

There is only one true Queen. A Queen who is loved by her people and ruled the world with fairness and kindness. But be careful, don't make her your enemy. You'll die. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• The Queen was betrayed and the darkness consumed everything she ever have. Her beloved people were brutally killed and the kingdom she called home are destroyed and burned. On the verge of death, She made a deal to 'hell' itself. A man with red eyes who comes from darkness that consumes the blood of her people. "I can kill them for you." "No." "I'll kill them with my very own hands" "As your wish, My Queen." Now they will walk to the road filled with blood, revenge and death. P.S: The art is not mine, If it yours and you want to remove it, please don't report and just message me. Thank you~!

AikishiaOmano · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Seven: Beginning after the End

"There's a rain coming up" Looking at the sky, he smiled. "Your Majesty" Zero looked at his back and sees that the Queen is getting up from her sleep.

"We're inside of your power." Her eyes turn back to normal, ash colored. "Your saying that you can see what was happening outside?" Zero nod at her statement.

"Yes" The Queen stands up and zero slowly approach her. She raise her hand and the sleepwear slips off from her body.

"Your breakfast is a toasted bread with butter, bacon and egg, cubed mango, strawberries and Earl Grey tea." She glanced the foods with appetizing look. After Zero changes her clothes assist her , he brushes her hair while Queen is drinking tea.

"Not bad" She commented and continue to eat her breakfast while zero prepares her things on what to bring outside.

After everything is settled, they went outside of the hotel they stayed. They are now in the different city, Portentis. The city of wonders.

The place is filled with noise and different types of people. Noble people who only keep showing off their wealth, shop owners who keep sweet talking the nobles and the commoners.

'Now that I know the goddess was behind of all those horrible things- let's slowly destroy her source of power." She keeps walking, 'The faith of the people is the source of her power. And I have to destroy it as she destroy mine. All I-'

Her words in her mind cut off when zero grabs her hand.

"You almost crash towards the wall, Lady Luna." Lost in her own thoughts, she look around, "This is the back alley of the town."

Zero talked and continue "This is where shady people hides and people who knows lots of info about the dark.", he touches his chin with a curiosity in his face, "I never thought the city of wonder has this kinds of places too."

"This kind of place shouldn't existed here." The Queen's eyes darkened, "She likes to play the people's life and amused by their sufferings huh." She looked at the children lying around in the road, dying.

"Shall we continue on our walk, Lady Luna?" Lady Luna is her name when there's other person around. The Queen didn't look at him and continue to enter the dark alley.

The Queen seems to observe that the people's stares hiding a dark. All she can see is people who is dying or a corpse. "It's seems there are more children out here." Zero commented as walking behind her.

"They were thrown away" That what her replied and continue to walk. A minute has passed and the Queen suddenly stops.


The Queen only need to call out his name for him to know what she want. She breath out as he replies,

"Whatever you desire, I will gladly do so." She only nod at him and suddenly he disappears. The people who tailed at them since they entered at the dark alley was surprised and started to panic.

In a mere minute, the 10 man who tailed them are now lying on their position without life. "Let one person alive and bring him to me." Only looking at the ground, she ordered zero. And a cold sweat falls down from the head of a person who's only alive.

"Her Majesty unfortunately spares you." Zero grabbed her collar and throw him in front of the Queen. The man stood up, shaking with fear. The Queen didn't meet his eyes and still her eyes are looking at the ground.

"Kneel" Before the man can react, a sudden force behind his knee made him kneel. Afraid of his life, he looked up to beg the person standing in front of him.

"This is where we should meet our eyes." When the man meet her eyes, his life almost left him. An uncontrollable shudder ran down in his spine. He was panicking and his fear is so visible to see.

"Pl-plea-as-a-se..." He keeps shaking and couldn't utter a single word right. The man realized that the people is not to be taken lightly and can easily take his life without any thought. He can't avoid her dead ash eyes in fear of dying if he only look somewhere even just a second.

Zero is standing behind her. 'She amused me in extreme way' But there's no emotion in his face as he looked the man in front of him. 'A human trash'

The Queen haven't said any words. "I-I'm ver-very sor-sorry." The man closed his eyes and bowed down. He raises his head again and in an instant, a bullet pierced his head.

Zero stopped the bullet that almost hit the Queen's head using his hand. "I apologize" He said as she glanced where the bullet comes from.

"He's gone" The Queen commented and continue on walking. "Let's go visit his house then." She smiled as zero vanished.

"It's seems like you haven't found your right destination." She stop in her tracks and turn behind her then gave the two person standing in front of her a stern glare. Seeing zero is nowhere and two man with a noble cloth in front of her, she smiled with a dead eyes.

"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't wander in here." A man wearing a hat while holding a cigar in his right hand smiled. He has black short hair and is wearing an unusual yet seemingly noble like clothes.

"Seeing her standing here with no injuries, she's somewhat crazy." A silver long haired man with a pair of eyeglasses, he raise his right brow as he looked the Queen head to toe. He wears a formal clothes' with a chained watch in his coat.

'Their appearance is so opposite to their personality.' She only stares at the man standing in front of her. Observing and watching.

"Are you perhaps deaf or cannot understand anything we said?" The silvered hair hissed and rolled his eyes.

"That's rude to the Lady-"Zero suddenly lands between them while literally holding the unconscious blond haired man's right leg.

The three person witness how Zero hold the guy thinks, ′He must dragged him here just holding his right leg.′

"WAIT! THAT'S LUCAS!" The silver haired man pointed the unconscious man. "HEY!! YOU FUCKING ASS-" The other man stopped him.

"You better calm down and be quite." The black haired man felt cold as he glanced the neck of his friend bleeding a bit. "If you move another step, you'll lose your head" There was a sharp and colorless string surrounds in his neck.

"Wha-what the fuck is this?" The silver haired man shaking in fear while tapping the strings in his neck that bleeds a little. The place becomes silence as the two man stuck the words in their throats. With their unconscious friend in the hands of a person controlling the strings that was in the throat of the another, they are afraid to take a risk.

"The blond man shot us first a-." The Queen walk beside Zero.

"I don't care. We don't fucking know you." She twitch and look him with dead eyes.

"His getting on my nerves." mumbling to herself, she continued to glare at him, unwilling to smile and cross her arms.

"Should I do it?" The way he talk back at her, she didn't like it. The two man flinch in her uncertain tone in her voice.

"I told you to be quite didn't I?" The black haired man warns his friend.

"I mean it's not I really care if you live or not." The Queen's tone of voice is like talking about choosing deserts or dresses. "But still, for you to wear such weird clothes- If I'm not mistaken you three are somewhat mini lords in here, right?"

'Weird clothes?' / 'Mini lords?'

The two seems more troubled about what she describes them rather than her warning.


"AND WE'RE TALL! NOT MINI!" The silvered hair shout. "WE ARE SMART OKAY! AND STRONG!"

The other two person went silent because of their retorts. The Queen covers her face with her two hands and face Zero.

"I need dictionary about stupidity's language." The Queen look at Zero with dead eyes.


Zero can't help to chuckled.

I'm having a hard time keeping up the update~ and rn im listening to music to shake my brain for ideas :D

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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