face.

"What the hell?", He wiped the blood coming from his nose and said, "Who the hell are you?"

"How dare you touch my best friend?" Alina shouted at him with rage. And then punched him again.

Nate saw that something is going on on the dance floor and looked in that direction and saw Alina punching that man "Look, she is really fierce". Nate said. Shane looked in the direction where Nate is pointing and he saw Alina punching a man. He doesn't know what's going on but he was impressed by her actions.

"Did you seriously punch me?" That man asked gritting his teeth.

Alina kicked him which made him fall on the floor. "Now, did you get the clarity?" She asked, smirking.

"You'll regret it", he said and walked away angrily.

"Are you okay Jess", Alina asked holding Jessica.

"I'm not feeling well", Jessica replied, holding her head.

"It's okay, I'm here. Let's go." Alina said leading her out of the dance floor and going towards the exit.

"Wow, she really punched that man. I like her courage." Nate said thinking that she'd be the best pair for Shane in his mind.

Shane also liked her courageous character, especially her feisty attitude but of course, he won't admit it.

Alina and jess are walking towards her car but two men blocked their way. One of them is from the dance floor who got punched by Alina.

"Going somewhere?" Man 1 asked. "Not so fast." Man 2 said with a smirk.

"Seems like you are not satisfied with the punches. If you want to be punched, be my guest." Alina said placing Jessica to lean on the wall for support.

Those men got pissed at her statement. "We would rather do something with you." Man 1 said with a smirk, "we will show you what we are going to do with you." Man 2 continued going closer to Alina.

Alina is disgusted with their looks and words and said, "I'll kill you with my bare hands."

"Let's see." Man 2 said and went close to her while man 1 went to Jessica's side.

Alina kicked Man 2 in the balls and quickly went to Jessica's side and punched him before he can even reach her. With that, both of them got angry and attacked Alina at the same time.

Alina is ready to fight them. But at the same time, Shane and his men entered and punched those bastards.

Alina is shocked by seeing him there and asked him "What are you doing here?"

"We saw that these bastards are attacking you when we are leaving so we came here to help you," Shane said.

"Are you stalking me now?, but seriously I don't need your Help, I can manage," Alina said placing her hands on her waist.

"Are you for real now, I came here to help you and your friend from those creeps but instead of thanking me you are accusing me of stalking?" Shane asked, surprised by her accusations.

"Well for starters, I never asked for your Help. Then why should I thank you?" Alina asked.

Nate and his teammates are trying hard to control their laughter. It's once in a lifetime chance to see a person who stands up to Shane and answers like that.

"You know, it doesn't hurt to say 'Thank you.'" Shane said.

"But who asked for your help? I didn't, right?" She said back.

"If I didn't come here on time. You don't know what will happen" Shane said the possibility.

"Yeah, probably I will punch them both if you don't interfere," Alina said with a shrug. Well, that's true she can take them both in a swift moment. "Well, if you excuse us, we have to go," Alina said taking Jessica and going towards her car. She placed Jessica in the passenger seat and went towards the driver's seat after taking one last glance at Shane's shocked face and left with satisfaction.

Shane saw Alina leaving and felt something in his heart but don't know what. But one thing is for sure, he likes her attitude. When Alina's car was nowhere in sight he sighed and looked back. All his team burst out laughing and it pissed him off. With an angry glare from him, they immediately stopped and went silent.

"What do you want to do with them," Nate asked pointing to the men who are badly beaten up.

"You know what to do," Shane said and Nate nodded and went to punish them for their deeds. "Remove the security persons that you have appointed today. And appoint someone who is more experienced and tell them to check ID's before opening the club doors." Shane said and Tony nodded his head in agreement. With that, they all left the place.

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