
Fairy world: The untold truth

Searching why she felt different than the other fairies around her, a teenage fairy finds herself in an awkward situation of life and death, when all the truth about her past slowly unravels by the entrance of an unexpected guest.

Abeeha_Aslam · Fantasy
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13 Chs

CHAPTER 13: The Final Chapter

"He is gone. He is dead.", she whispered.

"Oh my god! He is dead.", she said again. Relief and happiness ran through her mind. Now, her family and her friends were safe and sound.

Abby sighed and chuckled. She walked past Richard and flew to the front gate.

"Hey, you! What are you doing out here?", said the guard as he raised his gun. Abby chuckled and started flying towards them.

"Stop right there or else we will shoot.", said the guard. Now all of the humans had their guns pointed straight at Abby. But Abby did not hesitate once, she continued to fly closer and closer until one point, she stopped.

The guards clicked their guns but the bullets didn't fire.

"What the ....", said one of the guards.

"Now it is my turn.", said Abby. She flung the wand in the air and zapped the guards. A powerful bolt of lightning sprinted out of the wand and on the guards. The wand blew the guards across the wall and into the forest.

"Wow, that is so cool.", she said.

Abby made her way through the gates and forced them wide open.

"Everyone come on! Let's go.", screamed Abby. Robbin and David grabbed Buster and took him out of the base to a safer location. They left Helena in charge of him and ran back inside to get the rest of them out.

"Come on, come on, hurry!", shouted Vivian. Joe was helping in getting the fairies out. Miss Megan assisted Vivian and Joe,

"Move on, hurry hurry!", said Joe. Miss Swan was at the back trying to make sure that every fairy left the base.

They succeeded in getting almost all of the fairies out of the base. Just a few of them left were.

"We did it!", shouted Dory as she came running through the crowd.

"Come on that is the last batch, let's go before Richard comes back.", said Dory. Abby looked and Dory and said,

"He won't.". Dory was confused and asked,

"Why? What happened?". Abby put a big smile on her face and chuckled,

"I killed him (she laughed) In the hallway. He is gone, Dory. We are all safe again.", she replied. Dory gasped in happiness and smiled. She was relieved to hear something good after such a long time. Vivian grabbed Abby and said,

Are you alright? My peach. Are you hurt?", said Vivian.

"I am fine.", said Abby pushing Vivian away.

"So, are you not going to call me Mom anymore? Is this what you are going to do?", questioned Vivian. Joe came running towards Abby and Vivian,

"We have to go come on!", he said. Vivian got up from the ground and left with Joe.

"Come on Abby let's go.", said Joe.

"I will come with grandpa.", she replied.

Abby waited for grandpa and the crew to be free. They were still helping the injured fairies out.

"Well, you did an incredible job, girl. Wasn't expecting you to be this good.". Abby giggled and replied,

"I proved you wrong didn't I.". A sparkle of proudness was shining bright in grandpas' eyes. He was so happy to see Abby strong and smiling.

"Shall we go now?", said Abby.

"Yeah.... Let's get the hell out of this place.". replied Grandpa.

The fairies marched out of the base and into the woods. The entire forest was crawling with wounded fairies, they were trying to heal themselves with magic dust. Abby was sitting on the grass when Miss Swan approached her,

"Hey.", she said. Abby smirked and said, "Hello.". Miss Swan sat down beside Abby and looked at her,

"So, you killed Richard. huh?", she asked.

"Yeah, he is very strong.", she replied. Miss Swan and Abby stayed silent for a few minutes. Miss Swan was trying to talk to Abby about what happened before in the cells.

"So…. you heard everything?", she asked. Abby nodded, faced her, and said,

"All these years you taught me; not once did you mention that you were my sister! My sister..... I thought I was the only one for all these years.", said Abby. "And you... you were the one haunting me. Scaring me?", she added.

"I wasn't trying to scare you, I was trying to tell you the truth.", she defended.

"There was no telling the truth if I was dead.", replied Abby. Miss Swan chuckled and nodded. She held Abby's hand and said,

"I am sorry. I am sorry I didn't tell you that before.", she said

"It is okay. But..... I don't forgive you for the bathroom. What kind of an idiot locks the door and creaks the other doors open?", said Abby. Miss Swan grinned and said,

"That was not supposed to happen the way it did.". She laughed and brushed it off. Abby had tons of questions running through her mind right now. She did find out that Miss Swan was her sister but couldn't figure out what her wings had to do with everything. She decided not to question her about it. Abby hugged Miss Swan and said,

"Do you mind if I call you Swan..... or Nora?", asked Abby.

