
Chapter 15 : Fearless

Blair’s POV

I have no words for what I just witnessed. The building. The men. Raven. Even now as I am standing in front of him, blood dripping down his chin from the man he attacked, I really do not know whether or not I can believe what I witnessed.

This man has done nothing but be kind to me. Intimidate me? Sure, but I did not think he would be capable of such savagery.

After I got in from my work night, I glanced up and saw Raven up on top of the roof. I watched as he leapt off of the building and headed for some of the dilapidated buildings not too far away from my apartment.

The reasonable, logical part of me tried arguing against going along and following my vampiric escort, but the curious part of me obviously won me over.

I snagged my bag off of the counter and chased after, running outside and jogging down the street.

Was it the stupidest thing I have ever done? Probably.