
Falling Before Time

Does hard-work truly beat talent? Our MC has tried his hardest to rise but was simply shadowed by talented people. Our MC worked day and night, every second of the day, only to end up having his wife and loved ones stolen and killed and not only that but also end up being not even half as powerful as those with talents. Our MC now is at death's gate and yet... nothing has changed. He's still weak as ever. Only seconds have to pass before his trial ends. 3... 2... 1... "Goodbye"... "Huh?" Our MC has had his life flash before his inevitable end, but what is this? Is this what happens when one dies? His new life.. as a CHILD? What is this joke? First, end our MC's life and now giving him an illusion of his childhood?... wait, this is not his old bedroom... It's different... is this.. perhaps.. reincarnation magic? Follow our MC as he gets overpowered and breaks the world. Follow him and view his life as a being that stands at the world's peak. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Sorry for the long introduction, but I wanted to make it as I intended for it to look in my mind. Anyway, this is my first novel so go easy on me. Thank you for reading this long-ass intro, but I won't prolong it.

RealCraser · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A New Sight to Behold


'What is this? Why is it wet and.. it smells weird? Why does my body hurt? What is ha- UGHH!'

"WAAA! WAAA," Oris cried for help.

'MY NECK...*Heavy breathing*... IT HURTS. HELP...*Breathing gets heavier*... PLEASE HELP ME! I FEEL LIKE I'M SUFFO...Cat..ing..please..help...PLEASE HEL-...me...'

"WAAAA! WAAAA," Oris cried for help.

"Be careful; the umbilical cord is around his neck," an unknown voice, that of an elder woman.

"It's fine, it's fine, we got it," also an unknown voice, but that of a young woman.

'*Inhale* *Exhale* *Inhale* UGH! Who is talking? This feeling hurts; what is this? What is happening to me? What... is... happen... ing...'

Oris's conscious fades away slowly... and slowly... till there is nothing left...

"QUICKLY! Hurry up! The baby is losing consciousness! FAS..*Voice gets distant*..ter," the elder woman hurried as her voice kept on getting further.


Oris wakes up to his surprise and finds out his nightmare hasn't ended yet.

'Is this hell? Is this what the afterlife is; to taunt you with something you desperately want?'

"He's waking up! Mom hurry," a young and warm voice equivalent to that of a child.

'Waking up? Who is that? Mom... my mother... I've never seen her before...It's absolutely nerve-racking when growing up without a mom... I wish I can see her. I don't blame her anymore; I can't blame her anymore. Time is rut-'

"Aww, look at how cute he is," the child spoke once again.

'DAMN! Who the hell keeps distracting me? What is this anyway?! Why can't I just go to hell and not live this nightmare? Why can't I see for that matter?'

"Mom look at him," the child shouted.

"Yes, honey, I can see," a voice, coming closer, replied.

"Hey Ares, it's me, your mother. Lucas come and say hi to your brother," the woman introduced herself.

"Hi, it's your big brother," the child, named Lucas, introduced himself.

'... so if I think back to the time where I died...'

"Mom, I don't think he likes me," Lucas spoke to his mother in a sad tone.

"Don't worry honey. This is normal... I think," the mother assured the child in an unsure voice.

'... so.. WAIT! Don't tell me. Let me guess... THIS. IS. REINCARNATION. MAGIC. WOOOO.'

"Mga, ga, ga, ga," Ori- no, Ares laughed.

"Hahaha! Mom, look; he's laughing," Lucas rejoiced.

"Hahaha. Honey, it's time to feed him," the mother giggled while handling Ares.

'... WOOO.... huh... did someone say feed?'

Ares turns his head and looks at his mother...

'Oh no.'

"Haa, come here you cutie"


After a hell that's worst than hell itself...

As Ares's soul leaves his body, a tall dark-haired man, with a very masculine form and a 3-inch scar with a width of half-an-inch goes through his right cheek to his neck, comes in. His hair is messy and he's wearing black martial arts training clothes. He's carrying a case on his back and his pitch-black eyes show emotionless life.

