
Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

Ben Cooper was an elite soldier, but a tragedy change his life. That tragedy lead to his death, but it isn't the end for him. He get a new life in a new world, and he won't waste it, he will enjoy it in his own way. He is born in Earthland, World of the fantasy manga/anime Fairy Tail, world of magic. Given the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic by the one who give him this new life. So, he is basically a Sun Eater with his Dragon Slayer ability. ______________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own FT and it's character English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. ________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead of this story. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain My fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

69. Yeti is Beef?

Ben has defeated the Yetis and now he is panting hard. He has used a lot of MP for that last attack. The 6th Hell is a new spell that needs almost half of his full MP. That's why it is very strong, but also can be used once in every battle.

"I was lucky to be able to fight these guys in here. If I keep fighting in the summit, then I don't know how long it will take to defeat them.

Ben looks up to the sky and starts to eat the sunlight. He restore some MP that he lost in his battle with the Yetis. He eats the sunlight until he has 3/4 of his full MP. He will let the remaining MP restore naturally.

Ben then checks on the dead Yetis that he has defeated. All 17 of them don't have any injury outside. But all of them were cooked inside because of Ben's attacks' heat.

Bella comes out from the car and flies to Ben's head. He rubs her head and asks her to take their dismantling tools. Bella nod and return to the car to take the tools from the car's trunk.

Ben then starts to dismantle the Yetis to take their skin & fur. The Yetis' meat has really been cooked and they're still steaming. Ben sniffs it and it smells really good. He gets curious and takes a piece of meat then he eats it.

"Hmm?! It's good. It's not so delicious, but it's good. Hey Bella, try this," Ben gives Bella a piece of Yeti's meat and she eats it.

"Wow! Good, like beef," says Bella happily.

"Right? I never know Yetis meats are good," says Ben.

Ben decides to take the meat back to their village too. But there are too many of them, so he just takes as much as his car's trunk can hold.

Surprisingly, the car's trunk can store all the meat because Ben doesn't take the inside organ at all. He will leave the organs here for wild creatures.

"Waste," says Bella so suddenly.

"What is it?" asks Ben.

"Bones," says Bella while pointing at the Yetis' bones.

"You want to take the bones too?" asks Ben while raising an eyebrow.

Bella nod and make Ben sigh. He finally takes the bones too and puts them in a big bag. Ben tied the bones on top of their car and Bella is satisfied. They only left the inside organs there.

Ben & Bella then go to the summit again because Bella wants to play. She gets very happy and plays a lot with Ben using the snow. They play for 3 hours before deciding to return home. The sky has started to get dark, after all.

Ben & Bella arrive in the village at midnight. Bella has slept on their way home and Ben is tired too. So he decides to sleep and report for the job tomorrow. He leaves the loots to the night guards.

The next day, Ben goes to the Guild Hall to report his job. He says everything to Roubaul and it surprised the old man. Roubaul didn't know that there are more than one Yeti there.

"It's good that you fought them in the mountain foot. It could be different if you fought them on the summit," says Roubaul.

"Yeah, the avalanche turns from a disaster into luck," says Ben while nodding.

"But still, what made you have the thought to try the Yetis' meat? If I was you, then I won't even try a lick of that meat," asks Roubaul with a disgusted expression.

"They just smell good, so I couldn't help it. Besides, I was very curious because I never tried it. We'll never know something unless we try it ourselves," replies Ben truthfully.

"That's true, but weren't you creeped out by the fact that Yeti looks like a human?" asks Roubaul.

"What? They don't look like humans, they have white fur and can't talk like us. What are you talking about?" asks Ben while looking at Roubaul strangely.

Roubaul gets speechless then sighs, "You are very unique, Ben-boy."

Ben raised an eyebrow in confusion. Yeti looks more like an ape to him. In his days in the military, Ben was trained to eat anything. He has eaten monkeys & apes when he was in a jungle with his unit.

That's why Roubaul's statement is strange for him, but he brushes it off. Ben then leaves the Guild Building to meet with the girls. Bella has played with them now, so he will just go there and accompany them.

The next day, Ben goes to the town with the girls. They will sell some of Yetis' skin, fur, & bones. The bones surprisingly have value after Roubaul checked them. They can be used to make magic items and luckily Bella asked Ben to take them back.

Roubaul even says that all parts of high-ranked monsters are valuables. So if Ben defeats another high-ranked monster, he needs to take everything back.

That's why now he regrets the fact that he left the inside organs which can be used to make medicines. The inside organs must have a high price if they have medicinal value.

They sold all the items to their usual merchant, Bakul, who buy & sell magic items & materials. Roubaul was the one who told Ben to sell all his loot to this guy after the old man asked his mysterious friends that Ben had never seen until now.

Bakul has always given them good prices so far. So Ben will still sell his loots to this guy. It's hard to find a merchant that is willing to give such prices, after all. Other merchants will try to haggle the prices a lot, but Bakul always buys from Ben at reasonable prices.

"You're an S-Class mage now? Damn, aren't you 13 this year?" asks Bakul with a surprised tone.

"Hehe, I've worked really hard, after all," says Ben shyly while scratching his head.

"I'm sure you have. But well, the standard for S-Class in each guild is different. An S-Class in a guild might be weaker from another guild," says Bakul.

"What are you implying by that?" asks Ben angrily.

Bakul flinches and quickly says, "Ah, I don't imply anything bad by that. I'm just saying the issue of S-Class mage's standard in Guilds."

Ben gets silent for a moment before saying, "Certainly, the standard for each Guild is different. But the standard for S-Class jobs is the same. S-Class mages are people who can take the S-Class jobs. So unless Guilds want to sacrifice their strongest members, then they shouldn't promote them to S-Class."

Ben is right, S-Class mages need to be able to clear S-Class jobs by themselves. They can have a team, but they also need to be able to do it alone.

The standard for an S-Class mage should be their ability to finish an S-Class job or defeat an S-Class creature. But each guild has its standard and some are lower than the others.

Guilds with lower S-Class standards will just put their best mages in danger. They want to raise their Guild's prestige by having more S-Class mages. But if their S-Class mages are weak, then they won't be able to finish their jobs and reduce the Guild's prestige.

Cait Shelter's standard is quite high because Roubaul doesn't want Ben to die on duty. The Etherious that he fought on the S-Class exam could be categorized as a mid-level S-Class monster. That's why if Ben couldn't defeat it, he won't pass.

"How many Yetis that you defeated?" ask Bakul.

"17, but I just sold 10 to you because we need the other 7 as materials," replies Ben.

"17?! Even if these Yetis are low-level S-Class monsters, but to defeat 17 of them means that you're strong for an S-Class," says Bakul with a surprised expression.

"Gramps said I still have a long way to go. I can take mid-level S-Class jobs at most currently. There are still high-leveled ones, or even SS-Class, 10 Years Job, and even 100 Years Job. I won't survive if I take those jobs now," says Ben.

"Well, you need to take it one step at a time. Only a few S-Class mages are eligible to even take SS-Class jobs," says Bakul while giving the payment to Ben.

Ben thanks Bakul and then leave with the girls. They want to have a vacation on Akane Beach today. They have never gone to a beach since 3 years ago, so they want to see it. Vacation is important, after all.


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this each novel. It will help me to buy internet data too.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 99 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 110 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

You can also become a character in the fanfic if you want.


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