
So mortal's everyday lives are like this? Not bad at all...: part 4

I knew they did not belong to Ashley, hers formed a rhythmical pattern yet the ones approaching my door were random. "Come in" I said before he could knock. He walked in slowly.

I could sense that he was hesitant. "Mind if I sit" he asked. When I didn't respond he slowly made himself comfortable on the other side of my bed. "I heard you are going to school tomorrow." He said. I nodded and turned towards him. "So are you excited?" he asked me. "No, not really. I've been to school before, I know everything there is to know and I don't like other people especially ones that I do not know." I said with a tone that clearly voiced out my detestment of the whole situation. "So… the bottom line is you were home schooled?" he stated matter of factly. "Exactly!" I exclaimed. "Oh come on kid, going to school gives you more experience about handling yourself in the outside world."

"Experience like what?"

"Look, life is not just about being with your mom and her friend like you've been doing" he said

"My life has been all about my duties and family. If I'm not with family I'm taking care of my duties."

"But now you're supposed to be a teenager, a boy who is handsome and can have any girl he wants. Mean, I get it… you grew up too fast, but now you have the chance to relive those years of youth that you missed. Take advantage of that." He said looking into my eyes. Without realizing it I figured he was right. I hadn't lived my life and it was time to do so.

"You're right I should do that" I said with a look of certainty

"Good," He said with a sigh. "now to the main issue… at school you will have to choose some kind of sport, usually its compulsory to do some physical sport to keep you fit."

"What is a sport exactly?"

"You don't know the meaning?" he exclaimed.

"No" I said flatly

"I'm sure you've watched football on the television"

"Oh, you mean that thing where you humans kick a ball into the net?" I asked hoping we were talking about the same thing.

"Yes, that… that is a sport. Now you're gonna have to do one of those things at your school. So which one do you know?"

Me?" I asked surprised, "I don't know any of those things. I wasn't much of an outside person back in my days." I replied.

"Well, you're gonna have to choose a sport, now I heard Ashley say you have quick reflexes so maybe you should pick tennis… it might be a good one for you since you have the body of an athlete." When he said that I knew he was lying. Everyone could tell that I was thin. Even the clothes I had been wearing lately did no attempt of trying to hide that, but I decided to let him get away with that one just this once.

There was an awkward silence that was broken by a knock on my door. Before I could give permission the door swung open and Ashley walked in. She tried really hard to hide her smile but I saw through it. At that moment Bryce got up and stood by her side. "I'm gonna have to wake you up a little early than usual tomorrow so that you can get ready for school." She said. "Sure thing" I said making it clear that they should leave. When they were gone I started pondering everything that Bryce had said to me. Most of his words were sticking to me. I knew that I had never lived a life outside my duties as a Cupid and I didn't even know how to start doing that. I had never had friends, the only person I could call my friend was my sister Cara and maybe Arc and Archien, my weapons that were one hundred percent conscious. As I fell asleep that night, my thoughts were questions that I did not have any answers to. My sleep was disturbed by a presence that I did not expect in my room so late at night.

"Are you really that worried about me?" I asked while tapping the side of my bed. After sitting up and wiping the sleep from my eyes.  I turned on my bed side lamp and looked at her. For the first time I registered the worry on her face. I held her chin as she sat down and made her look at me. "When they told me you would be coming home with me, I never thought I would have to share you with the outside world" she said with a sad look.

"Hey," I said with a warm smile "I'm not gonna give them even a tiny piece of myself okay, I only belong to you"

"You're only saying that to make me feel better" she smiled while tears rolled down her eyes.

"I'm saying it because I mean it."

"I'm still not satisfied though," she said with the worried tone again "What if you glow in front of people, or start hearing voices in your head or… or get weighed down by the emotions of the people around you, who is gonna take care of you?"

I pulled her close and wrapped her in a hug. Weird! That I was doing for the first time. Has there been a little prudence that I did not know about inside me all along?

Yet in my head another part of it was completely understanding why she was worried… I could be a time bomb at times and I was unpredictable. Not to mention my constant fears which made me glow. I really did understand why she was worried although I didn't know if deceiving her was the right thing to do.

"I will be fine" I said with one of my reassuring smiles. With a satisfactory look on her face she stood up, kissed me on the fore head and then left my room.

Since I was tired, sleep overcame me as soon as she left and I was engulfed by my nightmares. At first I was haunted by my brothers which was what I had gotten used to. The next dream I had was quite disturbing; I was walking down a hall way when I saw Manda coming towards me. She hugged me and then got close to kiss me but then turned into Ashley. I pushed her away and she turned into Cara "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "I came to find you numb nuts" she said poking me on the fore head, "Where the heck are you?" "This must be one of their tricks" I said to myself. I shouted "You're not real!" and shielded my mind. I tried to wake up and heard a voice call out to me. I woke up with a start and jumped out of my bed, my body glowing and the walls and everything around me was crumbling away as if being corroded by acid. I looked up and saw two shadows on the walls one of the shadows was carrying a dagger. He threw it at me and I covered my face. Just when I felt it piercing my skin, Ashley's voice brought me back to consciousness. The whole room was glowing blue and Ashley and Bryce were carrying me to the tub. I quickly jumped out of their arms and kept my distance. Their hands were smoking; I knew I had done that. I quickly got control over my glow and turned it off. I was about to bump my head on the ground when she caught me and let me gently lie down. Before I lost consciousness I heard her say "It's okay Kyle, you're safe now."