Miss Swan laughed and said, "Swan will be perfect.".

Abby got up from the ground and walked towards Vivian. Vivian was helping around and healing the other fairies. Abby approached her and was about to tap her shoulder when she pulled her hand back and walked away.

A little further away stood grandpa with his crew.

"Here she comes.", said Robbin, "The real hero of the day. Can I just say... Thank you..... For everything.". The crew cheered and hooted for Abby.

"Now that we are out of here, I will get you anything you want. You name it, and I will get it for you.", joked Buster. They were all talking for a while when David said,

"Where is Bela.". Abby's head turned to face the ground. She didn't know how to tell the others about her betrayal.

"She went looking for you right?", said Helena as she pointed at Abby. Abby looked at them and said,

"Bela..... Bela was working for Richard.....All these years she was with you, she was trying to find the wing key for Richard so she could exchange it for her freedom.". The crew was confused. For the past several years not once did they find anything suspicious about Bela.

"How do you know all of that?", asked Buster.

"She attacked me when I showed her the key. I had no other option but to.....", paused Abby. grandpa walked over to her and hugged Abby saying, "It is okay. It is fine. It is not your fault.". Abby was sobbing and crying because now that she reflected upon the past, she found herself killing many people. She was not strong enough to shoulder the deaths of these many. The crew consoled and cheered her up. Grandpa wiped away her tears and called out Dory.

"Shall we go now?", said Dory. She placed her hand across Abby's shoulder and skipped away. Vivian was standing in the corner staring at Abby. Abby excused Dory and walked over to Vivian.

"Hey, mom. How are you doing?", asked Abby nervously. Vivian got up and said,

"I am.... so so proud of you Abby.", said Vivian as she pulled Abby in her arms. "I know I have not been the most loyal mom, but I did what I did to protect you. I didn't want to hurt you like that.", she sobbed. Abby took her hands and went for a walk in the jungle.

"I know you must be confused at this point.", said Vivian.

"O I have never seen things clearer.", replied Abby seriously.

"There are.... a few things you still don't know, Abby.", replied Vivian.

"Then TELL ME! Why are you hiding things from me now huh? Why? Face the truth, you are not trying to protect me, you are trying to protect yourself! You, dad, grandpa..... you keep lying to me!", screamed Abby.

Vivian looked down in shame and didn't utter a single word for a while. Abby sniffed and nodded her head,

"I knew it. I knew it. You were just making up excuses to hide your hideous face. You didn't have the courage to tell me anything because you thought I would break!", Abby paused for a little while and continued with tears pouring down, "You abducted me!... Abducted. Do you have any idea what the fairies you stole me from be going through... what my PARENTS would have gone through? No!... You did what made you calm and didn't care about anyone else.". Abby broke into tears after saying all this to Vivian. She was let down by Vivian's and Joe's actions, Vivian was trying so hard not to cry in front of Abby. She squeezed her hand and stopped her,

"I know what I did was wrong... I realize that now.", she said in a breaking voice, "When I lost my daughter, the one I replaced you with..... I was... I was... devastated. I didn't know how to react or what to do and, I blamed Nora for it. I didn't treat her like my own. I slapped her and locked her. I starved her threw her out of my house. I was angry.", she said.

"What did Miss Swan do that made you dislike her so much?", questioned Abby.

"Nora..... Nora was away with a few friends in the woods. There was a party, a school party. She was going into college next autumn and wanted to hang out with her friends (sniffs) on the last high school days. When the party was over, all her friends came back home except for her. I called her multiple times but, she wouldn't respond..... Your father and I went out to look for her. We called all of her friends and all of them said that the party was over (inhaled and exhaled). I .... panicked and thought she might be lost in the woods all alone. I picked Abby up.... the one before and headed out to find her..... We were... we were on the main road when someone walked on the street. The car was going at high speed. When Joe spotted a fairy, he rotated the car wheels and crashed into the trees nearby.... We couldn't feel or hear anything. I saw Abby in my hands..... she was... she was..... asleep. All covered in blood. A piece of glass.... from the windshield got into her (she sobbed) and killed her on spot. I couldn't save her in time. ", cried Vivian. "Then I saw Nora flying towards the car and taking out Joe and I from the car..... She held Abby in her hands and started sobbing. I got up and snatched her away from Nora's hand. I don't know why but I started shouting at her, screaming on top of my voice.... I began to blame her.".

