
Fallen Deep

College is all fun and games until life hits Witchit like a brick wall.

Lylith31 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Six

 I was just about to lock my room up when I felt a body press against me, turning face to chest.

Damn it!

I didn't need to follow the figure upward to know who it was.

"Hello Bash," sighing just a bit, not that I didn't want to see him, I was still a little upset about the last couple of days. 

"Just hello, really! No explanation why there was another man walking out of your apartment twenty minutes ago," he snapped pressing his body harder against mine. 

Rolling my eyes crossing my arms, that's it, he can interact with other people but I couldn't.

I used all my strength to push him back, he barely moved, but enough for me to squeeze by, as I walked off he grabbed my arm spinning me into the door pinning my arms above me.

"He's my co-worker and you're not my boyfriend to tell me what to do," I jerked,

When he didn't text or call me throughout the day it hurt, but it also gave me the answer I was really looking for. 

I was just a toy to him, and it was time for me to take a break from him. 

Gun's words rung in my ear though out most of the day. I barely paid attention to the instructor, Mo text me to meet at the food court for lunch with Jerry and Tee, something about he had news for me.

Laterly I haven't been interacting with them and I didn't want to tell them I felt weird with them Bash's friends.

"Hey Wit" walking from the classroom door as the instructor ended our session, to the hallway seeing Tee running my way.

"Hey, you okay?" smiling at huffing and puffing like a fish out of water.

"Did you hear?" she said holding my shoulders, I gave her the what the fuck look for her to explain. 

"Amber is in the nurse suite, she passed out on the field after getting hit with a ball." all the color in my face drained, her words hit like a bullet, she obviously knew more about us then she told me, or else she wouldn't have run here just to tell me this. 

Running through the halls, I've had enough shit going on, this as something I needed an answer too. If she passed out two reasons why, Amber hasn't attempted to contact me since that night. She might feel embarrassed just it was both our first times, but I hate being shut out. If there's something she's hiding I don't know how I'll handle it. 

"Hi, Mrs. Jones, I stopped by to see Amber Poy" 

"Sure, bed 3," she smiled returning to her newspaper,

"Amber?" I whispered cautions to disturb the other patients,

"Wit?" she gasped shocked to see me, 

"Are you Ok?" I said as I sat on the foot of the bed.

"Yep, 100%, you didn..., she starting bitting her lip, it was always something I noticed about her, she can't lie no matter how hard she tried. 

"Are you lying?" snapping her, I want to know the truth. 

"What made you pass out?" she looked at me then rushed to drop her head into her knees.



"I'm pregnant Wit," part of me was hoping this wasn't the reason, but now that I know, the bricks are piling higher and higher. 

"Eight weeks right?" she nods 

"This is both our choice, but this next question don't take it any wrong way. Is there an option to treimate?" 

"Please Wit..." 

"I understand." I sighed deeply, pulling her into my chest for a hug. 

I held her as she cried herself to sleep. 

Giving myself a good ten minutes, before heading back to my class. I'm going to be a father that one little mistake is going to change my life forever. 

Smiling at the thought of holding a baby, changing diapers, feeding, playing ball all that dad stuff. 

What about Bash? What about Amber? Both relationships are fragiel and meaningful. 

"Wit! Wit wait up" Joey ran up grabbing my arm, 

"Dude, did you hear the funniest shit?" I was to busy in my own world to even care the slightest.


"Man, Bash... Bash of all people... he's getting married" my smiled faded listening to the gut wrenching words, Bash announced this morning to his class. 

I don't bother sticking around, I received happy and sad news together within a half hour.

 I tried to act unfazed, but I felt the tears welling up in my eyes walking away. Only one person came to mind, I really didn't want to call him. 

'Can you meet me please?'

'Where are you?'


'On my way'

Sitting outside of the food court I'd already spotted Mo and Jerry eating; I didn't have the balls to see them right now. I was a failure, I tried and failed right in this minute I couldn't hold back. 

Gun's hand landed on my shoulder and that was it, tears just fell.

He pushed my face into his shoulder not fazed, he just held me there hiding the fact I was crying like a little baby.