'Who... is this?' Ares's soul comes back with a shocked expression.

"Honey, welcome back!"

The tall man walks to Ares with a look of.. well.. nothing.. his eyes are all empty.

"Hey, little one. What do you think of your name?"

'Honestly, I don't care." Ares replied in his thoughts.

Surprisingly, he went to Ares and ruffled his head.

'I'm guessing this dude is the father'


"Scar... is the baby meant to be silent," the father voiced his concern while maintaining the same emotionless expression.

'So her name is Scar?'

"I don't think so... this is only the 2nd time I raised a baby and maybe some of them differ," Scar takes a pause, "I'll go get him checked out tomorrow."

Scar takes care of Ares while Lucas watches. The father took a bath and went to an unknown room. He was still wearing his training clothes so Ares assumed it was an area for training. Ares settled in and as time passed he was used to the family. Scar put Ares and Lucas to bed and she went to her room to sleep while the father is still training.

The next morning...

Scar woke Ares up and got him ready for the day. Scar set Ares next to her while cleaning. Ares listened to the conversation between his parents and learned that they were somewhat important because the father had a meeting with the Imperial Advisors and that's also how Ares learned that he lives in an Empire, however, the scenery would like to disagree; Ares got a good look outside of his house and determined that he lived in a forest or at least a village.

Ares saw his mother use magic and learned that this world also has magic. The father left while Lucas kept on watching over Ares. Ares was getting uncomfortable at that point.

Scar finished up everything and took Ares and Lucas outside.

"Ma, where are we going?"

"We're going to check Ares out and see if you have the qualifications to have magic."

Lucas got excited and was impatient the whole time.

'Do I really have to wait that long? I might as well learn how to control magic.'

Ares thought about learning magic but every time he tries magic, he fails. Ares thought this world's magic is different from his but from what he saw, it looked the same. Ares thought about the book he was reading in his past life and every character almost always got a book of magic basics and started learning at a young age. Ares tried to get a book but no matter where he looks, he can't find a book about magic. Ares thought it was because of his young age and he hoped it was not.

Ares and co got to a big white building with a variety of colors on the side. When Ares entered inside, he saw a lot of people in line. Some sitting while some standing. Author: It looks the same as an airport with people waiting. Ares and co waited till their family name was called.

The family of 3 stood up and silently but nervously walked to the room they were instructed to enter. Scar took her free hand and twisted the knob. The more the door opened, the more the mother and son were nervous. It may seem like they are exaggerating, but one should know that this test will determine whether her little two babies will live a full life or not. Oris was, obviously, carefree as he doesn't care about what is happening nor does he care enough to wanna know.

The family went into the room and found a magician with a rainbow floating ball in front of him. The magician has a striking similarity to Gandalf. There seated two people beside the magician on either side. The one on the left side of the magician is a tall burly and handsome doctor with a white coat. The one on the right side of the magician is another burly man, with a face that says he's been through many battles, that has basic adventurer's clothes. (Author: Imagine the body of Gildart from FT with the armor of Goblin Slayer in the Goblin Slayer anime but without the helmet and with the face of vice-admiral Smoker from OP and Shanks's scar from OP.)

The family went and sat in the chair in front of the magicians.

"Good day, Ms....?" The magician said.

'The hell? Why would they not know what their patents are called?'

"It's Scarlet, Scarlet Anfar."


Scar tilted her head at a 20-degree angle and nodded, "Yes?"

"You're the wife of Master Shkinar?" The magician asked with a surprised.

"I am."

'Who the hell is father? Is he rich? Am I a young master? Nice, time to sit back and let all the babes come to me.'

"Can I ask if he's well?"

"Indeed, he is."

"Ok, let's not waste more time. Please place your son's hand on here," the magician said as he pointed to the ball in front of him.

Scar took Lucas's hand and placed them on the ball.

'What the hell is that ball? I wish I wasn't a child so I can ask them.' Ares mewled.

The ball shined and dimmed. The ball changed color and turned to a shade of gold with soft black lines that enveloped themselves in the gold. (Author: Think of the color of pineapples when you cut them open. That but mixed with black, soft lines.)

