
Chapter 18 : What is this woman doing to me?

Raven’s POV

I leave Blair’s apartment after I feel her body relax against mine, and thank her for her hospitality.

That experience was, in a word, exquisite. I can think of no other word to describe it.

Her smell.

The way her heart raced in her chest.

The sound of her moaning as she moved against me.

Her body burned against my flesh, but it beat back the chill I have been living with for so long. I never thought I would experience warmth again in my life. I thought I was doomed to an existence devoid of these sensations. Since I began my existence as a vampire, I believed wholeheartedly that the only warmth I would experience again was the fading, temporary warmth of blood as I drank.

Yet, with Blair, I suddenly find my skin tingling. The way she moved against me made my body respond in a way I haven’t known for decades upon decades. Even now, I find myself curling and uncurling my fingers as I think about how she moved against me.

Fuck. What is this woman doing to me?