
Falling Stardust

To protect my family, I became a Devil. To protect my people, I became a God. In Semeria, the war for cultivation resources is as old as time and as constant as the rising and of the sun. Even in the Abandoned Region, where the energy was so poor and polluted that one wouldn’t send their worst enemy there, had endless conflicts for resources. Humans had been living in this nightmare made a reality, fighting over what anyone else on the continent would consider crumbs for millions of years. Enter Xasha, husband, father, patriarch, Genius, artificer, creationist, and leader of the Falling Stardust Trading Company, who learns the truth of the world from three remnant souls he met on a journey. Having learned they had been living like frogs in a well. Humanity reluctantly united under Xasha’s rule and sets off. Determined to rise from their standing and one day ruling the entire continent. Xasha soon realizes their strength, even combined, was the weakest on the continent. To become stronger, they needed better resources. But all the lands had landlords and all the resources had owners. He could not turn back, they could not give up. He had a person to elevate, a family to care for, and a daughter who had a powerful and mysterious entity eyeing her from afar, to protect. In order to achieve any of his goals, any of humanity's goals. Those landlords had to die, their people had to be pillaged, and their lands had to be plundered. He inadvertently fell into the cycle. According to the Laws of cultivation. Law of Cultivation: To cultivate: acquire and retain resources. To acquire resources: plunder and pillage. To retain resources: Leave none Alive.

QingDomCom · Fantasy
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353 Chs

Sky Sage

"Saint plane, huh? Same as [that guy]," Xasha commented absentmindedly.

"There is no same as that guy. You are still too young to understand the depth of this world. The saint plain is nothing like the Sage plain. And nobody knows if [that guy] is actually at the saint plain. He might be even higher."

"Higher? Do you know what's beyond saint plain?" He looked up at Kan with an expectant gaze.

"Do you think I'm omnipotent? I'm only a sage, after all. What makes you think I know such things? Like I said, learning about things before you're ready will only be detrimental to you. So stop being distracted and focus on your research. Stop asking unrelated questions."

Xasha nodded. He really had gotten overly excited. He sat on the floor in a lotus and closed down his eyes. The memories Kan had just passed over to him were extensive. It was impossible to fully assimilate them in a day or two. He started with the most basic information and worked his way up.