"Ms. Anfar, your son is a pure magic magician. His potential is good and close to that of a genius." The magician said while looking down at his desk. The desk has a device that tells him that person's magic capabilities.

Scar smiled for a little, "Thank you Magician Zalk. I'll take my leave"

Zalk smiled and waved. Scar left the room and went out of the building.

"Mom, Am I a good magic person like you?" Lucas yelled.

"You are, cutie."

'Then what am I?'

The family went to buy some desserts and Scar went to buy groceries. The family then went to local wise women. The family stood before a small wooden hut. (Author: Think of a local clinic but wooden and in a fantasy theme. I just went into google images and searched for what I'm thinking of. I copied the image address and used a website to shorten the link, here you go. https://rb.gy/78gk0x) The hut had flowers on the windows and looks like a humble house overall. The family went into the hut.

"Hello there, welcome to my master's humble abode. I'll be right with you," a young woman said. The woman looks 17-18 yo and she had a small build with a height of 5'4", quite tall for the average women in this small town. The young woman's looks were average.

The young woman went into a room with a stack of papers and came out empty-handed. The young woman walked to the family.

"Hello, my name is Heaven. Haha, my mom thought I would be someone legendary if she gave me that name. Anyway, what are you here?"

"Ah, we're here to have my son checked out. Recen-"

"Please wait a moment," Heaven reached her hand into a drawer and pulled out a paper. Heaven then added, "please continue."

"Yeah, so my son is barely laughing and he doesn't cry at all. He doesn't do anything but just sit and like... observe us," Scar took a pause. "Is something wrong with him?"

Heaven just stared at Scar with a confused look and spoke, "may I see your child?"

"Of course."

Scar brought Ares closer to Heaven. Heaven took Ares and examined him.

'The hell you want!'

Ares snorted in his mind and went back into his messy train of thought.

"Ah, the child looks ok to me, but I don't much about children. My master is usually the one to deal with situations like these," Heaven paused and added, "please wait a moment, I'll bring my master real quick."

Heaven handed Ares to his mother and went around the back to get her master. A moment later, came Heaven with another person alongside her. It was an old lady. The old didn't look too old, she looked like a person in their 60s. She looked like she was beautiful in her younger years. (Author: I got a picture that's the lookest thing to what I'm imagining but it's still not a perfect representation. (https://rb.gy/syeadg) The woman at the very right is the woman I'm talking about.)

The old lady talked up the family and introduced herself, "Hey, I'm Shina. How many I assist you today?"

"Ah, my son is not crying or doing anything a child should do. Is there something wrong?"

"May I see your child?"

"Of course," Scar gave Ares to Shina.

Shina took a moment to inspect Ares. Her eyes were glowing for a little before they returned to their normal state. Ares felt as if she could see through him. It was like he was naked before her. Luckily, she wasn't able to see his memories.

"Your child is fine, he just different from other children. I've seen babies not crying before and most of them became geniuses, but that's not to say that geniuses must not cry. I've seen a child before that didn't cry or do anything a child older than 1 could do until he was 5 years old. I thought he might've had a disease or brain dysfunction. But when he stopped crying, he was able not only able to walk and talk in a few months but he was able to surpass even geniuses that were considered geniuses among geniuses. This may not always be the case. Some children can't or don't cry or do childish behavior, but this didn't mean that they were geniuses."

"I've inspected your child and I see that an accident must've happened at birth. I also checked out his files of when he was born and of that sort. It seems... that... umm, may we speak in private," Shina asked Scar in a worried expression and tone.


Shina, Heaven, Scar, and her two children all went to a room before Heaven was stopped by Shina.

"Wait here. Take care of other customers."

"Yes, Master."

"And can you please leave behind your other child? Heaven will take care of him."

"Uhh, ok," Scar made Lucas go with Heaven.