"It's okay Witchit, let's go sit in my car," I didn't fight him, I just walked with him to his car, we didn't talk until to the car door was closed.

"Okay now tell me what is going on," sighing leaning my head back.

"I don't know if it's true, but Bash is apparently getting married, and Amber passed out running, I found out she's pregnant." 

"You said he wasn't with anyone else, and who's Amber?"

"Yeah, I thought so too, I'm guessing to his son's mom, I don't know, Amber and I had a trial run... you can ask, I'm sorry I called you again, you probably have better things to do," I turned to open the door only to be stopped by his hand on my shoulder. 

"You're good, I was done with the class as well, we can run lines to get your mind off things, sound good." His suggestion was better than I thought, and even hitting a good diner before heading to my apartment. In the span of three hours my phone not once tinged or rung, not Mo, Jerry, Tee, or evening Bash, right at that moment I felt like an outcast to my own friends.

'I told you to leave me alone,' trying hard to stick to the script, but Gun is making some crazy faces,

'I don't want to, I want you to stay the night how about that,' I shivered at his touch, not sexually, his hands were freaking cold. 

"So as I speak I lean closer until you're bending back onto the bed," he said looking at the paper, his cheesy smirk only made me laugh.

"So like this," I sat on the edge of the couch, letting him get closer for the scene. 

"This is where we kiss, but we don't need to practice that any time soon," nodding to him as we ran the words and layouts a few more times, between lines and playing around I hadn't notice five hours passed like a flash, it was nearly mid-night and we both had class in the morning.

"I think we got the first three scenes down, ready for shooting next week," shaking my head no, but he made it so easy to be around.

"You'll do great, just focus on school during the day and I'll meet you here for lines, Okay?" 

"Thank you..." I said looking around.

"Ummm... for helping me and letting me vent about everything even though you really don't me that well," I said hugging him, I couldn't explain how could he be so nice me and has never bothered to judge me once about who I am, Why didn't my own friends do that? 

"It's okay, Witchit, I know the way you feel right now, confused, scared, nervous that no one will understand, your emotions are everywhere because you never thought you were gay and your never experience any of this before. My sister was literally in your boat a few years ago before she moved to India with her wife." My mouth dropped, he really did understand me and in a different sense of the situation. 

"Umm... Are you?" this is a bad time for this question, and I spoke before I thought it through.

"I can't answer that yet." He smiled 

I held the door open stopping at Bash standing there.

"Why is he here this late?" Bash snapped pushing past me.

"We're running lines Bash I told you this," not that I needed to explain myself to him. 

"Leave now," he snapped pointing his thumb behind him, it seemed that they knew each other and with the same last name, I wondered if they were really related. 

"No, he doesn't need to leave, You need to explain why a rumor of you getting married is going around," Gun sat on the couch quietly as Bash sat on the barstool and I stood with my arms crossed waiting for an answer. 

"That's what I came here to tell you, Yes! I am getting married to Tracy next week," I tried to act tough, but I couldn't I had invested my feelings into something that was pointless, he used me. 

Nothing stopped me from slapping him across the face.

"Leave, I never want to see you again," Tears in myeyes this pain was unreal.

"Please Wit let me explain," he reached out for my arms, I stepped back.

"I don't want to hear it, Please Bash, just leave." He laid his head on top of mine sighing before leaving. 

I hugged myself crying, how stupid and naive, feeling arms wrap around me feeling his presents Gun, I'd almost forgot he was here. 

"Why am I so stupid? Gun tell me," His heart sounded so soothing he hummed as his body rocked me side to side.

"You're not stupid you just trusted the wrong person," his words are always true 

"Can I trust you?" it was the most honset question 

"I can't answer that, you are the only one that can." His head laid on my shoulder as he hugged me, squeezing just enough to keep me alert of his presents.

Two weeks later

I'd been working with Gun every day on our parts for the show, our start filming was yesterday, I tried to keep a straight face, but impossible. He makes me feel at ease, I've checked on Amber nearly every night before bed. Just to make sure she isn't uncomfortable, I know she will be in a few months. 

