
Chapter 3_one loud voice

It's almost everywhere seems dark, Lisa can't see who is that! But she could sense that is a man, who is very tall standing infront of her. She feels panic inside because nobody there at that time. That man approach lisa and about to say something...

Lisa getting increased heart beat and she couldn't control her anxiety. she begins to run. Fortunately, bus also arrived. She climbs into it.

After she felt relax, she begins to think about that guy, 'who is he?' , ' why I am running away?' 'Even I didn't say a thanks to him?', 'How rude am I?'. Now she miss that moment that she could see his face. Bus stop reached. She gets down,

walking towards the interview venue.

Her name is called by a madam she is heading towards interview room. she do all correctly, answer clearly, then come back.

Rain not over yet. So she feels cold, she thinks within herself, "nobody will pick up me, nobody really concern me, how can I go back during this bad weather?". She feels little pain inside. Then start to walk for getting bus for home. The same breeze remind that man who help her before. She smiles slightly.Now she carefully walk on this wet ground.

One loud voice heard to 'Lisa stop'. Lisa getting weird feeling, and looking back. Someone run towards her....Lisa Lisa