
Falling For The Ghost Prince

In which Li Yuxi, a young woman awakens a powerful and vengeful ghost. To be free of him, Li Yuxi has to help him avenge his death at all costs. Zhao Ling was once a powerful prince and warlord from hundreds of years ago and had died at the hands of those who wanted to put an end to the Zhao Clan. Zhao Ling will do anything and everything to trace the last lineage of those who ruined the Zhao Clan. But just as he plans with the young woman who had released his soul, feelings that he had buried follow. How can a ghost with a vengeful motive and a woman facing strong marital issues fall in love? _____ Find Falling For The Ghost Prince official playlist on Spotify with the title; Falling For The Ghost Prince Playlist.

IrenKaykay_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


Li Yuxi was left speechless at his declaration. The grimness of his words was so strong that she knew he was not bluffing. To add to his tone, she could see in his eyes, from how darker they had become, that he was indeed truthful in what he was saying. What marveled her the most was how her body reacted to what he said.

Something about the wording and his raspy deep voice made her body tingle in more places than one. It sparked something warm inside of her that made her want to demand more of what he was trying to say.

"Zhao Ling," she whispered and placed her hands on his chest.

"All I need is to feed from you," he said in the same soft tone of voice while keeping his eyes on her lips. "My energy comes from consuming your chi. It keeps me from losing the flow of my powers and also serves as my food just like how you eat."

Li Yuxi licked her dry lips and nibbled on her lip as she slipped into a series of thoughts. Accepting his request was simple but not knowing what would happen to her body after he fed from her was something that left her undecided. But when she remembered that he was ready to help her do anything to make Lee Qiang pay for his behavior toward her, it made her want to cave into the deal.

"You don't need to worry, little mortal," he said and cupped her chin. "I will make sure it won't hurt. You can easily say no, I won't force you."

"But how would you feed?" She asked and he smirked.

"Ever since I arrived, I recently started feeding on some strangers."

Li Yuxi dropped her hands and stared at him with wide eyes. She could not believe what he had just said.

"Excuse me? You have been attacking innocent people?! Are you crazy?!"

"That is not your business when you have refused to even allow us to discuss at length with one another. Each energy I consume from someone lasts me two days and tomorrow will be the last day for me. I need to replenish it before the day ends. So, Li Yuxi, do you want this or not?"

She could tell he was running out of patience from the way his voice and facial expression changed.

"I… Let me think about it first," she replied.

"I will expect an answer by tonight," he said and disappeared.

Li Yuxi wrapped her arms around her waist and exhaled hard. The changes in her life were so heavy that she could not hold onto them for long. First, she had to get used to the fact that an unforgiving ghost was tied to her. Secondly, her boss was her husband's mistress. Thirdly, she wanted to find a way out of her marriage with Lee Qiang without bringing harm to anyone due to the consequences of backing out.

"What do I do?"

After half an hour of wallowing in her depressing thoughts, Li Yuxi got a call from Wang Lifen, who wanted her to come back. Li Yuxi had the urge to send a rude text back to the woman but controlled her raging emotions.

And so, she drove back to her home where she found Wang Lifen and her husband waiting right outside the gates, looking like a picture-perfect couple. She pushed the center of the steering wheel, honking to let them know she was ready to leave. From the rearview mirror, she watched as they talked while smiling. When they were done, Wang Lifen pecked him on the lips and as if Lee Qiang had known she was staring, he looked in her direction. Li Yuxi frowned and looked away once Wang Lifen opened the back door.

Once she sat down and closed the door, she started the car and glared at Lee Qiang one last time before driving off. As they left her neighborhood, Li Yuxi peeped at Wang Lifen through the rearview mirror momentarily. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as the urge to ask the woman certain questions hit.

"Miss. Wang Lifen?"

"Yes?" Her response was sharp and cold.

"You never told me anything about the man you had lunch with. Is he your lover or a business partner? I'm sorry if I sound too intrusive," Li Yuxi said and Wang Lifen sighed.

