
Chapter 38 : Becoming the change

Raven’s POV

The night is a storm filled, rainy one. Lightning streaks across the sky, illuminating the shadows that linger in the darkness, while the thunder rages and screams high above in the sky. The crashing thunder threatens to shatter the already broken fragments of glass in the warehouse, but mostly making it rattle while in its frames.

Usually, on such a night, I would be out prowling and maintaining the border. It is easy to disguise scents and cross over to snag humans who are caught out in the rain. No witnesses. Limited visibility. Little to no evidence. If we were hunting in the city actively like in the old days when superstitions ruled the masses and lights were barely brighter than candles, this would have been a very good night.

We have changed our operations since those darker times. We are smarter and better because of the enhancements that humans have made with their technology.