
Fallen Deep

College is all fun and games until life hits Witchit like a brick wall.

Lylith31 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Five

Waking up to pounding on my door, groaning as I drug my feet to the door.

"Damn it, Mo what do you wan...t" stopping dead in my tracks feeling the instant smile creep along my face.

"Miss me!" Bash smiled holding out his arms to me.

"Bash," giggling like a kid jumping into his arms taking a very long-awaited kiss, the amount of missing him hurt so much.

 Three weeks away from him was not that back, but after spending nearly an entire month together and then not it hits you differently. 

Sighing my eyes rolled back as he attacked my neck, I wanted to fight this a little longer, but that was pointless knowing he's done this a million times and knows all the tricks. 

Leaving a trail of clothes along the way to my bed, sighing and moaning to his glories and generous skills. 

Begging him to do things I've never spoke of before, and didn't I want enjoy. Him teasing my body just right.

"I have something I want to tell you first," taking his arm pulling him closer, he seemed  confused.

 I'm guessing mainly because I didn't really contact him much during the break, I didn't want to pry and if he didn't message me, I didn't talk to him. 

I did want to tell him about landing the school drama club role as Jade, but I chickened out at the last minute.

"While we were on break, I did some looking around..." I looked around trying to find the courage to tell him and I knew I needed to tell him.

"Looking around for what?" Bash said trying to understand the sudden change in my mood, I wasn't really looking at him just sitting there fiddling with my blanket.

"I auditioned for a TV show and I landed the part," I gulped hard telling him this.

 He never knew I was inserted in acting, I'm really not I just needed a job and this worked well with my school schedule. 

The director said I was perfect for the part and he already gave me the script to read over.  

It was just to tell Bash about kissing another man in the show.

 When he didn't speak, I looked up to see him just staring at me, with no emotions, just waiting for me to finish talking.

"Is this good news?" he arched his eyebrow his confusion got got worse as if it was bad news.

"Umm... there's something else..." this is was the tricky part.

"There are a few intimate scenes too" he didn't respond and to be honest I didn't know what to do or think.

 We're not really in a relationship, but I felt that he needed to know this. I wanted him to trust me as much as I trust him.

"So how intimate are these scenes?" he spoke after a few silent minutes.

"Shirtless and kissing mostly," Shirtless wasn't the problem it was kissing an other man.

"Umm... Ok, obviously this is your choice I'm not going to stop you from doing something you want to do, just please stay straight forward about it, is that okay?" there it was the closure I needed to move forward with this, it just seemed strange he didn't get upset or seem to care of what I was doing.

"Thank you," I smiled lounging myself into his lap laughing and kissing him.

"Why are you thanking me, it's not like I can hold you back if this is what you want it I can't stop and I would never want you to miss an opportunity like this,"

"So, tell me what this show is about?" he said holding me by my waist, he made it seem so easy to hold me up like this.  

"It's about a couple that need to find their way around the negative world," he gave me an odd look, I've seen that look before it wasn't scary, but it wasn't exciting either, it was that look that made me pants stand.

"Who's your co-star?"

"I don't know yet, I got the script though," trying to hide the smile on my face, he's being supportive and that was great.

"Let's talk about that later, I want to lay you out," Rounds later, I wasn't sure which hurt more, my body or my pride for giving in so easily again. 

We've had sex a lot not that I was complaining, but there were other ways to spend time. 

"Can I say no," looking down biting lip, I didn't want him to think I didn't want him, I just wasn't in the mood right now. 

"Ok, a movie then?" moving to the couch sitting as he set up a movie.

Fighting hard to keep my eyes open throughout the movie, but impossible until Bash's phone rung scaring the shit out of me, he nearly jumped out of his seat, knocking my head off his lap, walking outside my room.

 Thinking for a minute he's never done that before; he'd always answered the phone while I was here. Getting a nervous feeling something was off about him, and I'm not sure I feel this feeling right now either.

"Everything OK?" I said as he walked back into the room sighing deeply about ten minutes later. He didn't seem as happy now, it's like the world had dropped on his shoulders.

