

This is a story about few secondary students who helped the police to capture The Falcons, a gang, that police is trying to track for many years. But in the past one member of the gang is caught by the police. However, he escaped the jail and found by the student accidentally...... I hope you all like it.

LoVe_SuGaR · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"I don't like this, Buck," said Al in a low voice, "you better go and see where Ace is."

Buck went down and Al looked at the Cameron household. Cameron looked weary and tense, his wife was crying, his daughter was lying frightened in her mother's lap and Cameron's son, a dark-haired twelve year-old looked pale and scared. Al enjoyed himself immensely.

"I'll kill Cameron's son first, which will cause him great pain, because he'll lose his heir," thought Al.

As Cameron started to splutter something, there came a rush of footsteps. Al turned around to see Buck sweating.

"The cops, Al," said Buck. "Surrounding the place. Let's get out of here."

Al rushed out with Buck as someone let out a yell of victory. Buck fled by climbing the boundary wall, but as Al tried to escape, a constable caught hold of him. Al hit him a haymaker, but the place was swarming with officers and he was caught. Cold handcuffs were slapped on his wrists, and as he was led towards a police van, he stared towards the screaming siren and he had only one thought: YOU BETRAYED ME, ACE!