I broke down and told her the truth about Bash and I, and that I'm Gay. She agreed that we can raised the baby separately and happily. She and I have actually became a bit closer since the day at the nurse's office. 

"Hello, I want to check my bags in NOW!" sticking to the attitude needed for the character. 

"Cut!" Ray yelled, sighing as I walked off set straight into Gun's arms, that was any other thing that developed between us, we're closer not as a couple but he knows Ilike being held like a baby he doesn't mind it. 

My life has been turned upside down in the matter of months, this was the closes thing to security to me. 

"Get a room," most of the set workers teased us, they know we are like this for the show and fan fun, no one here knows I'm gay and I am happy with that.

 Gun pulled me onto his lap it was the first time I'd never sat like that with anyone, I didn't fight him, not that I would anyway. He held me tight rubbing his chin on my shoulder.

"You ok Witchit," he whispered in my ear, another thing no one knew was my real name as well, it was our little secret I enjoyed his company every night we'd meet at my apartment or his just to watch movies or run lines, or even both some nights.

"I'm good, I like sitting here," he made comfortable smiling as his hands pulled tighter around my waist.

"Wit," rushing to jump off his lap seeing Mo walking to where we were.

As if Gun already knew what was going on he stood up beside me with his hands in his pockets, knowing to keeping his distances.

"Hey Mo, what are you doing here?" I snapped the last thing I wanted was for him tease me about sitting on Gun's lap, silently hopping he didn't see us.

"Came to cheer you on, Jerry and Tee are here too," I literally facepalm myself, as if I wasn't already nervous acting in front of this many people.

"How does this all work?" Mo gestured to the set, and everyone moving things around. 

"We memorize the lines that we are giving, and then go on the set and act it out," Gun explained meanwhile Mo had the (what to fuck look on his face) 

"Who are you?" he snapped putting his hands on his hips.

"Ah, Gun," he said holding his hand out for Mo to shake.

"My co-star, he means, we actually get along pretty well doesn't seem like I'm working at all," I explained laughing at the crowd growing of jokers.

"So~~ Can I ask what happened between you and Bash?" it hit, I hadn't thought about him since that day I made him leave. Gun coughed turning away, Why would he act like that?

"All on set" Ray yelled; it was our cue to go on set. 

"Ready for this scene," Gun said trying to help me relax, he and I both knew this scene was going to be hard our first kiss, He took my hand leading me onto the set, I saw Jerry walk up next to Mo, I had a smile they were laughing, but here to support me and so was Gun. 

"Ok, Wit when Gun gets closer you lean backward until he is pressed chest to chest and then Gun grab Wit's neck, (make it forceful but not painful) give it a good ten seconds then slowly close the gap leading to the kiss, Wit breath heavy to seem nervous," We nod in understanding the instruction!

"Follow my lead, remember to breathe and relax, don't think," he whispered, it relaxed me enough to make sure this would be fun. 

Running our lines, I tensed up a bit when Gun leaned inward slowly closing the space between us, I closed my eyes feeling his breath on my lips. 

Our lips touched and my world froze everything around us disappeared, I felt lost in his arms. He roamed my mouth as I did his if I didn't need air I wouldn't break away. 

My tongue slipped in his mouth the taste of oranges, so sweet and critus.

SHIT! This isn't good... my pants became uncomfortable.

Four takes were all we needed, and Ray said it was well worth it because he could three different angles too.

 Laughing at Gun who was currently dance like a fool it made me follow, walking off set seeing Mo, Jerry, and Tee standing there dumbfounded, not even blinking before I could speak I felt Guns arm snake around my waist.

Gun jumped down holding his arms for me to jump to him like we always did. Of course, their mouths hit the floor at our touchy-feely ways, rolling my eyes waiting for the jokes and teasing, but they smiled and stayed quiet about too.

 After that piece, we were set free meaning we were done for the day and I was starving good thing Jerry suggests we eat at the local bar, no drinks for me though.

 I didn't fight Gun when he said I should limit my drinking so I wouldn't end up in the same boat again but being by his side I knew he wouldn't let anything happen.

