
Falling Stardust

To protect my family, I became a Devil. To protect my people, I became a God. In Semeria, the war for cultivation resources is as old as time and as constant as the rising and of the sun. Even in the Abandoned Region, where the energy was so poor and polluted that one wouldn’t send their worst enemy there, had endless conflicts for resources. Humans had been living in this nightmare made a reality, fighting over what anyone else on the continent would consider crumbs for millions of years. Enter Xasha, husband, father, patriarch, Genius, artificer, creationist, and leader of the Falling Stardust Trading Company, who learns the truth of the world from three remnant souls he met on a journey. Having learned they had been living like frogs in a well. Humanity reluctantly united under Xasha’s rule and sets off. Determined to rise from their standing and one day ruling the entire continent. Xasha soon realizes their strength, even combined, was the weakest on the continent. To become stronger, they needed better resources. But all the lands had landlords and all the resources had owners. He could not turn back, they could not give up. He had a person to elevate, a family to care for, and a daughter who had a powerful and mysterious entity eyeing her from afar, to protect. In order to achieve any of his goals, any of humanity's goals. Those landlords had to die, their people had to be pillaged, and their lands had to be plundered. He inadvertently fell into the cycle. According to the Laws of cultivation. Law of Cultivation: To cultivate: acquire and retain resources. To acquire resources: plunder and pillage. To retain resources: Leave none Alive.

QingDomCom · Fantasy
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353 Chs

Die for me!

They were not treating him as a threat, despite being a bunch of children. They had all dropped their guards the moment they saw him, even electing to have a party in his wake.

"This is my territory. Seeing as you are children and are probably doing as children do, I elected not to kill you all. Leave now before I change my mind and slaughter the lot of you on principle," the man spoke sternly.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Xasha got to his feet and faced the man. "Were you the one who killed all the creatures living here and turn their bones to dust?"

"What if I did? What if I didn't? That is no concern of someone on their way out of my territory," the man retorted, still with an arrogant smile.

"Actually," Xasha retook his seat casually. "I rather like this place. I think I'd like to keep it. What do you think, Ryan? How about this place?" arrogance exuded from Xasha.

"I must say, Ash, it's growing on me. I might like to stay here a while longer," Ryan said dramatically.

"I agree, I haven't been to the beach in years, plus we just got here," Shay spoke in a complaining tone.

"You heard them, say. Friend, why don't you go away now. You're being a killjoy and ruining our beach vacation here," Xasha proclaimed in an annoyed tone while fanning him away like a fly.

The man's eyes instantly became blood red as his anger flared up. Six figured appeared behind him from the void, all ready for battle. The man's aura and the surrounding Imperium went berserk as the man lost his temper.

"You little shits, watch how I rip your arrogant mouths in tw-" He paused mid-sentence and turned to the southeast, where he heard a burst of ridiculing laughter coming from.

"Low, you've hit a new low bickering with children." A group of about a dozen people flitted over and landed and few hundred meters away.

Xasha glanced over at the newcomers but retracted his gaze a moment later. He had long noticed their approach from thousands of miles out and had a good look at them. Unlike the man in the shorts and his group, these guys did not hide in the slightest.

This group had people over 15 ft tall. They too wore shorts and loose shirts. The women wore a cloth tied around their breasts and a short skirt. Xasha wondered what was up with this form of dressing. Even when they came for war, they dressed like it was a Tuesday afternoon on the beach.

The man in the front also started at Xasha's group for a while before retracting his gaze.

"The agreed-upon time is not for another three years Low. What is this rouse you have concocted? Are you so confident in that brat's abilities you believe him to be able to take on that thing?"

"Mulan, what are you implying? These intruders are not associated with me. When you came, I was just about to kill them," as Low spoke, water bullets formed and shot towards Xasha and his group.

A thin stone wall appeared and blocked all the bullets.

"Mu. I knew it. You are in league with them. I knew it." Low accused in anger.

Mulan scuffed. "Don't try to shift blame. You have been caught, and now you're trying to cover your tracks by killing your accomplices before we can question them?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You're the one protecting them. How can you say that I'm their accomplice when it is you who have been protecting them," Low felt wronged. He was now convinced this was all set up by Mulan to frame him.

"Oh? so this is where the party is. I'm hurt that you two did not invite me. It's my favorite kind of party too. One with gossip, mysteries, and conspiracies. Oh, how delightful?" An effeminate voice floated over from the lanky group speeding over.

They, too, stood a few hundred feet away. The four groups now stood equal lengths apart. All on guard, and eyeing each other wryly.

Xasha and the other's faces changed when they saw the newcomers to the party. Lisa, Ryan, and the other's reactions were the worst. They couldn't even hide the hostility on their faces.

The rest of the group was too young at the time or was not a part of the battle back then. But Lisa and the others were, even though they did not recognize most of these elves, there was one that they remembered clearly. The one who lead the attack on Stardust City: Lovell.

Xasha sensed their hostility and gave them dissuading looks. This forced them to restrain their hostility, but their gaze, which they looked at Lovell with, still held killing intent.

"So, Low teamed up with these youngsters to steal the crystal," the effeminate voice sounded again with a disdainful chuckle.

It surprised Xasha and the others to find the source of the voice was the tall man dressed in a long, green robe. All the elves wore long robes, a contrast to his shorts and loose shirt-wearing compatriots. He understood why elves were pale and the sunlight affected their skin. It was quite the funny predicament to be in on the west coast where the sun never stops shining.

"Livell, don't speak nonsense. My Ulock people never go back on their word. It's one of you who has called these people here. Did the two of you team up to frame me? Did you plan to exterminate me so the resources here would split two ways instead of three?" Low pointed at them and berated the two, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"You are an excellent actor, Low, but there is no one here to believe your nonsense. I have caught you red-handed, yet you deny it still. Truly shameless," Mulan spoke in a disappointed tone whole shaking his head.

"You know, Low, I'm liking the idea of splitting the resources here in two instead of three. Better yet, I think I've fallen in love with the idea of not sharing these resources at all. I think I like killing the lot of you and taking everything here for myself." The effeminate Livell spoke in a threatening tone.

As he did, his aura and the surrounding Imperium exploded as he unleashed his full power.

The other two leaders and their groups all unloaded their full power as well. Xasha could feel their aura. By his estimate, all of them had ignited their third flame. Other members had ignited their second flame, and the majority had just become Lava Sages.

Xasha wondered what gave the elves the confidence to take on two powers evenly matched with themselves.

"Livell, have you gone mad? Do you plan to take us both out? With what strength?" Mulan screamed in anger.

Livell chuckled. "With his," he pointed at Lovell beside him. The moment he did, Lovell unleashed his full aura. The Imperium reacted by vibrating and dancing around him.

Everyone's faces turned serious as they realized the source of Livell's confidence. Lovell had ignited his third flame and was now on the same standing with the other three leaders.

"Livell looked up at the spooked leaders, and spokes spoke arrogantly, "now, both of you can die for me."