Heaven and Lucas left and Shina and co continued into a room. The room looked like that of the owner's private workplace. There was paper everywhere. There was paper on the desk in a big pile. There was also a small table in the back of the room that had an even bigger pile of papers. Shina took the pile off her desk and took them on the table behind her desk.

Shina sat in her chair and gestured to Scar to sit down on one of the chairs in front of her desk. Scar didn't refuse and took a seat.

"So, I inspected your child and I haven't done a fully complete scan so there may be other things that I haven't discovered or this information may be slightly different from the truth but this information will differ too much from what I'm about to say."

"Your child has been inflicted with a disease of some sort. This disease is not new at all but it's difficult to research or even trying to get a lead. This disease is very very rare but it's possible nevertheless. Uh-"

Scar cut off Shina with a shocked and horrified expression on her face like she had seen a demon, "What does the disease do and what harm does it bring to the body? Is there also a way to cu- no, just slow it down at least?"

"This disease makes the person unable to use magic or do any excessive work on the body. This makes the body unable to do anything other than either walking around or maybe a little playing. The person can also learn but the process will be slowed down, I can't say whether the slow down will be significant or minimal but it will still slow down any forms of knowledge or fighting technique, things like these."

"The harm is that... basically, what I said before and more like body function. Things like making the body grow tall or getting muscles will be difficult and possibly impossible. There is currently no cure and slowing it down is also not possible currently as the disease breaks down the body completely so finding a way to slow it down will be with much difficulty."

Nevermind Ares, Scar was completely horrified and was not able to conjure up any thoughts. However, if we do mind Ares then he was feeling was worse. Way worse.


'Are you joking?'

Ares also had a horrified look, but nobody noticed his face. Shina looked down at her desk without speaking any further as Heaven was the one who took care of things like telling patients what is wrong or stuff like these, so Shina had no experience when it does to talking with patients. Shina didn't say anymore as she thought that would only make matters worse.

Silence passed the room and nothing could be heard other than things like the wind blowing from the slightly opened wind or the sound of the birds outside. The birds singing while the room contained the opposite of singing.

Time passed and Shina didn't say anything. She simply stood up from her desk and took Scar to take her time. Shina then left her room. Shina took the important documents and went to either finish the documents in another room or she talked to Heaven.

The two no longer had horrified or shocked expression. But now, Scar was crying and Ares had a mad look on his face. The mad look looked cute because of his childish features and because he was a baby.

This was a first for Scar and Ares thought he had enough but the heavens instead gave him hopes then diminished them.

Don't make your expectation high or you will be disappointed.


Author: I've noticed that I forgot to describe Ares's mother's appearance. So here it is: Scar, also known by her full name, Scarlet Anfar or Scarlet Kriang, is a mother of 2 sons and the wife of Shkinar, a powerful and devious Magic Swordsman that's revered across the world as 'One of the Grand Leaders of the Qahnaar Union' (The Qahnaar Union created the Qahnaar Guild, that's all you need to know for now.) and also as the 'Devil Swordsman'. Scar was a former companion of Shkinar in his old days. Scarlet is a powerful and benevolent Swordswoman that's respected alongside Shkinar. She is known as the 'Sword Goddess' or 'Goddess Scarlet' in general. She, as you can predict, fell in love with Shkinar, as he did with her, and they both got together for a happy ending.

She is 5'11" with a bust size of a D cup. She has blonde hair with a fiery temper, contrary to her red name and peaceful appearance, a temper only Shkinar can settle down. She looks beautiful, not just in words but also in appearance. If there was a nation beauty ranking then she would at least be in the top 5. She has a look that makes others calm and has an elf-ish appearance but with no elf ears. (Author: Take this picture and replace it with all of the things I said like the bust size https://rb.gy/hjdbhd or https://rb.gy/xivfmo)

I feel like the first half of the writing is kinda rushed even though I spent a long time on it. You guys let me know if you want more detailed writing or if this writing is fine as is. My brain was not working while making this so I apologize if any of the writing feels off. Oh and give me ideas on how to continue to this. And one last thing, do you guys want me to focus more on the dialogue (" ") or what happens (Text).

RealCrasercreators' thoughts