
Fallen Legacy: Son of Hero, Wielder of Darkness

A boy once known as the failure of Heroes. He who rises above all zhe non expectation on him Shows the World who he truly is. But with great power comes the contridiction from the public and their malice. Once titled as Son of Hero is now a Scoundral a called Traiter of his legacy. Now going through a path bestowed by fate. He chose not laying his Destiny on the hands of those who betrayed him. But those who saved him. His only path now is the one where he breaks the endless chain that Fate put on him. Author: I hope you give it a read and enjoy it. It is one of my first novels that i write right now so pardon me if i make some mistakes while writing Yes it has a harem Yes there will be blood No there is no over powerd mc from the begining so do not mistaken it. It is an Adventure type like danmachi or Shield Hero not Overlord style it has or should have a good plot in my opinion. No the power System will be unique but avarege at the Sam time. Yes the first part is a copy from another novel i once read but like Novels Extra and Author POV only the beginning is similar pls be not mistaken it. It is not a masterpice and i would never say that.

Fengbao_21 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Wolf in Sheep's Disguise

As the night deepened, Tristan lay in his room, lost in a deep slumber, oblivious to the impending danger lurking just beyond his door. Outside his chamber, two sinister figures plotted their nefarious scheme, their whispers barely audible in the stillness of the night.

"Are you sure this is the right room?" one of them muttered, casting a wary glance at the door.

The other scoffed, his voice tinged with malice. "Of course it is. The targetss room is unmistakable, marked by the emblem of the Stormweaver family."

A shiver ran down Tristan's spine as he dreamt, the darkness of his subconscious mirroring the ominous atmosphere outside his door.

"What if we're caught? What if the boy puts up a fight and the guards come?" the first figure whispered, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"Then we deal with him accordingly," the second figure replied, a cruel glint in his eyes. "But remember, our priority is to secure the target and deliver it to our Client."

"It's truly a wonder that no one has taken up this assignment, considering how much we're offered just for a kid who's still wet behind the ears. But on the otherside he is the son of hero so maybe..., well whatever as long as i get paid everything else is secondary.

But then again, I'm not surprised that no one has dared to confront us in taking the job quest. After all, we didn't earn the moniker 'the Silver Daggers' for nothing." The man boasted proudly.

"Do you really think so? We're not even official members, we are just some freelancer that got dragged.

We don't even have the think what official members has 'the silver dagger'. Only does who are official members carry silver daggers and are quite intimidating figures. Besides-"

"How long will you two keep chatting until the staff finds us?"

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a third figure, his presence silent yet commanding. He had overheard their discussion and now spoke with an air of authority.

"Boss, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that you two aren't cut out for this job."

"Why's that?"

"If there's a reason, then it's you who should keep me out of it."

"Hah, it's about both of you and the fact that you don't understand the mission we're on here. Or that you're not vigilant enough." He spoke with a serious tone. "Have you still not grasped it? The reason why no one has completed this assignment so far isn't because no one chose it, but because they failed. We're not the first ones to choose it."

As the man explained the other listen care fully.

The man's answer was both shocking and an explanation for why no one chose this mission. There were approximately three other guilds that undertook this mission, but none ever returned from it, raising the question of why they accepted it in the first place. If no one could take it and survive to tell the tale, why would they take it?

The answer was simple yet so obvious that it came as a shock to them.

They learned from their predecessors failure.

This time it was their turn to win.


Among the three guilds, one was particularly notorious, known to the point where most people were aware of them: The Devil's Hand, one of the most infamous guilds in the country. They were infamous for their involvement in illegal activities and taking innocent lives for money. There seemed to be no limits to what they would do for profit. However, their downfall came when their reputation reached the king's ears. The king ordered their disbandment, suggesting they could be forgiven for their heinious crimes. But that proved easier said than done.

Why would the king set an organization free, considering all they've done? Or why not simply arrest them, but let them go after all that they've perpetrated? It was quite simple; the king never intended to set them free. His true goal was to portray himself as a helper, while casting the guild as ones who rejected that helping hand. If he was to use an aggressiv method it would have a disastrous outcome.

Indeed, it could likely, no, certainly lead to a rebellion among the people of Emberheart. The reason for this dates back to the war against the Demon King twenty years ago. They were deeply involved in the conflict, not on the front lines or in the execution of the war, but in the morale of both humans and demons alike. They did everything for gold, from carrying out assassination contracts on humans, as to demons, to rescuing prisoners of war from enemy camps, or avenging the widows left behind by their slain loved ones. Their reputation preceded them. So, why would the king want to get rid of them when they've mostly done good, you ask?

