
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 16: Distance Part 2

Juliet dropped herself on the couch with a thud sound. Today the things he said did not contain an ounce of feelings. They were the naked harsh words which shook Juliet to the core. The dream of a sweet family she had sown in her heart shattered into thousands pieces with the today's incident. Duke left the room in silence. The tears of a broken heart filled the big room with the emptyness of the coming dusk.

After the lunch break was over Duke came back in the office chamber. But the box he brought for Juliet was untouched. Juliet was working on her PC. Her face was red with the puffy eyes but it had no expression in it. It was evident that she was crying the whole time. Duke was having a hard time about 'asking or not about why she didn't eat' but at before he could made up his mind Juliet said in an formal voice,

"You don't need to bring me lunch anymore." Duke already knew that she was a strong willed person and if she distant herself from someone, she will never return to how things were. Duke laughed on his situation in his heart and restrained himself from any further interactions.

It was 8 in the clock. The other employees already left for the day except Duke and Juliet who were still working on the upcoming big project. Actually in reality Duke also finished his works half an hour ago but he was pretending to work while waiting for her to finish the work. He decided to act cold towards her to separate him from her life but deep down inside his heart still skips a beat in the thought of her.

"Everybody has clocked out ma'am, we should leave too now" he said maintaining his composure. But Juliet was still reviewing the documents about the new project so she said, "You can go first, I'll go later when I'm done." Duke was prepared for this type of situation as well but leaving her on her own was not even a matter to be considered. So he said, "It's okay then I will be waiting." With a negligence in her tone she said " It is unnecessary. I don't want any disturbance. And moreover 'waiting for me to finish so that we can go home together is also not included in the employee-boss contract' ". She had a bold voice and that made him understood how much he wounded her with his words. He left the room on that instance.

Juliet sighed tiredly and said in her heart,"You did well! Juliet". She was holding back her tears from falling in front of him because she wanted to look indifferent in his eyes. But not anymore;she let out her tears to flow boundlessly. Their every moment that she cherished dearly in her heart was now stabbing her like a two edged sword. Juliet felt like someone curved a deep cut in her heart with a sharp knife without a trace of blood. Her chest felt tightened. Once she heard that 'love brings pain' but she never thought a silent heartbreak can be way louder than bombs. Even the accident she had was negligible compared to this unseen wound.

It was not easy for her to trust someone so blindly. For the first time in her life she fell in love, it was a bold step she took while kissing him, she gave away her first kiss to him. Even she confessed while crying like that, looking like a complete lovesick; But still she was okay with all of that because it was Duke, whom she trusted more than herself. It was all about that only person who in end just ignored her like Juliet was nothing but a passing cloud. Juliet was truly heartbroken but more than that she was angry on herself for being a fool, for giving him her whole trust,for depending on him, and asking for her unrequited love again and again. Her head was burning in anger. So she decided to shut her heart forever. She'll never get tricked by him again. She will not behave like a dumb in front of him anymore.

After ten more minutes she somehow got in a stable condition. But her eyes were swollen from crying for a long time. Her nose tip was bright red, spreading the colour to her cheeks. Duke's words striked her like a thunderstorm. But moreover she lost her first love in these chores of incidents. She also knew it'll take a long time to mend her wounded heart or in the worst case scenario it may never mend. But nothing really had no significance to her anymore. She again got back to work. She decided that she'll only emerge her in work from now on so the words she heard would be forgotten, the pain she is bearing will be lessened.

In the other end,

As a new project is going to be on the track soon and they are busy everyday, so Duke and Juliet come back home pretty late everyday. But Duke was home early today so Lisa got a companion to play with her. She doesn't get to play with them too much these days because of that previous reason. So, be able to play with him today she became really happy. By the time it was already ten past nine in the clock but Juliet was nowhere to be seen. Though he acted like a real jerk today towards her but overworking herself to forget this wasn't a great choice either. Duke's heart was also shattering into pieces when he rejected her after she confessed her feelings like that. He just wanted to hug her in that moment but he couldn't. He knows that he can't be with Juliet. But his love for her will never be changed just because they can't be together. But he also  knows this love could be a small flame that can burn down a whole happiness of a family.

Thank you for reading..❤

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