
Falling Stardust

To protect my family, I became a Devil. To protect my people, I became a God. In Semeria, the war for cultivation resources is as old as time and as constant as the rising and of the sun. Even in the Abandoned Region, where the energy was so poor and polluted that one wouldn’t send their worst enemy there, had endless conflicts for resources. Humans had been living in this nightmare made a reality, fighting over what anyone else on the continent would consider crumbs for millions of years. Enter Xasha, husband, father, patriarch, Genius, artificer, creationist, and leader of the Falling Stardust Trading Company, who learns the truth of the world from three remnant souls he met on a journey. Having learned they had been living like frogs in a well. Humanity reluctantly united under Xasha’s rule and sets off. Determined to rise from their standing and one day ruling the entire continent. Xasha soon realizes their strength, even combined, was the weakest on the continent. To become stronger, they needed better resources. But all the lands had landlords and all the resources had owners. He could not turn back, they could not give up. He had a person to elevate, a family to care for, and a daughter who had a powerful and mysterious entity eyeing her from afar, to protect. In order to achieve any of his goals, any of humanity's goals. Those landlords had to die, their people had to be pillaged, and their lands had to be plundered. He inadvertently fell into the cycle. According to the Laws of cultivation. Law of Cultivation: To cultivate: acquire and retain resources. To acquire resources: plunder and pillage. To retain resources: Leave none Alive.

QingDomCom · Fantasy
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353 Chs


"Assessments are challenges set up in the artificial biomes where one must overcome the most challenging aspects of the environment. It is a test and training. Passing the trails will improve one's strength and proficiency. There are one hundred trials in total and without fail by the sixtieth trial, cultivators have reached the peak of the Thorium Realm."

"These trails, are they that powerful?"

"Without a doubt, and to be clear, you have to pass the fiftieth trial to join the army, no exceptions. That is the benchmark. Trails Sixty to one hundred are designed to build your strength, stamina, and willpower to assist you in smoothly ascending to the sage plain."

"Ash, my boy, how many Lava Sages do the Falling stardust currently have?"

"Only six," Xasha said casually.

The crowd nearly died when he said 'only' some guys fainted and had to be held up by their neighbors.

"We of the Devos Family have four," Fitzroy did not hide anything.

"The Azure province has one," Elder Azure Dragon declared.

"My province has one as well." A short young man with red hair spoke up. Xasha immediately took notice of him, not because his red hair had white tips but because he was the only person other than him to found a new province: Dan Avon.

Xasha approached. "We have not officially met. I am Xasha Von Crieg and you are Dan Avon. Nice to meet you. I have long admired you, but somehow we have never had a conversation despite us having so much in common. We should change that. What do you think?"

Dan Avon returned the greeting. "I could not agree more. Let's meet later, we'll have dinner together."

"Let's," Xasha then turned to the crowd." You can all send someone back to gather your armies and new recruits. We will handle transport and otherwise. While that's being done, you will all stay here, train, and take on the trails. I would advise you all to pass these trails quickly so your men will not think less of you should they catch up or even surpass you in the time to come."

The men chuckled nervously. They understood what these infamous trials entailed none were confident of passing them all.

"Xasha, I have a proposal."An old man stepped forward. "Why don't I bring my entire province over and join yours? I agree with that esteemed. Without you, we can never leave this place, and holding on to my bit of power means no good for me or my citizens. So, what do you think?"

Xasha smiled. "All are welcome to Stardust Province. You can buy land and build a city anywhere you see fit. You will also have the right to form a raid team with your elites and go off in search of riches and knowledge. Whatever you find is yours to keep or share. If you share, you get merit points in return, and in this place, merit points are worth more than life itself."

"I would also like to move my province over." another fellow came forth.

"Me too."

"I'd like to, as well."

Millions of men and women stood in formation, all stripped down to their undergarments and staring at a green-haired youngster standing a few feet in the air.

"This is the purification pool. This place siphons excess purity Imperium from the moon forest around us. For the next 10 days, you will submerge yourselves in this pool. You will do so until you reach the bottom. Only then will you be clean enough to leave. Stay until you are told you can leave even if you hit bottom before the 10th day. There will be pain as this process is usually done over several months. But, time is of the essence and there's another batch waiting outside for their turn. So anyway, begin."

Xasha's words dropped and like a horde of locusts, everyone flitted into the creamy white lake. Almost instantly, it all became black with pus but soon returned to being snow white. Xasha turned to the supervisor: Nepa and nodded to him. The man nodded back, then Xasha disappeared.

He appeared in his office and saw it in full swing. Everyone from Verra, Xander, Megan, Xara, the council members, and their administrative assistants. Each had a mountain of paperwork in front of them. Xasha saw this and grinned gleefully, but soon had to duck as Verra had tossed a pen at his forehead.

"Get over here and help you bastard. This is all your fault. How can you accept 19 billion new residents and authorize the formation of 91 brand new cities on a whim and on a single day? Now they're all moving in simultaneously. They all want permits for homes and roads and bridges and businesses and tall buildings and training arenas. Kids want to go to the academy and mages want to become combat mages and enchanters and alchemists and some fools want to abolish the no guild rules and are signing petitions, it's a mess. So come help us before I kill you."

"Sorry, but I can't. I have work to do, but I wish you all the best. If I have time later, Ari and I will swing by and take a load off your hands."

"What's so important that you can't stay?" Verra said, clearly annoyed.

"I'll be challenging the 90th assessment. Ari will also be taking on a few. Fitzroy and those two older fellows are already at the 30th assessment, and it has only been three months. If things go on like this, there will be another person who has surpassed me in the assessment rankings, can't have that, can we?"

The assessment ranking was a result board created to highlight outstanding cultivators and motivate others to work hard so their names can end up on that ranking. Right now, number one is Alexi, who passed all hundred trails, Second: Verra, who passed 96 trails. Third: Megan who passed 96 trails, but slightly slower than Verra, fourth: Eloise who passed 94, then Lisa at 93, Tulip at 93, Krisan at 90, Melody at 90, wanton at 90 and in tenth place, Xasha at 89, should another person pass him, he will drop out of the top ten which would be embarrassing.

"I want to watch." Verra hopped up in excitement.

"Well, you can't. You have work to do," Xasha teased. He stuck out his tongue and made a funny face, then left in a light breeze.

Everyone shook their heads. "That is our leader. Ten years old at heart," said Dana.

"More like four," Megan corrected. They all burst out laughing.