Well, that wasn't the case at all. They did all that to ensure their own security in case the king ever turned against them. Everyone knew they didn't do it out of kindness but rather as a job assigned to them. Humans fear what they don't understand, no matter how noble. That fear, gnawing at their hearts, would be their downfall. To prevent that, they show almost everything they do and hide nothing. So, they're perceived as mercenaries who have done a lot of good, which masks their wrongdoings and makes them nearly immune to the people, as they are seen as an integral part of what's known as society's machinery. So, how did it come to pass that the king wants to get rid of them or that their wall of people protecting them against the king has crumbled? This is a story that takes place over a decade ago. It was a game of cat and mouse, from hunter to hunted, and from righteous to guilty.


"The Devils Hand literally annihilated themselves by taking on this mission. The same goes for the other two guilds, though they simply couldn't manage it and still exist today, unlike a certain one. But to get to the point of why we chose this mission is very simple. Unlike our predecessors, we waited until both heroes are out of the country."

"Why not wait until they are out of town?"

"And that's why you and your partner are unfit for this. The second attempt on the child was something like what you said, waiting until they are out of town. BUT!!! You forget, we're dealing with the heroes' child. Do you really think it's that easy to take their child just because they are out of town?" He asked in a serious tone.

Gulp. "Maybe--"

"No," he interrupted him. "Definitely not, especially since the mother can hear the voice of the Wind and teleport back immediately if something occurse."


"Oh, and don't ask why we're still doing this.

Because the Wind is not almighty; it will take atleast a while to reach her, and even if she do hear our ambush, my dear naive companion, we have a Talisman that transports the designated individuals to a certain place. So that we can escape without ever being caught. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND."

"Yes, sir," he answered with a serious expression, fully aware that slacking off would land him in deep trouble.

"But did you hear about the Blood Hound of Stormweaver?"

"!!??" Both of them looked confused on his question and he spoke further.

"Who?" asked leader.

The same leader who was speaking so all High and Mighty was puzzeld.

"Be wary of rumors, my friends," he cautioned, his voice carrying a weight of experience. "There are whispers of those who have taken this task before us, only to vanish without a trace. None knows what befell them, but the rumors speak of the Stormweaver family's guardians, the Blood Hound.

They say it's their guardian whom feeds on the flesh of inrtuders"

"But" imterupted the one in empuzzelment If that's true than how is it that we know about it, like someone atlest survives to tell the tales right?

Wouldn't that make the whole story only a tale"

"Are you really that stupid or do really think that something like the Hounds really exist."

Answerd another one who thought for a brief moment that he was tricked by the mans behind as a scape goat.

Before he could continue, a sudden presence loomed behind him, an eldery voice resonating with power and authority.

"Well if that's not conspcuous three men talking so eerely before the masters room, i would like to ask to quit down before you wake up the master. By that i would like to say hat is not entirely accurate, I'm afraid," the voice intoned, sending a chill down their spines. "It is not the Blood Hound, but the Blood Hounds.

And the only reason you scum knows about it is because of a failure long ago.

But I don't think that's really important now, Right?" He questionee risimg an eyebrow at manstrying ro comprehand the moment they were in.

Before any of them could react, the figure dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind three lifeless bodies, each mutilated beyond recognition. The once confident intruders now lay sprawled on the ground in a puddle of their own blood, their fate sealed by the wrath of the Stormweaver's guardians.

The Hounds of Stormweaver.

As dawn approached, Tristan remained unaware of the events that had transpired outside his door, his slumber undisturbed by the darkness that lurked just beyond his thin walls. Little did he know, the shadows of the night had been banished by the silent protectors of the Stormweaver legacy, their vigilance unwavering in the face of danger.


After Butler Reginal had taken care of the intruders, his secretary Tinay approached. Her nightgown was lightly stained with blood, and they exchanged a brief conversation.

"Judging by your appearance, I assume you're finished and already here," the Butler remarked. "Have you taken care of everything on your end? There were presumably 4 on your side, correct?"

"5, there were five this time. Did I not do a great job, how swift I am," Tinay proudly replied.

"Only measly 5 intruders, and you're proud of that? Pathetic as always," the Butler remarked, his disappointment evident.

"Huh?" Tinay sought praise but received only disappointment from the Butler.