"He's my boyfriend."

Li Yuxi almost stepped on the brake pedals. She gritted her teeth and nodded her head.

"Oh. He seems nice."

"Yes, he is." Wang Lifen sounded chirpy, unlike her usual cold demeanor. "I met him two months ago and we have been serious ever since then. That will be all from you. No more questions."

Li Yuxi nodded and increased the speed of the car as her heart ached. A movement in the rearview mirror caught her attention and when she looked, she pressed her foot on the pedal at the sight of Zhao Ling sitting so close to Wang Lifen.

"What is wrong with you?!" Wang Lifen yelled.

"I am so sorry. I almost hit a cat," Li Yuxi replied while glaring at a smirking Zhao Ling.

"Well, keep driving! We have important things to do at work!"

"Yes, ma'am."

As Li Yuxi continued driving, Zhao Ling appeared beside her in the passenger seat and stared at her.

"Your time is ticking and my time is depreciating. Kindly give me an answer because I need to start finding them and you need to start teaching your dear husband lessons."

"Get out," she said in a slightly high tone.

"Excuse me?" Wang Lifen said in confusion.

"Sorry, I was just talking to myself."

Li Yuxi glared at Zhao Ling then gasped inaudibly when he started leaning toward her, causing her to almost lose control of the steering wheel.

"Li Yuxi!" Wang Lifen hollered.

"I'm sorry!" Li Yuxi glared at Zhao Ling and sighed.

"Give me an answer, Li Yuxi."

Li Yuxi sighed and nodded in acceptance. A small smile appeared on his face which she thought looked good since she barely saw him smile.

"You have made me a very happy man. I will reward you greatly," Zhao Ling said and vanished.


After work, Li Yuxi drove back home with a heavy mind. She was torn between confronting Lee Qiang or pretending like she wasn't bothered about the fact that he cheated, as usual. She wished she could have enough confidence not to cower before her husband.

Finally, she got home and sat in her car for thirty minutes, summoning the courage to walk into the house. Li Yuxi knew for a fact that even though she ignores Lee Qiang, he would confront her or make an issue out of his infidelity.

"Here goes." Li Yuxi left the car and quickly made her way to the front door. She stood outside for a few seconds to steady her heartbeats before opening the door.

She walked into the house and quietly closed the door before making her way toward the living room. As expected, she saw Lee Qiang sitting in a position that suggested to her that he had been waiting.

Once he turned, Li Yuxi held her breath for a second and parted her lips to speak, only to freeze when her body became heavy. It was as if something was inside of her, taking parts of her mind. It was when she got a glimpse of herself in the mirror beside her, that she saw Zhao Ling's reflection instead of hers. At that moment, she knew that he was inside of her. She got scared and was about to tell him to leave her body when she felt her brain and mouth forming a sentence she would never use in her life.

"Hello, husband. Did you enjoy your activity with the woman today?"

The look of anger and shock on Lee Qiang's face sent a wave of fear through her body but the feeling didn't last as anger started forming in her out of nowhere. She suspected it was Zhao Ling's feelings and not hers.

"What did you say?" Lee Qiang got up and approached her like a raging bull.

She smirked. "It surprises me that you now dare to bring your concubines into our home. Have you no shame?"

Li Yuxi, in her mind, tensed up when Lee Qiang raised his hand to hit her but on the outside, Zhao Ling made her appear still.

"You now use disrespectful words on me?" Lee Qiang asked with his shoulders shaking and his suspended hand twitching. "I will teach you a lesson!"

Lee Qiang lowered his hand to hit her but she grabbed his hand and twisted it until she swore she heard a crack. Lee Qiang began to cry out while bending sideways from her grip on his hand. Li Yuxi, within her, felt a rush of adrenaline as she watched Lee Qiang get a taste of his abusive medicine.

"Touch me again and I will break every bone in your body."

Li Yuxi smirked. She was loving the control Zhao Ling had over her.