"You realized what you did was wrong..... blaming her?", said Abby

"Yeah (sniffed) but, I wanted..... I wanted to find peace because... I was already grieving and taking responsibility for her death, which would have eaten me up. So..... I blamed her. It made..... I felt..... relaxed.", said Vivian.

"What about dad? Did he blame her too?", asked Abby.

"I made him blame her. She was his daughter.... he loved her. I wanted him to stay away from her.", said Vivian. Abby looked at Vivian in confusion and asked,

"What do you mean by his daughter? Wasn't she yours too?".

Vivian sighed and replied by saying,

"Joe was married before..... her mane was Liz... Nora was Liz's daughter. When Nora was 7, there was a fire in the house that burnt their home down. Joe managed to get Nora out but was too late to get Liz.... She died in the fire... From then on... I married Joe and raised Nora.".

"Did you know Liz?", said Abby. After a long pause, she replied,

"Liz... was my sister.". Abby was shocked to hear this. She never realized how twisted and weird her family was. Her grandpa had never talked about it nor did Vivian and Joe. The entire life she was living in was a huge bubble of a lies.

"How come I never knew about all this?", thought Abby in her head.

"I know... I know. You must be thinking how crazy we are. There were... a lot of problems before. A few people said that the fire was accidental and, some say it was on purpose..... No one knows for sure though.", said Vivian.

Abby was lost in Vivian's story. She never thought the truth could be so... twisted and weirdly connected.

"Your sister left Miss Swan for your care, and that is what you did to her. You attempted to kill her?", said Abby.

Vivian bent her head down in shame. Now that everything was unraveling in front of her, she could see how selfish she had been.

"What I know for sure is that she wouldn't be proud of what I did.", cried Vivian. Abby tried to comfort her and help her understand.

"But.... why did you take Miss Swan's wings? what spells were you doing on me?", asked Abby.

"You were.....", paused Vivian when a large winged creature stomped on the ground. Abby and Vivian turned around to see Richard standing behind them.

"How.... That is not possible.", said Abby shockingly.

"Yes, it is. I am RICHARD, YOU CAN'T KILL ME!", he screamed.

Abby gasped as she took out the wand from her pocket. Richard flew directly at Abby, pounding her on the floor, and said,

"Not this time", Abby was locked in the clutches of his nails, struggling to breathe.

"GET OFF OF MY DAUGHTER!", screeched Vivian as she tried to use her powers to push him away. Richard whacked her and knocked her unconscious.

"MOM! she screamed. Vivian passed out. They walked away too far from the rest of the group. Richard took the wand and opened a portal using it.

"Your journey ends here BRAT! He grabbed Abby and forced her down the portal. Abby used all of her strength to repel Richard but he was too strong.

"You have caused me enough trouble now, little girl. Now go rot in hell!", he laughed.

Half of Abby's body was in the portal, she was resisting as much she could but it was not enough. The other side of the portal felt like space. No gravity, no land, no air, just darkness.

"Goodbye..... chump!", Chuckled Richard, "There is no one to save you now.".

Just then Vivian got up with a stick in her hand. She hit Richard in the back of her head hard enough to loosen his grip on Abby. Abby fell from his hand and to the ground. Richard showed a few signs of weakness, just then Vivian used all of her powers to drive Richard down the portal.

"No one hurts my daughter, prick!", she smacked Richard and threw him down the hole.

Screams of Richard filled the entire atmosphere.

"Come here, my baby! Are you okay?", said Vivian worriedly. just as Abby was about to get up and run towards Vivian, Richard's hands emerged from the portal and grabbed her leg.

Abby screamed at the top of her lungs.

"SAVE ME!", she shrieked.

Dory was sitting with her parents and her sister when she heard Abby scream. She got up and quickly flew towards her.

"ABBY!", she screamed. Dory's parents and Joe flew towards her. Grandpa, who was walking with his crew also heard her. He barged at her in concern.

However, none of them made it in time to save her. Vivian was trying to pull Abby from his hands but was unsuccessful in doing so. Vivian slipped and fell to the ground while Abby fell in the portal with Richard.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!", shrieked Vivian.

Joe grabbed Viviana as she continued to sob and scream. Dory was crying her eyes out.

Abby was gone and so was the wand. There was no hope left in saving her. The last wand left that could open the portal, was now gone for good.

The forest echoed with the cries of Abby's family and Dory, calling out Abby's name.

The thought of Abby alone with that monster was eating everyone up from the inside. They were not sure of what was going to happen next. Will Abby return home safe and sound? they didn't know. All they knew was that Abby was stuck in hell with the devil himself.