
Fake Friends for Future

Author: Ajengkelin
Romansa Kontemporer
Completed · 93.1K Views
  • 232 Chs
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  • NO.139

What is Fake Friends for Future

Read ‘Fake Friends for Future’ Online for Free, written by the author Ajengkelin, This book is a Romansa Kontemporer Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, R18 Light Novel, TEEN Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Setelah bersahabat 3 tahun lamanya, Rea mengaku kalau ia jatuh cinta pada Al, sejak awal menatapnya di rooftop kampus. P...


Setelah bersahabat 3 tahun lamanya, Rea mengaku kalau ia jatuh cinta pada Al, sejak awal menatapnya di rooftop kampus. Pada dasarnya, pasangan sahabat jadi cinta sudah menjadi hal yang sangat lumrah. Tapi, apakah Al bisa menerima Rea? Sementara selama ini, Al kerap berpaling hati dari satu wanita, ke wanita yang lainnya. Sebuah cerita sahabat jadi cinta, yang tidak semulus seperti dalam cerita novel, sinetron, maupun film layar lebar. Inilah, cerita sahabat jadi cinta yang sesungguhnya .... Selamat menikmati karya terbaru saya ^.^ Salam hangat, dari Between Him and Us

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Love through Photograph

It all started by one click of the camera. That seems to be in ever click, worth a thousand memories burned in Mizuko's soul. 2 cousins, the queen of models, Yuki and Mizuko were apart and was once reunited. Spending their reunion in a night full of stars and smell of ocean. The sea was supposed to be cold yet they felt warm and within their mind, they thought, "Sisters rather than cousins". But they were wrong, that wasn't a reunion but instead and a goodbye, a one final moment that will soon to be a memory. A sad one. Separated by the anger of the nature, drowned by the salt water. Frightening, the death was chasing them. But them isn't the right term, her. Yes the farewell was from Yuki, asking to capture her final shot. The story that started with a click and also ended with a click. And days after, a news came out that caused an uproar to the entire world. Sadness to the billions of supporters while happiness to the wicked. No one knows what happened except for a certain person. They tried their best to locate Yuki Takamura, the supermodel who was titled as the queen, but failed. There was no clue until years passed by, accepting is their only choice. Haunted by those memories. She hide it not because she was afraid that the police will imprisoned her but because once that topic pops out. No words will come out from her mouth. But what if that hidden secret or rather truth will be discovered by someone? Will that someone become her end or that someone will become her only one? And once more, another story started by a click.

Bangbeng · Teen
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1 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2 :Vol 2
Volume 3 :Vol 3


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Ceritanya benar-benar menarik. Salut sama karya Author yang selalu berkualitas dan mempunyai alur berbeda. Penulisan dan pembawaannya benar-benar sukses bikin aku hanyut. Semangat up nya ya Author! Aku gk sabar baca bab selanjutnya. Novel yang recommended banget pokoknya🌹❤


Mantaaap deh karya kedua di webnovel. Berhubung aku bacanya pas lagi laper, jadinya aku cuman bisa bilang kalau tulisannya bagus. Semangat updatenya. To the top! [img=recommend]


Request untuk segera di lanjut babnya.. jangan di gantung di prolog saya 🙄🙄🙄 nyahhhhhhh... Sehari 2 bab okelah. 😁😁 Terguncang baru baca prolognya aja... Merasa de javu.. tapi aku senang.. jangan sering2 nangisnya Rea ya thor.. kasian nanti makin sipit matanya..


Menurut aku, penulisannya mudah dipahami jadi enak bacanya. Penggambaran suasana cukup jelas, penggambaran karakter dan pengembangan ceritanya juga sudah bagus.. Mantap kak, lanjut terus berkarya.. aahhh divisi musik ya, jdi ingat masa-masa itu lagi..


Cerita yang amat manarik, unik dan juga bagus. Nampaknya pengalam pribadi sih... tapi suar aku suka ka ajeng. Semangat terus ka upnya Pembaca setia mu pasti menungu-nunggu bab selanjutnya termasuk aku


Ceritanya bagus, Kak. Tata bahasa dan kepenulisannya oke. Apakah ini berhubungan dengab dunia musik? Baiklah, mari kita lihat di part berikutnya. Semangat next chapternya, Akak... [img=recommend][img=recommend]


Ini ceritanya keren, baca bab 1 udah berasa aja, lanjut thor, up yang banyak dong... Suka deh sama tokoh-tokoh yang ditulis sama otornya, masuk rak buku langsung


semakin greget aja deh... gk nyangka bakal keren gini ceritanya. lain daripada yg lain.. semangat ya thor.. sumpah keren abis. gk bosen2 bacanya.. malah nahih[img=update]


Selamat menikmati karya saya yang kesekian ❤️❤️❤️ Terima kasih atas antusias dan kemurahan hati teman-teman untuk membaca novel F4 saya 😍 Love you All 😘


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