
Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

Ben Cooper was an elite soldier, but a tragedy change his life. That tragedy lead to his death, but it isn't the end for him. He get a new life in a new world, and he won't waste it, he will enjoy it in his own way. He is born in Earthland, World of the fantasy manga/anime Fairy Tail, world of magic. Given the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic by the one who give him this new life. So, he is basically a Sun Eater with his Dragon Slayer ability. ______________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own FT and it's character English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. ________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead of this story. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain My fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

107. Processing The Demon

"What the hell are you talking about?" asks Ben to AI Chip with a dark face.

[The Sun Demon has the power of Sun like your Sun Dragon Slayer Magic. If you consume it, you will get Sun Devil Slayer Magic. It will boost your power and possibly also help you with your Dragon Seed Problem.]

Ben still has a dark expression and he says, "That's not the problem here. How can you expect me to eat this corpse? Even if he's not a human, but he looks like a human. Heck, even if he looks like a demon, I still won't eat him. No way, no way, no way! Just imagining it has made me nauseous."

[Please think about it carefully. This is not the problem of wanting to eat it or not. It's about your future in long term. All these people came here for the purpose to get the Sun Devil Slayer Magic. If you don't take this chance, then someone else will take it.]

"But," says Ben before AI Chip cut him off.

[No but! The previous golden fire has raised your power a lot. Your MP also increased a lot because of it. Imagine what you'll get after you become a Sun Devil Slayer.]

AI Chip shows Ben's stats that raised after Escanor's golden fire fused to him.

[Name: Ben Cooper

Epithet: Karna (The Sun's Child)

Real Age: 15

Body Age: 15 (halted)

Status: Alive

MP: 200,310/200,310

STR: 230 (halted)

AGI: 230 (halted)

STA: 230 (halted)

INT: 267]

His MP raised 30,000 points just because of that golden fire. That is a year worth of his usual training result that he get in an instant. It is like he finally gets Escanor's blessing like the other Dragon Slayers.

"Ugh! D-Do I really need to eat him? Even if I was trained to eat many disgusting things in the past as a soldier, but I never ever thought of eating a humanoid like this. I feel like I'll turn into a monster if I eat him," says Ben with a disgusted expression.

[Really? You've eaten Yetis, humanoid creatures and you said you can't eat this demon?]

"T-They're different. Those Yetis looks like apes rather than human, but look at this dude! He looks exactly like a human," says Ben in protest.

[Don't fret over a small matter like that. BE A MAN AND JUST DO IT, SOLDIER!]


Ben starts to have arguments with AI Chip about eating Midas' corpse. It sure will be very beneficial for him to gain Sun Devil Slayer Magic. But his humanity just doesn't give him the heart to eat a human-like figure like this.

[Sigh, then how if you turn him into a lacrima crystal? You can plant the lacrima in your body later to gain the Sun Devil Slayer Magic.]

"Hmm, it will need some processing, but it's much better and more humane. Why don't you say it from the beginning?" asks Ben with a pissed tone.

[It won't be fun that way.]

Ben gets a tickmark and punches AI Chip's screen, but it's useless. He sighs and leaves the problem.

"AI Chip, find the procedure to turn the corpse into a lacrima crystal," says Ben.


AI Chip searches the procedure to turn the corpse into a lacrima crystal in the database. AI Chip transfers the procedures to Ben after she finds it. The transfer runs fast and now Ben understands it fully.

Demon is a magical creature like Dragons. So even after their death, their magic power will remain in their bodies. Ben needs to compress that magic power and solidify it to become a crystal.

To do that, he needs a specific magic letters formation. Luckily, he has learned it in the past and saved the formation in AI Chip's database. He learned it from Roubaul when the old man taught him about many kinds of magic letters formations.

Ben immediately makes the formation of the magic letters near the coffin. He just needs to follow AI Chip's guidance, so he can avoid making mistakes. The formation is very complicated and Ben is sure he can't make it without AI Chip's help.

He finished the formation after 3 hours because he need to be very careful and precise with everything. This formation also needs a lot of MP to be made. Ben has spent half of his full MP just to build this formation.

"Damn, if I made even a few mistakes, then I might need almost all of my MP. Such a troublesome but awesome formation. This better work or I will destroy this forest," says Ben while lying on the ground tiredly.

He rests for 10 minutes while munching the sunlight to replenish his energy. After resting, Ben takes Midas' corpse and puts it in the middle of the formation. Then he goes out from the formation before slamming his right hand on the formation and flows his MP to it.

The formation glows white and Ben chants its name, "White Art! Runes of Power: Compression!"

The formation glows brighter and the light shoots up to the sky. It stops at 100 meters in height and a big white magic circle appears on top of it. The magic circle spins counterclockwise and then it starts to absorb the surrounding Ethernano to supply the formation's power.

Now Ben just needs to wait for the process to finish. He doesn't know how long it will take because of Midas' strength when he was still alive. Higher power will need more time to be compressed into lacrima crystal.

"Hmm, the formation absorbs Ethernano from the surroundings. There's a lot of Ethernano here, so I don't need to worry. The problem is time. I hope it won't take too long because waiting is boring," says Ben.

Ben decides to train his magic while waiting for the process to finish. He wants to test if all his magic gets boosted after he absorbed the golden fire. It's very surprising to him because that is the case.

The golden fire is the Sun's power itself, so it has all Sun's elements in it. Fire, Light, Heat, Plasma, and Gravity. All of those elements get strengthened a lot now.

But there is a problem, the sudden rise in power makes Ben's control over his magic reduced. He needs to get used to this power-up first before he can optimize his magic usage.

"Sigh, I hope the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic won't create the same problem. It will take a longer time to adapt if it creates the same problem," says Ben while playing with his magic to get used to the power-up.

It takes a full day for the formation to finish its work. Ben also has trained his control to an acceptable grade now because he has a lot of time to train. He doesn't have anything to do, so he just trains, sleep, and eats.

"Sigh, finally. This guy must be very strong to make the formation work for a full day just to compress his power," says Ben.

Ben approaches the result of the formation of the magic letters. It is a round glowing golden lacrima with some red patches scattered on it. The lacrima looks like a miniature sun and it's also hot, but that's not a problem for Ben.

"How do I use it?" asks Ben to AI Chip.

[Put it on your chest and use Seal Magic to seal it in your body. But you can only use Seal Magic that attaches the lacrima to your body. You can't use a Seal Magic that will seal its power.]

"Do we have such magic in the database?" asks Ben.


"Then what's the use of that long explanation?" asks Ben with a pissed tone.

[So you can search for such Seal Magic.]

Ben sighs and looks at the lacrima crystal with a disappointed look. He can't use it even though it is in his hands now.

"Sigh, such a waste. It smells really good though," says Ben while sniffing the lacrima crystal.

Suddenly, Ben's hands move on their own following his body's instinct. He brings the lacrima crystal closer to his mouth and he takes a bite of it. He starts to devour the lacrima crystal unconsciously because he just follows his instinct.

When Ben comes to his sense, the lacrima crystal has entered his stomach. He is stunned and can't believe what he just did. It makes him want to scream, but he can't because he suddenly faints.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 137 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 148 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)