
Fallen for the kim brothers

In the world where everything in a gold plate, the only thing I couldn't have? Love the only thing that I hope to have and I'll gladly trade for a chance of love. So what happens when I found them in two complete opposite.

Ephipanians · Celebrities
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9 Chs

Convenience store

'I can explain…' I was fumbling with my words as father looks at me, he was sitting in his chair as he looks at me raised eyebrows and the audacity my two snickering brothers are not helping either, giving them a slight death glare father signal me to come forward as mother release a sigh, I couldn't help to look at her, it was tiring to be alright but it was more tiring to impress my parents, they'll never understand.

He looks at me as he gestures his head and I sat down as I took the tea beside him, one of the things I enjoy as he does.

'You better have… I didn't make an appointment with businessman sons for nothing, tell me were they not 'husband material'?' as I put the tea and mutter a 'enjoy' he smiles at me and asked Butler Kim to start preparing the dishes out since he knows I have school.

'No…아빠, they are wonderful people… but they are not what I was hoping beside, I'm still in high school and I'm in my last year, don't you think this is going to quick?' I asked reasoning with my father.

He looks at me as the whole table was silence and he sighs, I've been trying to reasoning with him since the first time he mentions of an arranged marriage, my brothers might have obligate since they actually got pretty decent wives and here I am stuck with non-mature kids. The things I have to go through, if I'm going to be stuck with an arranged marriage I need to at least be stuck with someone decent.

'My daughter… the moment I find someone perfects you will go on certain dates and –'

'and then will be wedded before college starts – father… that's the same tradition you do on every single child, please I'm asking you not to interfere with mine, they might have agreed –' pointing at my brothers –' but I thought I might a chance to find love…'

'You don't understand I-'

Reasoning with the head of the family was never an intention of mine, but I couldn't help myself, to burst like that growing up as a princess in the family I learn that I wanted to have a prince charming sweeping my feet away in a horse, but then reality hits and I'm sure to burn those princess books that use to make little girls dream.

Don't get me wrong dreaming and hoping is not a crime but somehow there should be a limit to that.

I stood up from the chair and get a hold of myself and bow down and an excuse and head out of the back porch to go outside.

I was about to grab a bottled water from the kitchen when I feel a hand had grabbed my forearm looking back to see one of my brothers, Hyukjae, the eldest of us three. He looks at me sadly and I look at him.

'Oppa, please let go… I have to get going…' he looks at me and sighs.

'Please understand that father was worry about you right? He is worried sick that you wouldn't be able to live a good life if he didn't see someone he knows and trust, it was hard for me and Jisung too… but at times we need to understand why he did it alright?'

'I just want to find my own love and all… is that so much to ask?' looking down on my shoes and I felt my older brother hugging which surprises me, Hyukjae is someone who doesn't hug anybody even his wife, Hyolyn unnie told me he was a very unexpressive man. But I'm happy enough that I actually meant something to him a family bond is strong.

'Just try for me alright? Try to enjoy it while you have and try to get along with the people he set up, you might find someone suitable, besides you, get to eat good food for free!' He let go and I nodded.

'Good… Oppa will be picking you up after school and go find some clothes for you, father told me you have someone to meet tonight, and it's a friend of mine and his a very good man If I trust him enough to go on a date with my sister I could assure you he's a good man.'

Nodding at Hyukjae, I walk outside and the car was waiting for me, opening the door I climb in the car.

'To school please Mr Lee… and please stop at the convenient store down the block, I haven't had breakfast.' Mr Lee smiles and nodded and off we go, it took about 10 minutes to arrive at the convenient store.

I was walking inside and saw the place was quiet, after greeting the worker there I walked into the other section, to the ramyeon section.

'Ah… what should I get, the spicy one, but I will be bloated because I'm not good with spicy food but again I'm in the mood or the regular one?' mumbling to myself as I look at the possible selection they have.

'I suggest getting this one, it's spicy but not enough to make you bloated,' a brand of the noodle was pass on to me and I look to see a man who looked like his 179cm tall, his jet black hair was swept upwards and was wearing a plain white shirt and jeans.

He looks like a full course meal…

'But if you're looking for someth – hey are you listening?' I didn't realize I was daydreaming and literally eyeing him like a piece of meat.

He looks at me questioningly and then smirk,' is my face that handsome?'

Snapping myself of the trance I was about to say something back when he then laughs loudly, a windshield kind of laugh.

'I mean who could resist me?' he was praising himself, I have never met someone so obnoxious in my life and so confident, but it was refreshing than seeing how serious my family is all the time.

Looking at him like a mad man he had to straighten himself and turn into a full serious person as his ears turn red and sheepishly rub his neck in an awkward manner,' sorry… I'm not crazy.'

'I- yes… th-thank you for the suggestion,' grabbing the instant noodle in his hands I quickly bow down to him and went over to pay and start making the cup of noodle and went to the water dispenser.

My heart was doing something weird and I'm not liking it, but I couldn't help to think how funny he was being.

Hurrying in making the noodles I grab my things and head toward the car.

'Mr. Lee to school please…' off I was to school with the boy slightly on my mind.