
So mortal's everyday lives are like this? Not bad at all...

Weeks passed as I continued living with Ashley. She taught me a lot of things about her world; the machines in the house, the 'gadgets' as she calls them and many other things I did not know. I even learnt how to use the World Wide Web.

With my memories slowly coming back, it was easier to grasp everything because sometimes I was just filling in some blanks from what I had learnt in the past before my fall. Ashley was given permission to study me at home other than having to commute to the Research Centre every day as long as she reported everything back to them. With so many changes happening and promises to move us to a better apartment for more space, I knew there were changes I would also have to make in my life if I was to continue living with Ashley.

Then, one day as I was sitting in my room, looking through a magazine, Ashley called me by my full name. At that moment, I knew something was wrong. She had never used my full name before. I got to the living room and she told me to sit down which I did. "So," she said "the director said it is time for you to interact with other people" "Perfect!" I said excited. "And you will do that by going to school" she finished with a 'This is a bad idea' tone.

At the sound of 'school', my brain froze and replayed back everything that I knew about school; I knew it was not a good place for soft people like me, I knew about bullies who do unspeakable things to weak students. I knew that the teachers did nothing to punish the bullies and judging by the fact that I was in the human world, I knew that the possibility of me knowing everything they learn about was high. Mind you, these are just speculations because I have never been to school. I was home schooled back where I came from because my father did not want anything to happen to me. He considered me his most prized possession. All my speculations were based on all the movies I had watched with Ashley. I would have to find a way to fit in and go unnoticed at school which would not be possible. I am the kind of person that stands out in every crowd no matter how small or big. I was not good at fitting in, especially because I had lost my wings in an attempt to fit in with my brothers. "Great," I replied completely disappointed.

"You're disappointed" she said matter of factly. "Do I get to say yes?" I asked without looking at her.


"Well, if you must know, yes I'm disappointed because I was hoping for something better"

"Like what?"

"How about a job, mean you work, why can't I?"

"Maybe because you're not qualified for anything in this world"

"But I'm the oldest person in your world, I know everything there is to know-"

"And no one knows that" she cut in "except for me, what do you mean you're the oldest person in the world?"


Seeing that I wouldn't budge, she tried to explain to make me feel better but it didn't work. Instead I just smiled and asked her when I would be expected at school. "On Thursday, tomorrow we are going shopping"

I had heard women in my world talking about shopping and clothing whenever I flew above our city, but I never really understood the purpose, why would I when I just had everything I needed. I knew I would have to entertain the idea if I was going to fool Ashley.

The next day Ashley woke me up at 7:30 am. I was already awake by then, with my bad dreams, visions and flash backs of my past, I barely got some sleep. I got ready to go shopping and was done by 8:30 am. I sat in the living room waiting for Ashley who was taking forever to get ready. Why do women take forever to get ready when going out? I don't see what wastes time because they take hours only to come out wearing a simple dress with a zipper at the back and then you ask yourself what took so long because they end up asking you to zip up the zipper, I mean that's just a shocker!

However, I have to say when Ashley came out of her bedroom she looked exquisite! She was wearing a cobalt blue dress with a matching blue bandana tying her hair and blue heels on her feet. I have never seen a goddess before, but based on my imagination she was the closest resemblance after my mother. I wanted to pay her a compliment but I didn't see why I should. "Took you long enough" I said standing up. "Stop whining and give me a hand" she said turning around to reveal her back. I expected to find a zipper but all I found were holes and strings. Before I could ask, "Sew a net through the holes with the strings and then pull them to tighten the dress." She said. I did as I was instructed, "just so you know, if I pull a little too hard and ruin the dress or suffocate you, I apologize in advance."

"Just do what you have to but don't hurt me, not that I'm a fragile woman"

"I was not going to say you're fragile"

"Well, most people do"

"Then it's a good thing I'm not most people" and she smiled at me. When I was done she applied some lip balm and checked herself on the mirror one last time. I rolled my eyes clearly impatient. "You must learn to be patient where women are involved." She said grabbing her keys on the table. For the first time since arriving in her house, I walked out the door and inhaled the fresh air of the outside world. I walked down the steps and got in the car. She got in the driver's seat and started the engine. As she was driving I took in the view of the skyscrapers around me, the bill boards and the items in the shops we passed on our way to wherever she was driving to.