
Chapter 32 : Forbidding an Enforcer

Raven’s POV

I have never moved so fast in all of my life. Every muscle perfectly obeys my every command as I launch my body over buildings and dart through alleys. Everything is heightened to the point where I think my head is going to split open at any moment with how much information my senses are taking in.

I get it only now.

This is why he sent me on that stupid fucking errand yesterday, and why he was acting odd and a bit agitated.

I thought I was being careful when I spent time with Blair. I always made sure to disguise her scent and traveled different routes back and forth to her place to make sure no one was tracking me.

Has someone been tracking me this entire time? Does that mean that other members of the Luciano family are privy to my evening activities when I wasn’t acting as an enforcer? Playing pretend that I gave a flying fuck about all of their operations?

This behavior is unacceptable, and I refuse to let it slide by.