"Yea, Fine, Uh I have to go I'll see you in a couple of days," he growls deeply

"O...K" with that he left, no kiss or hug nothing, I actually started pouting a bit, what was going on with him all of a sudden. 

Taking time to read over my script again, I played an arrogant jerk that believes he's better than everyone, so basically the opposite of me.

 Jade was my character's name; he ran away from his partner throughout the show until friends pinned them together for a job leading to them to fall for one another.

 Flipping the pages reading my lines for the first scene.

'Walking into the building huffing from the heat-carrying a few heavy bags, seeing the guest in line rolling my eyes to the amount of time I had to spend standing there.' 

Laughing that was funny I've never had a probably being patient.

"I want a room, preferably on the top floor," using the attitude demeanor that was asked,

"Thank you miss,"

I spent most of the night reading over and playing the scene out in my head, thinking of who my co-star would be, but after a while, I fell asleep.

Waking up to my alarm, hopping through the room looking for my shoe. Completely out of breath by the time I got to my car, but at least I was on time to the studio. 

"Hi, I'm Wit," I said to the guard showing my ID

"Room 6," he points his thumb behind him seeing the door with a big 6 on it. 

Seeing Ray and June sitting at the table already.

"Ah Wit, You're here," nodding my head than sitting next to them.

"Okay so today we are going to hold auditions for Wit's (Jade's) partner," I was to run the scene with the contestant seeing who would fit the part best. 

"Number 33," this guy was just as small as me, tan, blue eyes, brown hair, white t-shirt, ripped jeans.

"Okay first line an~d go"

"What are you looking at?" using my acting demeanor 

"Uh Uh Ummm," he stuttered looking around definitely NOT what's written in the script.

"NEXT," Ray yelled after ten minutes of trying with him.

For the next three hours, this is what my day was like I was beginning to think no one would be good for the part.

"Okay, Wit this is the last one of the day, number 92" Ray yelled, my entire body froze.

 A man not much taller than me, maybe six or seven inches, black hair, brown eyes, amazing v-jawline, I noticed a scar under his eye when he walked closer.

"So let's start with the first line," June said, I could tell she noticed my demeanor change from tired to hype. 

"What are you looking at?" following the script to a tee he stepped closer, eye to eye,or as it looked eye to chin.

"I'm looking at you," he voice made my legs shake, quivering at the sound, I've heard that tone before but, Where?

"Move!" snapping as the written.

"I don't want to," he smiled devilishly.

I'm Dead!

"CUT" June said as she shuffled through the pages looking up to me.

"Let's try and scene that involves a bit more closeness," she showed Ray the page for him to direct us.

"Alright guys this scene Wit, you push him lightly, 99 you will hold his arms in place and kiss him.

 Not a set my pants on fire kiss, just a small peck Got it?" Ray smiled at me, nodding the same for 99.

Standing in the middle of the room, ready for this! 


"I told you to stay away from me," nudging him as scripted, he followed exactly as Ray said, I could feel my soul burn as his lips touched mine. 

Ray was right my body was on fire from just a peck.

"I don't want to," shocked, stunned, frozen to my spot, I even forgot my line.

"CUT," returning to my senses after hearing Ray scream, but my body still felt as jelly.

"99 what is your name?" June asked I lowered my head trying to hide the heat in my face. 

"Gun," jerking my head to him.

"Good, you got the role for Ryn," June smiled winking at me.


I thought to myself how was I going to do this I had to run lines with him and just standing next to him made me shaky. Hate to say it, but Bash had some competition. 

"Enough for today, we will continue tomorrow, I suggest you exchange numbers to run lines over the phone or set up a meeting for study room," Ray said as he and June packed their bags.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Gun Curtter," he held out his hand, taking his hand shaking it lightly, that's Bash's name are they related?

"Witchit Cross, everyone calls me Wit," he smiled, I got a glimpse. 

"Oh, I see you noticed I have braces," oh boy a guy with braces.

