
Chapter 4_ Meeting old friend

Lisa turned back, She find out that is smith... her one of the friend in high school that she was studied. He come closer to lisa and congrats her!. Lisa ask for why? Smith said "Don't you know that Lisa?, you have been selected at interview within first 5 ranks, results outed just few minutes ago. I also had been selected, my rank is 44 ". Lisa congrats him.

(Smith and Lisa are friends not so close before)

And Smith tell that Academic studies starts next week, ask her to prepare for it. Lisa admit that. Smith about to leave, but Lisa stop him and ask "Can you be my close friend here?" Smith come closer to Lisa and whisper in her ears "you are my best friend furthermore, I'll call you later ". Lisa feels some happiness by his words. He say bye and go by his bike.

Lisa walk alone in road. He remind Smith's words. She begin to think her past days in high school.." Actually Smith I like you from starting, I don't know what it is!. whenever you speak to me I feel like protected, as I am not alone... I feel so happy for you to come and study with me."

she reach bus stop, and get into it. while she seated She heard a car sound she peep over Window and try to see what's the sound is? She finds that a new model car about to crash the bus. A man look like a driver come out and check the condition from the car. from that car a gentleman step out,...