"Wit it's been so long since we've hung out I can't believe you're all grown up now," arching my eyebrow to Mo acting like a fool smacking him in the back of the head.

"I mean look at you, you got yourself another boyfriend so soon after getting dumped congratulations," I didn't even let his words hurt me, I felt Gun wrap his arm around me.

Giving my a wink before saying...

"I'm not his boyfriend, and it's none of your business what the hell Witchit does with his life," Gun snapped, to be honest, I'd never hear him use this tone with anyone, I knew he was sort of upset that I let them talk to me that way, but it hit different when Gun took my hand almost dragging outside. 

"Gun look I'm sorry they said that don't listen to them...but..."

He stopped me by capturing my lips, this was different we weren't working, but I also didn't want him to stop. Wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him deeper, but he pulled away looking into my eyes.

"Witchit I like you." I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. I didn't want this, I'm not ready it was too much for me to handle right now. Shaking my head this was all to much right now

"I'm sorry Gun." I turned and ran away.

 I didn't notice I was crying until I get to my apartment door, as if life couldn't get any more complicated Bash was standing at my door with Tom-Tom. 


"Wit," Tom-Tom screamed running into my legs hugging me tight, my eyes connected with Bash waiting for an explanation he acted as if we were still together.

"He wouldn't sleep in my room, can we bunk with you for the night?" my brain screamed NO, but my heart screamed YES, it hurt so much to see him and to look at the wedding band on his hand officially told me he'll never be mine.

 Gulping hard the knot in my throat grew bigger as I tried to speak, of course no words came out.

Stupid idiot, I let him in again, but in my defense, I did it because Tom-Tom asked me as well. 

Throwing a blanket on the couch for Tom-Tom trying to fight the urge to punch Bash for putting me through this. Bash just sat on the barstool watching my every move, I could feel his eyes on the back of my neck.

"Ok, buddy all set, ready for bed," I said putting his cup of milk on the table tucking him in, turning to face plant into Bash's chest. 

Sighing deeply as I laid a blanket on the floor for him. 

"What is that for?" he said as if I would let him sleep next to me now.

"It's for you to sleep on," he sucked his teeth at me.

"Really Wit," he gave me attitude but I wasn't having it tonight I've had enough for a lifetime.

"You're married..." it hurt to say it out loud, sighing as I caught my breath.

"And I already feel like shit knowing you cheated on your fiancé with me, but to think you can come in here and try to sleep even in the same bed as me YOU'RE WRONG," I poked him in the chest knowing it didn't hurt him, but hopefully he got the message.

 I turned going to my room as I closed the door, he pushed it open, standing too close and too intimidating for comfort. 

"How do you know Gun?" he stepped closer,

"He's close to my family and he isn't good for you..."

"I don't want to know, leave him out of this!" I stepped back but deep down I also wanted to know Gun didn't talk a lot about his private life and I respected that. 

"I didn't want to get married, you need to understand my family doesn't know I'm gay, and their old fanhsion Tracy's known for years, Tom-Tom was a mistake, ." He snapped, those words pissed me off even more. 

How dare he say such words about his son? I would never say that about my child, no matter what happened between Amber and I. 

"Your son is never a fucking mistake you dumbass..." I jerked back makinghim release me. 

"You fucked Tracy for fun, you knew the consequences when you did it, and YES you should marry the woman that gave you a child and your sexuality has nothing to do with it." I couldn't hold back the tears, it hurt so much.

"You made me fall in love with you..." watching his face change didn't help much either.

 "You're a fucking jerk to do that knowing I'd never done any of this before and knowing my promise to my fucking parents before they died. You lied to me and played with my emotions, and my heart now go sleep on the fucking floor," 

I didn't even care that I sounded like a lovesick girl, and  I didn't notice I was yelling until I hear a sniffle from behind me. 

Turning to find Tom-Tom standing there with tears streaming down his face snot running out his nose, I'd never cussed like that before and for a four-year-old to hear it. 

I turned and slapped Bash across the face before storming out my own apartment. 

At that exact moment I had absolutely no one to turn too, I'd fucked I'm entire life over a one-night stand. 

I hated feeling this week and that he so easily played me like the fool I am.