
Who am I: part 4

When I walked out of the bathroom, my eyes were not as bright and my skin was flickering. I closed the door and when I turned around she was standing there with an innocent grin on her face which startled me,  and  considering the fact that I was only wrapped in a towel made me feel naked. She approached me slowly and I got backed up to a wall. I watched her with unease as she admired and touched my glowing skin. With every touch my skin would flicker a little brighter and then go back to its usual glow. She then touched a scar like part of my skin and then a black ink like goo started spreading on my skin which surprised me. I looked at it as it absorbed the glow from my skin and glowed brighter than the rest of my skin. I expected her to be as surprised as I was but she was not. She touched the ink and it produced a powder like glowing substance which evaporated with the water on my skin and vanished into thin air. "So, hypothetically speaking of course, say you were to take a bath in a bath tub, would the water turn blue?" she asked after swallowing the huge lump in her throat. "I don't know," I said looking down at her. She finally looked up and touched my face which felt hotter with every caress. Then she gained some composure and moved a few steps back. She led me to the living room where I found a fresh change of clothes on the couch I was lying on. I took the clothes and went back to the bathroom to change. When I came back she was in the kitchen so I joined her. I found her sitting on one end of the table and her plate had a slice of some kind of food I did not know. I sat down next to her and she got me a plate and served me the same thing from the boxes delivered earlier. She gave me a fork and a table knife and urged me to eat. I put down the utensils and used my hand to grab the slice and took a hesitant bite. My taste buds absorbed everything from the bite; mushrooms, tangy tomatoes, a slight onion like taste, chicken, green pepper, flour and some oil. The bite was scrumptious! I swallowed my slice in three more bites. She asked me if I wanted more and I nodded. When she finished her third slice, all the boxes were empty. "So that is pizza," I said "It tastes really good." "I'm glad you like it" she said with a smile. "Do you live alone?" I asked her.

"Why do you ask?" she asked back. "I... I don't know, just curious, because there is this scent here... it's not yours or mine..." "Yeah, it's probably my boyfriend's" she replied.

"Oh, so this person lives here?" I questioned further.

"Yeah, but right now he's not around, he travels a lot so..."

"Do you miss him?" and she blushed

"Well, when I'm alone in this fortress, I do" she said with a sad smile. "Enough about me, what about you... do you maybe know why you ended up here or what happened to you, do you remember anything?"

I shook my head sadly surprised that the tables had turned. So you still don't remember anything about your previous life before you came here?"

"Nope," I said flatly "although I have been having these unusual dreams... I see people, flying people, scorched fields, wings, castles in the air..." "Maybe you're starting to remember." "Maybe..." my voice trailed away in murmurs. "Any who, I wanna show you something, she said taking my hand and leading me to the living room. She turned on a huge screen and sat on the couch. She tapped the seat next to her and I joined her. "What's your favorite movie?" she asked me.

"What's a movie?"

"You don't know what a movie is?"

"Should I?"

"I was hoping you would," she said surprised, "but then it's okay, maybe I could just show you"

"Okay" I agreed.

She connected another machine to the huge screen and then pressed some buttons and we watched a "movie" entitled 'Amazing Spiderman' which was really interesting.

When it was over I asked her "So if I were to be bitten by a spider, would I become like Peter Parker?"

"No, of course not. You would have been bitten by an ordinary spider" she argued

"But what if it is not?" and she laughed. It was my first time hearing her laugh and the sound of it was exciting, it made me want to laugh too. "Kyle, you wouldn't be Spiderman," she held my chin "you would still be Kyle O'Casey. Now, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Come with, I will show you your room." She stood up and I followed. We went to the hallway with two doors on the left and she opened the second door and walked in. I followed her in and I found it was small and simple; a bed in one corner to the right, a study table in the one next to the bed. There was a wardrobe straight ahead when you walked in the room in the third corner. I found some pajamas on the bed. "Put them on" she ordered and turned around. I opened the wardrobe doors and hid between them to put on the trouser. Then I removed the t-shirt and but the clothes in a basket on the other side of the wardrobe. I took the top half of the pajamas which was a silk shirt. I was about to put it on when I heard Ashley gasp. I quickly turned to face her. "I studied your whole body but I've never seen those wounds " she said with registered shock on her face. "How did you get them?" "I don't remember, but then who knows, maybe I had wings there," I said jokingly. "And they look like they hurt, don't those hurt, because they are releasing a cobalt blue  puss. She said in a concerned tone, "wait a minute, are you bleeding?" By the time I felt her presence behind me it was too late. I was about to turn and face her when I felt her hands touch me on the wounds. My eyes flickered and I froze in that position. I then had a vision. I was looking at a glass box with wings inside. When I attempted to approach them, they flapped violently. In fear, I jumped back and was pulled back to reality. I found myself in bed. I didn't even attempt to try and comprehend how I had gotten into bed. After that I went to sleep.