The reason as to why she was not in her normal uniform and not ready for a battle was the Reginals doing by not informing. Witch lead to an ambush on her while sleeping.

His reason for doing do was partly as his way of making a joke also he wanted to test her if she was ready.

Even thought he looks like a normal eldery man that has a sadistic tendenz toward others, he was also the uncle of this young Tinay witch is why he geniunly cares for her like a father.

His brother who died in war and his sister in-law out of sorrow. He was her only relativ

"Well, since you're already here, be useful and go to Flock. Tell him to start with the young master's room. The stains are hard to get out once they dry," he instructed.

"Isn't it your fault since you always mutilate the bodies of the intruders beyond recognition?" Tinay retorted. "You keep causing trouble for Flock because you can't restrain yourself."

"Well, well, well, look who actually has the courage to contradict me," the Butler grinned with a menacing smile.

"Awawawawa, n-n-n-no, sir, I would never and I never do," she trembled in fear of what might come.

"So, you're saying I control myself and you're right, is that it?" he asked with a threatening tone.

"I-I-I'm sorry," she stuttered, exhausted from fear.

Before Reginal could show the consequences of her defiance, he felt a familiar presence. As it approached, Tinay was grateful for the person who had just saved her.

Before he could continue, a third figure approached, having overheard their conversation. It was a woman, her white greyish hair tied back in a messy bun, her clothes drenched in blood as if she had just emerged from a slaughterhouse. And eyes of like that of a beast searching for prey.

A brief exchange ensued between them.

"Is the rest of the trash disposed of, or why do I find you standing here before me?" the man asked, his tone sending shivers down ones spines, especially Tinay.

As if she had transformed into a beast, Furude ignoring his remark.

With a menacing glare, she continued, "Yes, and what about the young master? Is he--"

"No need to worry, he's still in deep slumber, but his well-being is questionable. However, it's not due to the pesky vermin lying around here; you know that as well as I do," the man interrupted her, his voice tinged with sharpness.

"And instead of staring me down like that, wouldn't it be better to speak with him directly? How long has it been since you--"

"Another word, and I'll slit your throat," the woman threatened, her sword pointed at his throat.

Seeing her threat, the man relented and urged her to attend to her duties, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the intruders who dared to harm the young heir of the Stormweaver family. Despite the events of that morning and what had transpired, there was no indication of any of it in that moment. It was as if they had been replaced or were not the same people.

The outspoken butler, who could harm a fly, had turned into an ice-cold killer, as had his innocent assistant, who was afraid of cockroaches yet massacred five intruders without hesitation. And the surly Furude, who normally found solace in her sharp tongue and obsession over her elder sister, the only thing that could calm her, was now a monstrous sight. Despite her human silhouette, others saw her as a monster in this state. Even the young master saw in her nothing more than a wild beast that devours everything, him included.

It had come to pass that Reginal had the upper hand, and no one in the Stormweaver household dared to oppose him. He and everyone else in the house were nothing more than ruthless murderers masquerading as servants. Even the simple cook, one of the few who got along well with the young master and almost seemed like friends, had been a serial killer in the cold war 20 years ago, providing for his family by killing others for money like an assassin. However, he had now turned from a cold-blooded killer into a warm-hearted cook. But that didn't mean they were or would remain so. And every time someone threatened young Tristan's life, they killed without a trace of corpses left behind.


The following morning dawned peacefully, just like any other day. The events of the previous night seemed nothing more than figments of the imagination. At least, that's what anyone would think upon waking up to find the house silent.

The 50 intruders who had vanished overnight seemed as if they had never existed from that moment on. The once outspoken butler was now silent as he carried out his duties. And a young boy, shaken from a bad dream, looked as exhausted as he felt. He decided to go back to sleep, knowing that the academy was canceled for the day and he had no plans ahead.

The previous night was gone like a shadow without his source light.


"Say that again" (Furude)

"We lost every trace of the young master after we checked on him this morning.

He vanished!"

Hello everyone here is Fengbao_21

I know this chapter might be at first hard to read or is really slow, and beliieve me i know.

Unfortunately the original chapter was mistakenly deleted.

So i used the scrap Material of what i remember to rewrite it and this is the result.

Originaly i intendet to go more into the detail of the past with Devils Hand ✋️but i decidet change the idea of making it into the next chapter.

I thought it would be better to make an entire new chapter about the past and going into detail, instead of making it into some scrap Material.

Believe me creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! And give me some idea if you have

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