
Chapter 39 : Foreboding

Blair’s POV

The gloves come off with a harsh snap, part of it breaking and coming back harshly against my wrist.

Fuck. I did not want this to happen. Not tonight.

One of my patients went into cardiac arrest for the third time. This attack was way worse than any of the others. We managed to get him stabilized at first, but this last one was where his body just gave out on him.

I know there was nothing else we could have done. Based on his charts, he should have had some kind of bypass surgery a decade ago, which would have been the only thing to save him.

Still, it is a loss and it was on my watch.

Feeling down and out isn’t going to get me through the night, but it is definitely making me feel better as I sit down in my area and stare at a stack of paperwork I have been neglecting for the past couple of hours.

Misery fills my heart. This is one of the hard parts of the job. I know it. I’ve gone through it probably a thousand times.