
Falling For The Ghost Prince

In which Li Yuxi, a young woman awakens a powerful and vengeful ghost. To be free of him, Li Yuxi has to help him avenge his death at all costs. Zhao Ling was once a powerful prince and warlord from hundreds of years ago and had died at the hands of those who wanted to put an end to the Zhao Clan. Zhao Ling will do anything and everything to trace the last lineage of those who ruined the Zhao Clan. But just as he plans with the young woman who had released his soul, feelings that he had buried follow. How can a ghost with a vengeful motive and a woman facing strong marital issues fall in love? _____ Find Falling For The Ghost Prince official playlist on Spotify with the title; Falling For The Ghost Prince Playlist.

IrenKaykay_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


Li Yuxi tried to convince herself that what she heard and was seeing wasn't illusionary. A million thoughts swam through her head at that moment, making her unable to feel anything. She didn't know if she was supposed to feel sad, angry, heartbroken, or the usual feeling— nonchalance. But what made her more intrigued was the fact that her idol, Wang Lifen, was with a married man. Unless he never told her anything but seeing how her husband frolicked with women who didn't care that he was married, she wouldn't be surprised.

"Give me a minute," Wang Lifen said.

Li Yuxi sat up straight and faced forward. Out of the corner of her eye, Wang Lifen approached the driver's window and knocked on it. Li Yuxi was too anxious to wound down as she didn't know how to face her husband. With a gulp, she wound down and easily made eye contact with Lee Qiang, whose eyes widened with shock plastered on his face. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Li Yuxi tore her eyes away from his face.

"Are you waiting for me to tell you to come down? We have important things to discuss here with Mr. Lee," Wang Lifen said in an authoritative tone.

Li Yuxi forcibly smiled and turned off the car's engine before getting out of the car. She avoided Lee Qiang's scared stare as she walked away from the car.

"Lifen, who is this? I haven't seen her with you before."

Li Yuxi clenched her hands behind her back and gritted her teeth in anger. She was in utter disbelief. She could not make sense of what her husband was doing. Even though she didn't want to care, it hurt that he did such, while being married.

"Oh. Remember when I told you I was transferred to a new art gallery? Well, she'll be my assistant," Wang Lifen replied and wrapped her arm around his.

Li Yuxi eyed the way their arms were linked before looking at Lee Qiang who winked at her and pursed his lips as if he was making her stay silent. Li Yuxi smiled through the heaviness in her heart and bowed her head.

"Good morning, sir," Li Yuxi said and stood straight.

"Come on, you need to tell me all about your trip to the UK," Wang Lifen said.

"Uh… is your assistant going to be with us?"

Li Yuxi wanted to roll her eyes so badly but composed herself and focused on the car instead.

"Yes. Why?"

"Actually, I want us to have some privacy. If you know what I mean," Lee Qiang said in a suggestive tone, which made Wang Lifen chuckle.

Li Yuxi's eyes pricked from incoming tears. She silently said a prayer, hoping that they would just walk away as she could no longer bear what they were doing.

"Hey, Li Yuxi," Wang Lifen called to her attention and she hesitantly looked at her. "You can go find a restaurant or something. When I'm done, I'll call you to pick me up."

Li Yuxi bowed her head curtly and boarded the car. She started the car's engine and drove off. Her hands began to shake slightly while the tears she had been fighting to keep at bay brimmed her eyes. She could barely see where she was driving and ended up parking along the street when she was at a safe distance from her house. She turned off the car's engine and pressed her forehead against the steering wheel.

"Why do I have such a miserable life?" She began to cry. "I wish I was single and not have to go through this because of my greedy parents."

Li Yuxi tightened her grip on the steering wheel as her heart burned from the pain in her. She quietly cried, sniffing and watching her tears soak her skirt.

"All I want is just a happy marriage. Why couldn't mine just be the type where we don't interact but still respect each other?" She asked and raised her head, then propped her chin on the steering wheel.

Li Yuxi flinched when she heard a throat being cleared. She looked to her right and saw Zhao Ling sitting in the passenger seat. He had his arms crossed and face blank as he stared ahead.

"This is a very interesting carriage," Zhao Ling said and looked around the car before looking at her in the face. "Why do you have tears on your cheeks?"

Li Yuxi glowered and faced away. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands and sniffed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and he hummed.

"I did tell you that you are to help me find the people I am after."

Li Yuxi hissed. "Listen, carefully you stupid ghost. I am not interested in this. I have my life to focus on."

"Life?" His tone hinted at mockery. "You have a life? Dear mortal, you lie. From what I have seen just by touching you and feeling your current emotions, your life is as dead as mine."

Having heard enough of his words, Li Yuxi got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She made a move to keep walking but Zhao Ling blocked her path after appearing in front of her, almost making her fall. She glared up at him and forced herself to lean against the car. She tensed when Zhao Ling came closer, leaving a small gap between them.

"I may have been too jovial with you but the reason why I am here is of great importance. I have no business with your pitiful life. I must find the descendants of my brother and resurrect as my human self," he spoke tersely and barricaded her between the car and his body by placing his hands on the car.

Li Yuxi swallowed and hesitantly looked into his angry eyes. She bit her lip and noticed his gaze flicker to her lips, which made her release her lip.

"Let us make a deal, Li Yuxi," he said and leaned closer.

Their proximity made her skin tingle and her heart pound hard and fast. She wondered how a ghost could make her feel restless and self-conscious but looking at him, he was much more than a ghost. He had looks that were crafted by a god of beauty. His long dark hair added to his ethereal beauty and his facial features were sharp and defined enough to skyrocket him into fame if he was human in this modern-day era.

"Are you even listening to me?" He held her chin and shook her head softly.

Li Yuxi hummed. "What?"

"How wonderful," he whispered in exasperation. "Listen to me carefully… I see that your husband is an unfaithful and despicable mortal and even though it doesn't bother me as it is not my business, I have the urge to help you."

Li Yuxi's eyes widened at his statement. Hope filled her heart and her lips tugged into a small smile.

"Can you help me? How?"

"There are so many ways I can help you, Li Yuxi." He paused to twirl a lock of her hair around his long index finger.

Something about the way he spoke and touched her hair made her body heat up in a funny way.


"I can kill him but in a way that appears like it was natural. I could lay a curse on him. I could make him suffer each time he hurts you or I could make you get your revenge on him, anyway you want."

Zhao Ling leaned closer to her face and smirked in a crooked manner. Li Yuxi stared at his face as she thought over what he had listed. This would be her chance to be free, but something about his offer didn't sound genuine. The man before her reminded her of the devil.

"What do you want in exchange? Because I sense there will be something I need to do."

Zhao Ling chuckled. "Good little mortal, you speak my language."

"Go straight to the point," she said and he smirked again.

"I need two things from you. Two simple things. The first one, you already know it as you helping me find my brother's descendants as you are the key to my journey," Zhao Ling said and placed his hand close to her face.

Li Yuxi's back tightened when he caressed her cheek with the back of his cold hand. Her mouth hung open slightly as his hand moved down her cheek to her jawline, then to her neck.

"I… I thought you weren't interested in me. Is this what you want?" Li Yuxi asked in a hushed tone.

"I have told you not to flatter yourself… what I need from you is energy," Zhao Ling whispered and placed his thumb on her bottom lip. "To keep my powers strong, to not become weak in this form, you shall become mine to feed on."

Li Yuxi's breath hitched at the deepness of his voice and words.


"Li Yuxi, I will need to feed. You will be mine to consume."