Fuck me!

Two things I wasn't going to share with him anytime soon, One I'm gay, Two my boyfriend as the same last name. 

We didn't talk much more after that, he walked me to my car and gave me his number, I don't plan on calling him anytime soon. 

I needed to get myself settled and stop acting like Jerry and Mo, my dick got my into the mess in the first place.

I'll give him a couple of days to read over his lines. Walking into my building seeing Bash standing at the elevator with a woman, I'd never seen before not at school or bars. 

He seemed close to her and cozy smiling as they talked. I lowered my head and walked up the stairs to the next floor up to get the elevator there, I didn't want to interrupt them.

It did hurt seeing the way she was hanging on him like dirty on a floor. 

Plopping down on my couch sighing deeply my brain was ready to explode, and I had no one I could vent to without it getting back to Bash, he has Mo and Jerry wrapped around his fingers. How the hell will I handle this show? Why did Gun make me feel the same way Bash did? Who was that person with Bash? Why did I feel jealous of all this? Could I hide being gay, after coming out?

Staring at Gun's number for a good minute, dialing, waiting as soon as his voice hit my ear I froze. 

"Hello... Hello... Hello Witchit?" I hung up the phone, I couldn't handle it, Bash didn't know my real name, and I have no idea why I didn't tell him, but when he said it HOLY WETNESS. 

'Is everything ok?' he texted, 

'Yes, just needed to vent, but didn't want to bother you with personal issues, sorry,'

'Tell me, we will be working together for nearly a year, I don't want you to have a lot on your plate, I'll be an ear for you.' 

'Can you meet me at JubJubs?'

'One hour,'

Not long after texting him I walked down to JubJubs, I ordering a pint of beer, no way in hell was I getting drunk the last time I did that... Shaking my head Damn it.

 Looking up to Gun when his hand landed on my shoulder, 

"What's wrong?" he sat on the stool next to me, his hair was messy and curly.

"I don't know why the hell I called you dude, you don't know me from an atom and just all this shit is hitting the fan and I really don't have anyone to vent too." he sat with his hand on my shoulder.

"The best way to get to know each other is to play 21 questions, I'll ask you something then you ask me fair?" he smiled waving the bartender for a six-pack, he pulled me to the corner booth, it was quieter and a bit more private.  

My legs followed but my mind froze on his built body. 

"Where did the name Witchit come from?" playing with my glass.

"My parents loved witches and because I was a boy, they couldn't use Wicca," 

"Where did Gun come from?" he laughed, I'm guessing he's been asked that a lot, no one really knows my real name. 

"Um, when my family migrated here, and owned a gun shop." he took a drink before asking another question, but his answer paved way for my next question.

"Why were you upset?" dropping my head, he really just jumped over everything else and got straight to the point. 

"Um... I don't know how to say it..." I nearly tricked over my tongue.

"Just lay it out, no judgment," and that was exactly what I did, I told him everything from my promise to Bash's new attitude.

 He stuck to his word, he didn't judge me, and he didn't even mention (WOW you're gay) line that I've heard a lot recently. 

He sighed collecting his words before speaking.

"My advice is to take a step back and figure out if you actually have feelings for him or if it just the lust clouding your judgment.Obviously, because this is your first time with everything and that was something you promised.Don't you think maybe you should take your time, yeah you made a mistake by getting drunk and losing you virginity, but would your parents be upset by that or would they be upset that you fell for a guy that didn't see you equally?" his words stung more then I thought. 

I ended up getting smashed again but this time I remembered him helping me home, putting me to bed and sleeping on the couch making sure I was OK before leaving the next morning.

Nothing happened, but my dumb ass was so horny! 

Drunk and hoariness doesn't match well. After he left I went to the shower and handling myself, using a toy, I hated Mo so much for even buying it, but my erection wasn't going down the old fashion hand-job way so next step. I felt like a slut moaning and groaning to the image of Gun doing all these exciting things to me. 

My dirty thoughts went haywire as I thrust several times the knot in my belly pushed me over the edge.