
Chapter 2_ stranger's help

At the first day of college interview...

Morning.. 7 am, Lisa's aunty scold her for being late to wake up every day. Lisa suddenly wake up by an alarm and hurry for leaving to attend interview. This interview is her last hope, so she also in little tension. Finally she get ready and go to bus stand by walk.

she feels a cold breeze touch her cute face.. A droplet from sky fall on her nose tip. she is stunning at that beautiful climate and enjoy it.. while enjoying she forgot about her interview. suddenly droplets turned into a huge rain she run away towards bus hold. By the strange climate its getting darker soon. Fortunately she brings an umbrella she hold it and begin to walk. Now she realize that she may get late for interview. wind blows fast, her umbrella fly away. lisa run to hold it, accidently she felt.....

But one hand hold her from back. she feel some relief. After managing herself she turns back to see that one who help her.
