

In a world ruled by vampires, werewolves, and witches, a forbidden love is born that must overcome many obstacles to be happy, and they will have to stop ambition, greed, enmity, and the murderers of both clans and seek peace between them. Mei-Ling is a vampire, who was born into royalty. After the death of their parents and their respective wives, immediately their brothers, are part of the Council of the Elder Vampires. To maintain peace in her kingdom, Mei-Ling must find a husband, who will help her not only rule; but also, keep the peace in his clan and the clan of the werewolves. But Mei-Ling's suitors are all ambitious and greedy, and the only purpose they have for marrying the princess is to subdue the vampires and exterminate the werewolves. In a celebration of honor, that the vampires will give in honor of the family of Mei Ling and her brothers Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling must choose her husband. None of the suitors managed to attract the attention of the princess; until, in the middle of the ballroom, he sees Huan Guangzong, a strange man, who managed to attract the attention of the princess, and immediately, they will begin to feel that inexplicable connection that will guide them to true love. Who will be that strange man who managed to get Mei Ling's attention? What will your intentions be? Will Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling really find out how their parents died? Will they be able to find the murderer or murderers of their entire family before it is too late? Will they manage to discover the true intentions of Mei Ling's suitors? Will Huan Guangzong and Mei Ling be immensely happy? A forbidden love, many secrets and betrayals, and several unsolved murders.

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21 Chs


Sorcerers, wizards, and witches play too important a role in this story because they are in charge of the destiny of each one of them, and at the same time, they decide what to tell them and what they should not say.

But, it is the witches who have an extremely important role at this time, because they are the ones who make the most important decisions.

As in any clan, there must be some people who are in command, to maintain order and thus avoid problems and in this case, there are ten witches who were in charge of everything, and they are Joan Wytte, who is also clairvoyant, Hilda Broom, Morgause, Morgana, Mordred, Wendelin, Mattew Clairmont, Diana Bishop, Kit Moreow, and Miriam Shephard.

They are the strongest of all sorcerers and are in charge of maintaining peace between the strongest kingdoms who are the Kingdoms of the Vampires and the Kingdom of the Werewolves and if possible, get them to get along again as before.

Both kingdoms knew that they could not do anything without the permission or consent of the witches, because if they did something that they did not like at all, the consequences for the deities who do not seek the permission, authorization, and consent of the warlocks. Witches would be deserting the clan and death.

The witches had put this type of rules, after the confrontation of both clans, and it is the only means so that neither of them kills treacherously.

The witches, with the help of the demons, managed to get both clans to respect those rules, even if they didn't like them at all, because only in this way could they make both clans keep their deities alive and away from the imminent danger of facing another clan.

In particular, they always had Unsere, Sabazios, Sabanahz, Radna, Baal, Baalcefón, Beelzebub, Baco, Bacon, Bahaman, Baltazo, Baphomet, Barbelo, Barbuda, Barkai, Barón, Barrabam and Batscumbasa and other demons who help them through their lives and so on.

BAAL: also known as Beel and Bel. It is a deity (probably the sun) of several peoples located in Asia Minor and their influence: Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Sidonians, and Israelites. It has the power to make those who summon it invisible and can turn a man into a sage.

BAALCEPHON: also known as Baalzaphon, Balcephon, and Baal - Sefon: Divinity of Egyptian origin. Captain of the guards and sentinels of hell; a posteriori, he took care of the fidelity of the slaves.

BACO: also known as lacco. Its name comes from the Indo-European term that originated the Sanskrit baksha (to devour), from the Greek bakchos, as it is the symbol of fire, which devours sacrifices. In Demonology, he appears as a Prince of Satyrs and Silens, he is joyful, and when he assumes the human aspect, one of his feet has some defect and his penis is oversized. It usually presides over the Sabbath.

BACON: He is known as the demon of jealousy, of natural evil, and resentful character, he is the one who sows discord between lovers.

BAHAMAN: Demon who appeases anger.

BALTAZO: Incubus demon of great seduction, it is only known that he possesses women to have sexual relations since he is not known for another occupation.

