
Falling for the Playboy Alpha

* While pinning my hands to the wall, behind my head, he leans close into me. Hoping for a kiss, I close my eyes subconsciously... "Oh. Sorry you can't get what you want." He breathes into my ears and step back, with a sly smirk on his face. "You keep me locked up here while getting warm in the sheets with another woman." I shout back at him. "She's what I want, not you." "Then let me go." I mutter, hoping my low voice will change his stone cold heart. "No. You will live here with me for as long as I want, be my puppet, and when the time comes, I'll do what I want with you." He orders in his thick voice and slams the door behind him as he leaves. I watch silently, all my anger deflated and fall flat on the bed with my face up. * Crystal Lucario Davenport is the only human in a werewolf town. Her parents were on the run from loan sharks and ended up settling down at a weird close knit community in which they had absolutely no idea was a Werewolf town. Rogues infiltrate the town on a particular night and her parents died in the process leaving her to thrive alone in the town. She grew up hating werewolves with all her might, most especially the Alpha whom she specifically blames for the fate of her parents that night. Alpha Damien Colden is a cold, terribly cold Alpha but a wolf that every female wolf can die for and one that every woman wishes to be with for just a night. He thinks he has lived long enough not to worry about a mate because he has every woman he wants at his beck and call. But when his adviser starts to nag him about finding his mate, he gets irritated at the word Mate. And the Pack Council brings up the issue once again, he hesitantly gives in to half heartedly looking for her. He didn't even try for a long time before Crystal comes into his life. With a very cold tub of Ice Cream and a really venomous mouth...

MeCream · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Alpha's Situation


"Your mate is probably out there while you're drooling over the stripper" Adam teased.I knew he was trying to test my patience but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction he derives from doing that.

Instead my attention left the stripper I had been busy drooling over for the past few hours as Dana walked into the room,the one woman who could bring any man to his knees and I have to admit, including me of course.

Dana happens to be the head of female warriors. She is beautiful, smart, intelligent and brave. And in addition, she seems to have all the right curves in the right places.

Even though we aren't mates I plan to seek her out since I am not interested in love or anything mates has to offer which is why I don't bother looking for my mate.

He'd seek Dana out, court her and make her the mother of his werepups, imagine the pups she could give birth to depending on how strong she is and she is definitely strong, and if he find his mate he would reject her and mate Dana instead but he needs to take it slow. One step at a time they say

Dana glance around the room until her gaze rested on him, she offered him a secret shy smile. He winked at her in response,he knew how he looked and he is very well aware that ladies couldn't resist him even if they want to.

"It getting late and I have a meeting with the pack council so get the fuck up"I said to Adam as we both leave the strip club.

"I also have to rest. I am going into town tomorrow in search of my mate and you are coming with me" Adam ordered with his mock tone even though he knows I always reject the offer.

"Don't even go there"I said shutting the door on the mate issue immediately.



They all acknowledged as I walked into the meeting room. All the sarvents hurried away.

We all know the power I possess and moreso I am their leader so I am feared by all.

In a good way I like it. In order to protect and guide your followers, you need to be strict with them so they know who is boss.

"Alpha." One of the council elders acknowledge before speaking his mind

"The packs are complaining and so are the council" He voices out.

Adam and I exchanged looks.

"So what have you all been saying behind me?" I asked in my usual deep Alpha's voice.

They seem to hesitate for a moment probably choosing their words carefully.

"We're saying an Alpha needs a Luna so does the pack. It needs strength and the strength of the Alpha determines the strength of the pack. Also, the packs needs the assurance that they are hundred percent safe" Another of the council said.

I can't believe I'm walking into this issue again, I think and mentally facepalm.

I glare at them all.

"Are you saying you doubt my ability to protect the pack" I sneer and show my anger at the same time at them.

"No no" They hurriedly said but I was done listening to their trash.

I stood up and leave the room. I don't want a mate or the drama that comes with it. Love is a total distraction and that's the last thing I need.

"At this rate, I guess you're going with me into town" Adam whistles.

"Just shut up" I reply.

Well if my packs want assurance that they are safe and if my mating helps them to think so, then I am going into town to get that bitch.

But shouldn't she be looking for me too?

Am hell sure she is either feeling too proud or she's probably scared of me due to my reputation.

Thought of this made me smirk.

If she fears me then she would keep her distance from me while I prepare to seek Dana out.

It will make my plan work better and faster...