

In a world ruled by vampires, werewolves, and witches, a forbidden love is born that must overcome many obstacles to be happy, and they will have to stop ambition, greed, enmity, and the murderers of both clans and seek peace between them. Mei-Ling is a vampire, who was born into royalty. After the death of their parents and their respective wives, immediately their brothers, are part of the Council of the Elder Vampires. To maintain peace in her kingdom, Mei-Ling must find a husband, who will help her not only rule; but also, keep the peace in his clan and the clan of the werewolves. But Mei-Ling's suitors are all ambitious and greedy, and the only purpose they have for marrying the princess is to subdue the vampires and exterminate the werewolves. In a celebration of honor, that the vampires will give in honor of the family of Mei Ling and her brothers Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling must choose her husband. None of the suitors managed to attract the attention of the princess; until, in the middle of the ballroom, he sees Huan Guangzong, a strange man, who managed to attract the attention of the princess, and immediately, they will begin to feel that inexplicable connection that will guide them to true love. Who will be that strange man who managed to get Mei Ling's attention? What will your intentions be? Will Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling really find out how their parents died? Will they be able to find the murderer or murderers of their entire family before it is too late? Will they manage to discover the true intentions of Mei Ling's suitors? Will Huan Guangzong and Mei Ling be immensely happy? A forbidden love, many secrets and betrayals, and several unsolved murders.

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21 Chs


Due to the problems that exist between vampires and werewolves, they had no choice but to meet to agree on the coexistence of both clans and had to obey the demands they had on each other, if they wanted to survive without thinking about it, later or later, a war would start from which no one would survive.

They decided to meet in the middle of both kingdoms, to speak without any problem, and at the same time, to reach several agreements that both clans wanted to be respected.

After several years that they did not see each other, they did not know what to feel, do or think, because the friendship they had had for years simply disappeared and now there is hatred.

As soon as they saw each other, they did not hide in showing the hatred they feel and the enormous desire they had to kill each other, but they had to control themselves if they wanted to reach an agreement.

The only ones who did not show such hatred are Rong Xuan, Akame, Tuyao, and Taiwei, who wanted to put a stop to so much evil and wished things were as they were before this fight.

While both clans did not stop showing, the disgust they felt at that moment, Rong Xuan and Akame, taking advantage of that confrontation between both clans, decided to mentally communicate with Tuyao and Taiwei told them the following:

"We know that both clans were ambushed and we are secretly investigating, and as soon as we discover the traitors, we will give them to you so that you can punish them.

At the moment, we have something to tell you and that is that they are trying to kill us and if they have not done it with you, at any moment they will; so, be very careful and pay attention to the attitudes of each deity that approaches you because we do not know who the traitors are.

What we want to tell you is to be very careful with whom you trust and that, sooner or later, they will manage to kill us and before they achieve their objectives, we will give them all the evidence of the traitors and hope that, when that time comes, we will be able to marry our sons.

Beware friends of traitors, and we hope that, one day, we can make one again "

When Tuyao and Taiwei were about to say something, they were interrupted by the strong fight that had started between both clans. After having calmed them down, they quickly began the meeting, to agree on what would be the coexistence of both clans.

One of the things that they managed to agree on is that the vampires would hunt outside the werewolves 'territory and that they would take advantage of the vampires' moment of weakness to attack them.

They also agreed that, if they saw each other, they would pretend they did not know each other, and each one would take different paths, without interfering in the other's life.

If by chance they were at the same party or meeting, they would not be taken into account; far from it, they would look for each other to fight, because from that moment on, they would be two perfect strangers.

"If our children are born, we will not find ways to kill our young, because that would be the beginning of revenge and without end. We would simply pretend that this kind of news did not affect us or matter to us at all," said Lord Ruthven, making the points of the agreement clear.

"I also agree with that and the other points. From now on, we would be two strange clans who were never the best of friends," said Farkaskoldus, backing up what Lord Ruthven just said.

"So do we agree with this and the other points?" asked Lestat de Lioncourt.

"We agree on all points, including respecting the lives of our children, nephews, and grandchildren, who are the most important to us, and we know that for you as well," said Sköll.

"Finally, it is strictly forbidden that the children of vampires fall in love with our children and that our children fall in love with the children of vampires," said Adalwolf.

"We agree on absolutely every point. Now we are leaving before we start killing each other and bye-bye," said Nighthammer.

"Okay," Ghuilermere said.

And so, each clan went their own way.