BAPHOMET: also known as Baphomet, Baphomet, and Baphomet, its name comes from the fusion of two Greek terms, whose approximate meaning is that of "baptism of wisdom"

BEARDED: also known as Barqu and Barbu, is a demon possessor of the secret of the philosopher's stone, which appears in human form, with his face covered by a huge white beard.

BEBAL: also known as Babeal and Babael, is a demon who holds the rank of prince and serves as the guardian of the tombs.

BEL: supreme divinity of the Chaldean - Babylonian theogony, transformed into a demon whose voice has a very particular rumbling sound.

These demons were not only in the births of the children of vampires, of the princes and princesses of vampires, of the children of werewolves, of the princes and princesses of werewolves; but also, they participated in their baptisms and brought them gifts as thanks for the invitation.

BARBELO: Demon of great power. She enjoys dominating men and exploits their weaknesses, such as lust and jealousy.

BARKAI: Demon of lesser hierarchy, knows the secrets of the stars, was the teacher of astrologers.

BARON: His name derives from the Celtic baran or barwn, which means lord. It is a demon to whom the hands and hearts of sacrificed children were offered.

BARRABAM: Also known as Barrabás. He is a demon of category, who was frequently engraving his name in magic rings and amulets.

BATSCUMBASA: Also known as Batscun Bassa and Batscum - Pacha. It is a Turkish demon that is invoked to attract good weather or rain. He likes bread very much, which he cannot get in hell, so you have to offer him good quantities to attract his will.

BAYEMÓN: King in the West, whose name appears in certain grimoires, has the power over Passiel and Roses.

BEBAL: Also known as Babeal and Babael. He is a demon who holds the rank of prince and serves as the guardian of the tombs.

BECHARD: Lord of the winds and storms, produces the fall of hail, rain, and blurs thunder, by the power of a hex, which contains crushed toads among other elements.

BECHET: Friday demon, whose predilection is walnuts and is a night spirit.

BEHEMOTH: Also known as Behemoth. This demon of Hebrew origin and metamorphic characteristics is extremely powerful and capable of adopting the form of a beast, such as a monstrous elephant, although many associates it with a hippopotamus.

Demon of Hebrew mythology, the enemy of Leviathan who faced at the beginning of time and has to be destroyed by God, before they end their Creation. It is also said that they will battle on Judgment Day.

These demons had greater participation in the creations of both kingdoms, also the kingdom of witches, magicians, and sorcerers, because they have a force that can dominate and tame all kingdoms.

All the aforementioned demons have been in charge of preserving the harmony of all the kingdoms and preventing them from fighting each other.

One of the demons who have the greatest participation in the unity of all the kingdoms and finding the virtues in each deity; instead of, the flaws is Belias.

BELIAS: Demon of great power, he is the prince of virtues.

While the wizards and demons were working together to remodel and build all the kingdoms, Ginny Wright had a vision of the near future.

In that future, he saw with fear, care, and determination, a new demon, who would surpass in strength all the deities and this demon, would be born between the union between vampires and werewolves.

This demon would have the body of a werewolf, vampire wings and ears, horns, and a gigantic tail and at the same time, it would have the vision of a vampire and the strength of both deities. Likewise, it would have gigantic claws and very sharp fangs, and it would be exaggeratedly corpulent and muscular.

On the other hand, he was seeing that he would be born both in the Kingdom of the Vampires and in the Kingdom of the Werewolves, two deities who would be the salvation of the deities, putting an end to this evil.

The three deities would be born on the same day and at the same time, and the three deities, surpass all the deities in strength, speed, agility, physical dexterity and power, because if they unite the powers with magic; then all three would be invincible.

To make matters worse, Ginny Wright watched with terror, how this monster was disappearing forever from earth, heaven, and hell and everyone has two options, to stop this evil, which will have no limits:

1. Find out when this monster will be born and who will give birth, to kill the mother and him.

2. Do nothing, wait for it to be born and for the children of vampires and werewolves to kill them, but together.

Ginny Wright, knew perfectly well that she had to communicate to both clans about this vision and that they decide what to do.

When he informed the two clans of what he had seen; that is, what would happen in the not too distant future, they were speechless and needed time to choose the best option.

Both clans told Ginny that they needed time to make the best decision and in the meantime, they would start looking at all the options they have, to see how they stop this rapidly approaching catastrophe.